Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY Julie Hung
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Professional Beauty Association
  • POSTED 2020/01/01
2020 NAHA 北美髮型設計獎
  • TEXT BY Julie Hung
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Professional Beauty Association
  • POSTED 2020/01/01

今年農曆春節期間,第31屆北美髮型設計獎正在地球的另一端火熱展開,NAHA為表揚美容產業的優秀人才,頒佈了髮型、彩妝、美甲藝術等16個獎項,其中包含年度髮型師與新的#NAHAMoment獎項。大秀表演團隊包括Aveda、Olivia Garden、Amika與Julie Vriesinga。




頒獎典禮前的紅毯招待會,邀請到上一屆NAHA的獲獎者、產業中具有象徵性的人物、美髮界先驅與名人共襄盛舉,包括福斯新聞的Amanda Salas,還有 Candy Shaw、Ryan Weeden、Zach Mesquit、Philip Wolff、Alfredo Lewis、Matty Conrad、Nicholas French等等。




The esteemed event was held Saturday, January 25th at the Long Beach Convention Center during ISSE, for the second time in the show’s 31-year history. NAHA celebrates the industry's leading talent and features 16 categories of excellence across hair, makeup, and nail artistry, including the coveted Hairstylist of the Year Award and the new #NAHAMoment award. NAHA 2020 featured artistic presentations by Aveda, Olivia Garden, Amika, and Julie Vriesinga.

In addition to the awards ceremony, NAHA 2020 included a red-carpet reception welcoming NAHA finalists, previous NAHA winners, industry icons, leading beauty influencers, and celebrities to the show, including Fox News’ Amanda Salas, Candy Shaw, Ryan Weeden, Zach Mesquit, Philip Wolff, Alfredo Lewis, Matty Conrad, Nicholas French, and more.




· Avant Garde | Rodrigo Araneda | Montreal, QC

· Editorial/Session Stylist of the Year | Lucie Doughty | Los Angeles, CA

· Haircolor | Chrystofer Benson | Ogden, UT

· Haircutting | Yuki Yasui | New York, NY

· Hairstylist of the Year | Silas Tsang | Ottawa, O

· Makeup Artist of the Year | Katie Nash | Wichita, KS

· Master Hairstylist of the Year | Julie Vriesinga | London, ONF

· Men’s Hairstylist of the Year | Ammon Carver | Chicago, IL

· Nail Professional of the Year | Cassandra Clark | Aubrey, TX

· NAHAMoment | Erica Reynolds Keelen | Jacksonville, FL

· Newcomer Stylist of the Year | Cassie Carey | Brooklyn, NY

· Salon/School Design of the Year | TONI&GUY Galleria | Addison, TX

· Student Hairstylist of the Year | Dorothy Greene | Columbus, OH

· Styling and Finishing | Michelle O’Connor | Hollywood, FL

· Team of the Year | Salon by Instyle Design Team | Plano, TX

· Texture | Norm Wright | Toronto, ON



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