- TEXT BY 周信潔
- POSTED 2015/01/01
In true NOISE fashion, the guerrilla style event built suspension, gradually revealing information over social media. From announcing the incredible line up throughout the week, to only revealing the venue hours beforehand, NOISE really was the place to be on Saturday night.
The uber cool St John at Hackney opened its doors to the 500 strong crowd, where an inspirational line up of hairdressing talent was waiting to entertain and excite.
Compered by International Creative Director of SACO and founder of NOISE, Richard Ashforth, the rules of NOISE are simple: “15 minutes of whatever the F*@k you want, as long as it includes some hair!”
自七點入場後,觀眾們躁動不安的盼著開場,終於在一個小時的等待後,由Peter Gray首先率領團隊上台。看著他牽著巍巍顫顫的蒙面模特兒走上舞台,眾人的好奇與期待的氛圍瀰漫全場。擅長透過破壞和切割來呈現作品的Peter Gray不慌不忙地將棉絮堆疊,在不斷抽絲塑型後,完成了份量感十足的誇張髮型,然而真正讓全場程觀眾為之驚艷的,是模特兒拆下面具的剎那,面具下的面容皺紋滿佈卻掩飾不了自信的光采,她是現今最年長的模特兒-高齡87歲的Daphne Selfe與Peter Gray攜手贏來全場熱烈的掌聲和尖叫。
第二組上場的Brooks & Brooks,擅長將前衛造型與美感結合,他們透過編髮搭配網格和定型液,做出如葡萄般的顆粒,並以白色顏料作點綴,展現幾何之美。
接著是萬眾期待的剪髮大師Tim Hartley,頭上戴著礦工的照明燈,讓觀眾更能清楚見到所有髮型細微的變化,在短短15分鐘內,他以精湛的刀工創造兩款完美水平線條和一款頂部層次鮮明的帥氣髮型。
The event got underway with Peter Gray and his team taking to the stage, surprising everyone by revealing their model at the end as 87 year old Daphne Selfe, the world's oldest model! Brooks & Brooks were up next showcasing their beautiful avant garde work, followed by the legendary Tim Hartley who, even without saying a word, conveyed his usual humour and flair to the awestruck crowd.
接著上場的Allilon Education以大自然為靈感,透過剪裁與色彩的搭配,對比大自然的壯麗和人類的渺小。Xavi Garcia則在剪裁上玩技巧,熟練的剪出層次分明的髮型,以低層次凸顯預先染好的繽紛色彩;下一組是今年以像素染席捲全球的X-presion,從模特兒戲劇性的登台,伴隨音樂,X-presion將預先染好的髮片一層一層的組裝,細緻的格紋和鮮明的顏色在模特兒白金的髮絲上逐漸排出代表X-presion的字母X。15分鐘內,在不同髮片的排列和長度變化下,他們總共呈現了三種像素染造型,更在最後將所有髮片扯下,在觀眾一陣驚呼中重新造型,獲得滿場掌聲。
Hot on Tim's heels were "the young pretenders" Allilon Education, bringing with them fresh energy and cool colour work, followed by Xavi Garcia's sharp cuts and iridescent colour. X-presion then took to the stage, recreating their incredible pixilated colour technique which "broke the Internet" with #xpresionpixel.
Following on from their appearance at NOISE Shanghai, Debut Academy presented their striking models featuring strong shapes and graphic colour, before SACO stormed the stage for the finale of the show. It true SACO style, the creative team worked on their models with trademark showmanship, clipper-cutting their model’s wigs to produce sharp cuts with exaggerated volume.
Of the event, Richard said: “NOISE?was created to share knowledge, passion and inspiration. It connects the viewer to the performer with more of a ‘pop up’ feel rather than a formally staged show, pushing the industry forward and taking creativity to a new level. The last minute announcements of artists and venue give the whole thing an ‘unexpected feel’, as much for the audience as for the artists!”