- POSTED 2013/01/01
還記得去年在英國東倫敦的一陣創意喧囂嗎?NOISE,一場跳脫傳統束縛的非主流髮型秀,將世界知名美髮大師及團隊集聚一同大玩前衛自我的創意,一切非關舞台、非關設備、非關收入,首次發表即在圈內造成一陣騷動!延續去年的盛況,今年Saco全球創意總監Richard Ashforth再次出招,招喚Tim Hartley、Peter Gray、Tyler Johnston、X-Presion、Mod Salon Roma等國際級指標美髮人一同共襄盛舉,再次讓東倫敦寂靜的夜晚High翻天。
NOISE依然保密到家,在活動前的一個禮拜才開始在官方fb上陸續透露表演嘉賓,並於表演當天最後一秒才讓大夥兒知道場地所在,一路跟著喧囂聲找線索找地點,將NOISE神祕的氣勢炒到最高、再創更不一樣的盛大場面,現場除了巨頭雲集,更融入了創意影像、音樂及精湛的街頭舞蹈,讓位於東倫敦的一家小酒吧90 Mainyard在這一夜充滿了無限的創意喧囂。
由Saco全球創意總監Richard Ashforth一手策畫的獨立美髮創意秀,NOISE將世界各地美髮大師集聚於充滿獨立藝術氣息的東倫敦,大展身手,像是近期頻頻登上大舞台、來自西班牙的X-Presion此次大玩縫紉髮藝,以富有粗糙感的玉米鬚作為髮型的基底,並使用色彩鮮艷的針線為造型做出亮眼焦點;來自羅馬的Mod Salon Roma則是將美髮藝術結合浪漫搖滾,帶來了一場富有宗教神秘感表演;以影片重現Tyler Johnston於世界各地從事外景工作的畫面,Tyler在現場以快速熟練的技法創造出三款色彩繽紛的帥氣短髮造型;受到萬眾期待的一代宗師Tim Hartley,以精湛的刀工及接髮技術在現場創造出四款具有結構性的完美髮型,讓現場所有觀眾再次驚呼太精彩了;緊接著Saco全球創意總監Richard Ashforth親自上陣,大玩前衛創意,光以一款造型就讓全場觀眾目不轉睛。
實在巧合,此次作為壓軸的國際級大師Peter Grey同樣邀來與Tyker Ho合作參與Visionary Award的駐英台籍化妝師Ariel Yeh操刀3位模特兒的彩妝,先前已有多次合作經驗的兩人默契十足,以九0年代嘻哈文化作為主題,將表演與現代潮流活動結合,精彩重現嘻哈文化鼎盛時期較為叛逆、反社會的經典元素,現場濃煙四起充滿了神秘的氣氛及元素,編髮、金鍊子、鐵面罩,甚至到音樂全都相當到味,帶給現場觀眾全方面的感官體驗,不到下一秒你不會知道還有什麼驚喜會發生。
After the phenomenal success of last year’s award-winning event, Richard Ashforth of Saco decided to bring back NOISE for an even bigger, better and louder show this year!
Kicking off with a bang on the evening of Saturday 12th October in a trendy studio, 90 Mainyard, Hackney Wick, NOISE kept everyone guessing right up until the last minute. Clues about who was appearing and where it would take place were steadily revealed over the course of a few weeks via the NOISE Facebook page before the final details were revealed just hours before, giving the event a spontaneous flash mob feel.
Amongst the buzz of video projections, live music performances and contortionist street dancing, global icons from the hairdressing industry took to the stage to cut and style hair including XPresion, Mod Salons Roma, Tyler Johnston, Tim Hartley and Richard Ashforth of Saco. Then, just when the audience thought it was all over, Peter Gray and the PG Zoo stormed the stage with a dramatic finale that had everyone gripped right to the end.
‘The essence of NOISE was to share knowledge, passion and inspiration,’ said founder Richard Ashforth. ‘We wanted to come together to inject energy into the hairdressing world, push the industry forward and take hairdressing to a new level of creativity. This year we were also proud to help raise money for Centrepoint.’