- TEXT BY 周信潔
- POSTED 2014/01/01
AIPP AWARDS今年有來自世界34個國家、總計561件作品參賽,最終選出BEST COMMERCIAL最佳商業組、EST AVANT-GARDE最佳前衛造型組、BEST PHOTO最佳攝影組、BEST MEN最佳男士風格組與BEST VIDEO最佳影片組等五個組別、各十名入圍者。各組入圍者將於8月25日開始,透過AIPP組織旗下的全球72家專業美髮雜誌共同參與票選,決定出每一組他們最喜愛的作品,並於9月底公佈獲選名單,榮獲冠軍者將於倫敦授頒冠軍獎座。
今年度,台灣有兩組作品深受評審青睞入圍角逐AIPP2014-2015的冠軍。一是來自GOVIN髮藝的HAUS LEE李忠臣,以古典中國為設計靈感的系列作品入圍最佳商業組Best Commercial。
另一組則是台北東區沙龍è lan hair concept,以「闇 藝術」的虛擬與真實創造出另類文化的髮型創作系列,入圍最佳影片組Best Video。
AIPP AWARDS是AIPP於1997年創辦的美髮攝影大賽,其特色在於零商業色彩、無品牌包袱,堪稱國際上最純粹的髮藝技術創意交流舞台。其評審團是來自全球35個國家中的72家專業美髮雜誌成員所組成,完全公正、公開地進行評選,具有高度國際性和專業性,故有美髮界奧斯卡之稱。
各組獎項的優勝者將會於9月底公布,頒獎典禮則在10月12日與ALTERNATIVE HAIR SHOW一同在英國皇家歌劇院(Royal Albert Hall)舉辦。此外,五組選出的冠軍將於2015年初創作最新秋冬作品,再次進行評比,最後選出AIPP年度最終總冠軍(GRAND TROPHY)。
前一年度2013-2014的年度總冠軍由Christophe Gaillet、Angelo Seminara、Frank Apostolopoulos、Rustam Mirasov、Cyrill’ Hohl五組冠軍者重新創作、共同角逐,最後由法國的Christophe Gaillet奪下2013-2014 AIPP GRAND TROPHY大獎。
This year they've got an amazing participation record, having received 561 photo collections from 34 countries from all around the globe.Starting from Monday, August 25th, AIPP Member Magazines will have the opportunity to vote for their favorites and download high resolution pictures from our AIPP website, for editorial use exclusively.
The AIPP Awards is a hairdressing photographic and presentation contest organized by the AIPP. The event was established in 1997 with the objective of awarding an annual prize to the best Spring/Summer hair fashion collection chosen by a jury composed of publishers associated with AIPP. Today the AIPP assembles 72 magazines from 35 countries representing nearly all of the trade publications addressed to hairdressers throughout the world.
Winners will be announced by the end of September.
The AIPP AWARDS 2013-2014 CEREMONY will take place during the world's most renowned hairdressing event, the ALTERNATIVE HAIR SHOW 2014 @ the prestigious Royal Albert Hall, London (UK) on Sunday, October 12th, 2014.
Angelo Seminara /UK
Haus Lee /Taiwan
Jo Bellamy /Australia
Louise Vlaar (Pro-Solo) /Netherlands
Nicolas Christ /France
Philip Bell (Ishoka) /UK
Richard Ashforth (Saco Hair) /UK
Sharon Cox (Sanrizz) /UK
Tom Kroboth /Germany
Vivienne Mackinder /USA
Anne Veck /UK
Charlie Price /USA
Chie Sato (Toni&Guy) /UK
Christophe Gaillet /France
Desmond Murray /UK
Felicitas /Spain
Manuel Mon /Spain
Nadia Semanic /Australia
Petra Mechurová /Czech Republic
X-Presion /Spain
Backstage BCN /Spain
Christophe-Nicolas Biot /France
é Salon /Australia
Gandini /Italy
Jason Kearns /Canada
Ken Picton /UK
Noddy's on King /Australia
Richi Grisillo (Toni&Guy) /Australia
Tina Farey (Rush) /UK
X-Presion /Spain
Aiden Horwood (Heading Out) /Australia
D&J Ambrose /UK
GS Peluqueros /Spain
Kevin Luchmun (Toni&Guy) /UK
Makeover /Spain
Marco PM /Spain
Robert Stary /Czech Republic
Rustam Mirasov /Russia
Sal Misseri /USA
Uros Mikic /Australia
Candice Wyatt-Minter /South Africa
Cast /Australia
GS Peluqueros /Spain
Identity /Spain
Klaus Peter Ochs /Germany
Martin Emmenegger /Switzerland
Rizos /Spain
Sanrizz /UK
Wen Ke Yung /Taiwan
X-Presion /Spain