Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY 周信潔
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Tribute Magazine
  • POSTED 2014/10/01
2014 TRIBU-TE SHOW 美髮大師齊聚一堂
  • TEXT BY 周信潔
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Tribute Magazine
  • POSTED 2014/10/01

美髮界的巨星齊聚一堂是Tribu-te Show最大的特色,也因此,每年Tribu-te Show能夠從世界各地吸引眾多美髮人前來,只為一睹大師風采。今年的邀請到前衛大師Robert Lobetta, 法國知名髮型師Jean-Luc Minetti, 一代宗師Tim Hartley, 美髮雙人組Brooks & Brooks 以及知名外景造型師Adam Reed。


The Tribu-te Show is the only event to put the very best hairdressers in the spotlight on a West End London theatre stage. It attracts the highest calibre artists with an audience of premier names to match. Working their hair magic this year to enthrall you.

前衛大師Robert Lobetta

許久沒有上台分享作品的Robert Lobetta在眾人殷切期盼下,答應Tribu-te Show的邀約。Robert靠著天馬行空的創意和令人驚豔的技術,叱吒美髮界超過三十年,他的登台絕對讓這屆表演更精采可期。




Robert Lobetta - you asked for him, they booked him. The ringmaster of hairdressing spectacular, Robert is a wizard for innovation and working the fabric of hair. You won't be disappointed - a genuine talent, forever revered.

法國指標性髮型師Jean-Luc Minetti

Jean-Luc是頂級髮飾Alexandre de Paris的合夥人之一,他將用法式髮技席捲倫敦舞台,展示法國人最擅長也最著名的髮飾造型。




Jean-Luc Minetti - the inimitable standard-bearer for Alexandre de Paris. We are delighted to see him back to the London stage to demonstrate what the French really understand best about hair coiffure.

一代宗師Tim Hartley

曾擔任沙宣學院全球創意總監,從業三十年間獲獎無數,他對美髮產業的貢獻不容小覷,他獨到的眼光和傑出的剪髮技巧,深深影響著每一代的美髮人。Tim Hartley也將在舞台上展現大師風采,示範最新的髮型趨勢和快狠準的精湛技術。




Tim Hartley - back by super-popular demand. With a 30-year-career including being Vidal Sassoon's International Creative Director, Tim has been inspiring generations of hairdressers with his passionate approach to hair-cutting and styling, and keen eye for trends. On stage he is mesmerising, charming and witty.

美髮雙人組Brooks & Brooks

Jamie Brooks和Sally Brooks擅長將前衛風格轉化成高度時尚的街頭風格,他們將用源源不絕的創意和娛樂性迷倒所有觀眾,若想要親眼見到如同藝術表演般的現場創作,這將是一個非常難能可貴的機會!




Brooks & Brooks - wonderfully inventive and superbly entertaining. Jamie & Sally Brooks are true modernists who combine edgy avant-garde looks with an ability to translate high fashion into street style. This is a rare opportunity to see major stage artists (in all sense) in a more intimate, theatre environment.

國際知名髮型師Adam Reed


Adam Reed - a sessionista extraordinaire! Adam has 20 years of salon experience and is one of the award-winning Percy&Reed brand based in London. A global cool-hunter, expect some up-to-the-moment hair magic.


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