Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY 周信潔
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Tribu-te Show
  • POSTED 2015/01/01
2015 Tribu-te Show 美髮人交流盛會
  • TEXT BY 周信潔
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Tribu-te Show
  • POSTED 2015/01/01

International creative director at Sassoon Academy, Mark inspires hairdressers globally with his passionate approach to hair and his technical expertise. His exquisite taste and sharp eye are truly inspiring.

Mark Leeson

Owner of Mark Leeson Hair Body and Mind, and the current British Hairdresser of the Year, Mark’s signature look is stunning, beautiful, feminine hair. His colour work is awesome.

Indira Schauwecker

Renowned for her avant-garde work, and a thrilling artist to watch on stage, Indira Schauwecker is one of international super-brand Toni&Guy’s leading art directors. Her photographic work is to be admired, and hugely important to our industry.

Ken Picton

An educator, an entrepreneur with is own immensely successful destination hair & beauty salon, Ken Picton is a member of the British Hairdressing Hall of Fame. His inspiring photographic collections are subtle and beautiful.

Renata Recchia

Based in the romantic city of Verona in Italy, from her salon Renee & Paola, hairstylist Renata Recchia travels extensively to share her take on glamorous, feminine hair – bridal hair a speciality?– with a global audience.


Proud to serve the industry, Tribu-te magazine’s annual presentation of the Tribu-te show is part of the brand’s commitment to promoting the most exciting hairdressers of our time.


購票資訊Vital information

票價Tickets are on-sale at:

英鎊65元+稅 65 +VAT

英鎊95元+稅 95 + VAT



The price reflects the positioning in the theatre as there are 4 levels of seating: Stalls; Dress Circle; Grand Circle; Balcony.

Tickets and information:





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