Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY Sunshine Lo
  • POSTED 2016/01/01
2016 Salon International 值得期待的理髮新潮流
  • TEXT BY Sunshine Lo
  • POSTED 2016/01/01

Salon International has introduced a host of exciting changes to its 2016 show, including the brand new HJ Men Stage – featuring live barbering and men’s hairdressing sessions across the three days.


隨著男士理容風潮在全球發燒,現在絕對搭上這股男士風潮的最好時機,Salon International邀請到Chris Foster、Sam Burnett、Jonathan Andrew等知名理髮師和專業理髮工具品牌Andis和WAHL,讓三天的展會行程期待度破錶。


With the likes of Sam Burnett of Hare & Bone, Jonathan Andrew of Jamie Stevens and Chris Foster gracing the stage, plus brand demonstrations from barbering greats Andis and WAHL, the schedule is jam-packed with talent. And with the male grooming industry booming, there’s no better time to catch a masterclass from the experts.




Chris Foster表示,「2008年是我第一次受邀上台,那時我是唯一一組男士造型,在美髮的舞台上演出,而今年,終於有了男士的獨立舞台!這是一個非常值得紀念的時刻,當世界終於開始正視男性這個族群,我邀請美髮人到場參觀,親自感受一下這個蓬勃發展的領域!」


“I am so looking forward to presenting on a permanent HJ Men stage,” says master barber, Chris Foster. “In 2008, I was given the opportunity to present a men's collection on the HJ stage - at the time it was one of the very first men's collections on this stage, which was dominated by hairdressing. Fast forward to 2016 and it is absolutely amazing to see a dedicated stage for the male grooming side of the hair industry. It’s a proud and momentous moment, a moment that we would love to share with you - so come and see us live on the HJ MEN Stage!”



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