Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY Angel
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY L'Oreal Professionnel
  • POSTED 2015/01/01
  • TEXT BY Angel
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY L'Oreal Professionnel
  • POSTED 2015/01/01

報名活動已從1月5日開跑,所有英國的髮型師們都能透過www.lorealcolourtrophy.com報名參加2015年的COLOUR TROPHY。就算不是英國籍的髮型師,也能在網站收看2014年的比賽作品和現任冠軍 Tasha & Megan Stevens這一年的奇幻經歷,也許能從其中獲得一些創作靈感。




The competition opens on Monday 5th January when L’Oreal Professionnel will call all UK hairdressers to enter and take part in the 2015 awards. Entry is simple, as once again you can enter on line via where you will find the full entry dossier and the seven simple steps you need to enter. The dedicated website also contains an inspirational gallery of images and videos showcasing our current winner and their amazing journey since the Grand Final in 2014, to inspire you to be part of it this year


今年比賽共計有色彩冠軍、男士風格、新進技術師和黑人髮型四大類別。評審陣容更是不可小覷,萊雅專業沙龍美髮特別邀請到業界頂尖的髮型師,例如Brooks & Brooks、Richard Ward和Ken Picton等人。


There are 4 categories you can enter: The L’Oreal Colour Trophy, L’Oreal Men’s Image Award, L’Oreal Colour Trophy Young Colourist Award and the Mizani Afro Look Award.Once submitted all entries will be judged by the hairdressing industry’s most iconic names including, Brooks & Brooks, Richard Ward and Ken Picton and successful salons for each category will be invited to attend one of the Regional Events.


萊雅專業沙龍美髮將會提供冠軍一整年千金難買的美好經驗,上一屆的冠軍得主 Tasha & Megan Stevens受訪時表示,「COLOUR TROPHY是美髮業無可比擬的比賽,這裡不僅考驗著技巧,更考驗著對流行時尚的敏銳度和絕佳的團隊默契,能夠贏得任何一座獎項都是至高無上的榮耀!」




“The L’Oreal Colour Trophy competition is like no other in the industry. Winning an award at the Colour Trophy demonstrates not only technical skills and a good eye for hair fashion trends, but dedication, and excellent teamwork and is a real badge of honour for every winning salon” Tasha & Megan Stevens from Jamie Stevens, London Winners of the L’Oreal Colour Trophy 2014.


The L’Oreal Colour Trophy also offers the winners a year of “money can’t buy” opportunities including an exclusive 3 day European trip to shoot the winning look and a photo shoot with a leading consumer glossy magazine for 2016, plus numerous PR opportunities throughout the year! The event will climax at the Grand Final event to be held on 1st June at Battersea Evolution.



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