Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY Angel
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Salon International
  • POSTED 2014/10/01
2014 Salon International 精彩預告
  • TEXT BY Angel
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Salon International
  • POSTED 2014/10/01

Take place in the Salon Live theatre, located in the Capital Suite at ExCeL, London. With so much to see and do at Salon International, visitors are spoilt for choice. From salon assistants eager for knowledge to salon stylists looking for inspiration, and managers keen to source the next big thing in hairdressing, Salon International has something for everyone. Three days packed full of inspiration, motivation and education along with the latest product developments.


今年,最令美髮人引頸期盼的Salon Live邀請到沙宣學院、TONI&GUY、TIGI INSPIRATIONAL YOUTH和盤髮大師PATRICK CAMERON,現場展示他們最新的趨勢作品並分享創作靈感,讓觀眾有幸能與這些傳奇的髮型師近距離接觸,親眼目睹大師級的作品。


All visitors can witness some of the world's best creative hairdressers at work, such as the most anticipated SASSOON ACADEMY, TONI&GUY, TIGIINSPIRATIONAL YOUTH and PATRICK CAMERON. Salon International allows every participant to see their hairdressing heroes as they share ideas, reveal their inspiration and unveil their latest collections whilst giving their views on the future trends of hairdressing.


想要更進一步學習大師技術,Salon Seminar提供到訪者最佳學習殿堂,由MAHOGANY、SACO以及掉髮救星PHILIP KINGSLEY,分別帶來技術和技巧兩方面的教學研討會,提供難能可貴的學習機會。


Salon Seminars are a truly unique opportunity to get close to some of the world's leading artistic teams, with detailed presentations of their styles for the coming season, along with ideas, insights and inspirations. Observe some of the best creative work, up close in an intimate environment.?

年度必看 BHA英國美髮大賽藝廊

延續去年的成功,Hairdresser Journal今年一樣設置了British Hairdressing Awards英國美髮大賽的藝廊,讓所有人能再次回味這屆BHA大賽精湛的入圍作品。


Following on from last year’s success, Hairdressers Journal International will once again be staging their Barber of the Year competition along with the Student Creative Team of the Year competition which will be joined in 2014 ?by HJ’s Afro Stylist of the Year.

目不暇給 一應俱全的美髮商品展

此外,今年有超過兩百個攤位,帶來許多新奇、首創的產品以及服務,包括HJ Stage, Fellowship for British Hairdressing, Denman, Hair Tools, Sassoon Academy, Toni&Guy and Wahl,展示最新潮特別的美髮相關產品和設備。


There are over 200 exhibitors who’ll be taking their place at Salon International 2014, along with the many fantastic at show features and attractions, including the HJ Stage, Fellowship for British Hairdressing, Denman, Hair Tools, Sassoon Academy, Toni&Guy and Wahl to name but a few.

Salon Internationa觀展小叮嚀

Salon International也貼心的提醒與會者,事先做好時間規劃,確定自己要參加的髮型秀或研討會,以免因時間安排不周而有所遺憾。另外在選購產品時也不妨貨比三家,多試多比較,選出最適合自己和顧客的商品。最後就是不要吝嗇與他人交換聯絡方式,多多擴展自己的交際圈,也許會擦出許多火花。


Salon International also gives all visitor a few tips:

* Have your scissors sharpened by some of the most skillful craftsmen around.

* Try and compare product and equipment and see what work’s best for you and your clients.

* Network with industry friends and peers and make new contacts.

* Get inspired by your hairdressing heroes who’ll help you take the latest looks from catwalk to client.



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