Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY Angel Chou
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Salon International
  • POSTED 2016/01/01
2016 Salon International 倒數10週
  • TEXT BY Angel Chou
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Salon International
  • POSTED 2016/01/01

除了深受喜愛的HJ Stage、Salon Live和Salon Seminars,今年更新增了火熱的男士理髮舞台HJ Men Stage與能和偶像面對面的HJ Legends Lounge;為了因應廣大的經營者族群,首次舉辦的Business Bubble邀請業界權威,分享經營訣竅與觀點;針對頭皮養護專門設立之Hair Health Village都將以最專業的商品和新知滿足與會者的需求。「看到表演團隊和內容,我們絕對有理由相信今年將會是最值得期待的一年!」Jayne Lewis-Orr表示。


“Among the favourites such as the HJ Stage, Salon Live and Salon Seminars, this year there are new aspects to our show: the hottest HJ Men Stage; the iconic HJ Legends Lounge; for the commercially dynamic, The Business Bubble, and for another hugely topical market, a Trichology Conference and Health Hair Village. We know that this Salon International will be the most incredible Salon International yet - the team is buzzing, the stage is set and the show will sparkle with glittering talent. We cannot wait to welcome you,” said Jayne Lewis-Orr, executive director of Hairdressers Journal International.




精彩的展會不僅吸引全球的美髮人,更包含了美髮產業裡的A咖巨星們,去年BHA年度最佳髮型師得主Darren Ambrose、Mark Hayes、Akin Konizi、Mark Leeso和Angelo Seminara等人都將親臨現場,想要知道更多最新消息或是即刻定票都歡迎上Salon International官網查詢。


As always we have the world exclusive for the incredible British Hairdressing Awards Gallery sponsored by Schwarzkopf Professional. Only here can visitors see the exquisite work of 98 hairdressers including the revered British Hairdresser of the Year nominees - Darren Ambrose, Errol Douglas, Mark Hayes, Gary Hooker & Michael Young, Akin Konizi, Mark Leeson, Angelo Seminara and Jamie Stevens.


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