Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY Sunshine Lo
  • POSTED 2019/01/01
2018 NOISE LONDON 地下版美髮秀
  • TEXT BY Sunshine Lo
  • POSTED 2019/01/01

NOISE最為人稱道的無非是各個來頭不小的美髮界大咖,光看名單就足以讓噪音迷們驚聲尖叫了,今年,出色陣容囊括6個團隊,地主國的Tim Hartley、Brooks & Brooks與Tom Connell英國團隊,首次參與來自的波瀾Jaga Hupalo與烏克蘭Andrey Krupchinskiy,以及Noise創辦人Richard Ashforth領軍的Saco歐洲團隊。

Tim Hartley

NOISE 一開場就是由重量級大咖 Tim Hartley 上陣,振奮全場。Tim 以八○年代倫敦俱樂部黑暗角落為背景,帶著三個搖滾動物登台,堅韌、緊緻的髮型與彰顯質感恰到好處的長度,在倫敦鐵粉的驚豔下揭開噪音序幕!




Opening the show was the ever-inspiring and irrepressible TIM HARTLEY. Tim showed a trio of rock ‘n’ roll animals straight from the darkest corners of an 80’s London club scene! Tough, tight hair and textured lengths gave a rousing start to the evening!

Jaga Hupalo

緊 接 著 登 場 的 是 波 蘭 髮 界 明 星 Jaga Hupalo,她可說是一名真正的藝術家。Jaga展演了三個前衛造型,在舞台上直接變化出一系列最潮的設計,精心規畫的造型與繽紛斑斕的色彩,讓台下所有人眼睛一亮。




Next up was the Polish star – JAGA HUPALO! Jaga, a true artist showed three models, each with a series of changes, which captured a truly avant-garde edge. Colourful and choreographed, her models worked the stage whilst Jaga moved their looks through a series of dynamic changes.


由 NOISE 創辦人 Richard Ashforth 領軍 Saco 歐洲藝術團隊,利用碎紙製作衣服與頭髮,向英國街頭藝術家 Banksy 致敬,以原創、趣味與反骨展示 Saco 文化!




The Saco European art team led by Founder Richard Ashforth came next with homage to UK street artist Banksy – shredded paper was used to create both clothes and hair. Fun, raw and irreverent was the order of Saco’ 15 minutes!

Brooks & Brooks

榮 獲 BHA 英 國 年 度 髮 型 師 的 Sally Brooks,帶領她的團隊在Grace Jones的配樂下,利用彩色漁網固定形狀,聰明又酷炫,一如 Sally 的風格。




Next up…reigning British Hairdresser of the year Sally Brooks and her team from Brooks & Brooks. Editorial shapes, fashioned in fishnet looked both cool and clever (as always), played out to a thumping Grace Jones soundtrack!

Tom Connell

Trevor Sorbie 創意總監 Tom Connell 走上舞台,沉穩安靜的作風一改之前的大師班節奏,理髮與造型同時並進,將各種髮長與材質精緻化,出其不意的美好效果。




Tom Connell took to the stage and changed the tempo completely with a quiet and calm master-class, fusing haircuts and styling, delivering a fresh and finessed performance, which combined multiple lengths and textures to incredible effect.

Andrey Krupchinskiy

最後壓軸的是 Andrey Krupchinskiy,從電影《怵目驚魂 28 天》的靈感啟發帶到現場,隱藏在哥特式面具下的是頭髮質地、形狀與顏色的衝突。




Finally, Andrey Krupchinskiy brought a Donnie Darko inspired performance to the Noise London stage with gothic masks concealing a clash of textures, shapes and colours.



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