Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY 羅玲玲
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Alex Barron-Hough @ TIGI Bed Head Studio
  • POSTED 2014/12/01
2014 AHS「 平衡」創造經典
  • TEXT BY 羅玲玲
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Alex Barron-Hough @ TIGI Bed Head Studio
  • POSTED 2014/12/01

從容不迫、精采不間斷的表演,這正是一年一度在倫敦皇家歌劇院(Royal Albert Hall)盛大上演的Alternative Hair Show,今年,來自全球菁英美髮團隊20組人馬,無不卯足全勁演繹今年主題《Equilibrium平衡》,一場接續一場,目不暇給,只有親身參與其中者才能領會其中奧妙。





無論是內行人看門道或是外行人看熱鬧,總之,身為美髮人的你如果今年沒有參加,就請用心體會以下每一組團隊的精采畫面,另外,只要是美髮人,一輩子至少要到倫敦Alternative Hair Show朝聖一次,這是美髮人專屬的盛會,你,又怎麼能錯過呢?!

Sassoon – Sound and Vision

Classic geometric shapes with transient visuals created an urban, visually strong presentation.



Stevo – Cut & Colour Couture

Pastel tones contrasted strong, structural shapes to create a conceptual fashion element to the show, mixing high fashion elements and technical cutting.



Class – Good Bad Now

Inspired by three goddesses who had the power to control and weave the fate of others. A libra between positive and negative. Hair included a variety of classic shapes and underground colour palatte.



Anne Veck – Mystery And Wonder

Expanding and contracting shapes contrast with metallic gold and intense black to show strength and form.



Toni & Guy – Couture

A captivating and original display of intricate avant-garde styling, with couture hair at its most intricate and detailed.



Mahogany – Reveal

Dazzling in every way, this power-presentation showcased short bobs with pastel and cherry tones retaining classic looks and versatile styling.



Petra Mechurova – Animal Empire

The animal empire, seen through original avant-garde hairstyles, was an evocative show contrasting the similarity of the appearance of animals to the humans.



Kohsuke Visual Network – Pharaoh

Inspired by the Beauty of Ancient Egyptian Culture, whilst looking to the Hair Fashion of the near future. Expressed through a dynamic balanced feeling.



Gogen – Nodi (Knots)

Equilibrium was born from a mathematical study of the forms, starting from remains hypothesis, changing centres and vertexes and distorting the corners and sides of the form. Strong shape, using geometric techniques with distinct colour placement.



Ferhringer – X-Aequo

The transparency of imbalance rebalanced through 3d effects. Hair was created on masked heads following an energetic display.



Paul Mitchell, Robert & Angus

The critical balance between hair, art and fashion complemented this seamless choreographed display.



Saco – Look-A

Nordic toned and jet black hues presented



Bundy Bundy – Tableau Vivant / Living Image

Whilst towering avant garde shapes are presented a single model dominates the stage creating live hair styling herself, challenging the equilibrium of styling.



E Salon – Dream Time

Taking a step into fantasy and dreams, the presentation included both strong colour and avant garde work, reaching out to ying and yang of colour palatte.



Klaus Peter Ochs – Selfies

Pop culture focus on current trend of beauty by selfie, exhibitionist whilst engaging, strong colour and shape were always evident.



Dmitry Vinokurov – Untamed Geometry

Disconnected geometric styling created for this avant garde presentation, complete with floor length hair.



Laszlo Hajas – The Fashion is Everybody’s

Embracing generations and modern culture, the fashion is everybody’s brought together confidence in hair style and love of fashion.



Gerry Santoro – Armonia (Harmony)

Harmony between the opposites; darkness and light, good and bad, male and female. Subtle colour infused hair with precision cutting.



TIGI International Creative Team

Inspired by colour, music and modern culture, the presentation looked at the balance between hair and fashion.



Sanrizz – Punk Baroque

The clash of two cultures, the street rebellious punk era coupled with the baroque period. Over decorative, over ornamented in both fashion and hair, creating an equilibrium if you like, as they meet.





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