Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY Angel
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Club Figaro
  • POSTED 2015/01/01
Figaro Spanish Hairdressing Awards 報名開跑
  • TEXT BY Angel
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Club Figaro
  • POSTED 2015/01/01

第六屆西班牙美髮獎Figaro Spanish Hairdressing Awards開放報名,凡擁有西班牙國籍或定居於當地的髮型師,只要提交一組四張不同髮型且於去年完成的未發表作品集,皆可透過 Club Figaro的網站報名。


From today to 31st May, every Spanish hairdresser can participate in Figaro Spanish Hairdressing Awards 6th edition by uploading their photographic collections in Club Figaro’s website. As a novelty this year, the full sign-up process can be done through Club Figaro’s website, including fees payment.




入圍作品將會於5月31日報名截止後公佈於Club Figaro的網站,並進行評審(Club Figaro的成員)投票,最終的決選名單將於7月1日公佈,並在10月26日於西班牙首都馬德里所舉辦的晚會上公開表演,評選出個類別的最終得主。


眾所期待的西班牙年度最佳髮型師的入圍名單已經揭曉,自1月10日到2月15日,Club Figaro的成員共同投票,超過3票的髮型師即是第一階段的入圍者,今年共計12位傑出髮型師出線,他們將各自準備未曾發表過的髮型作品,於典禮當天一分高下。




Club Figaro makes public the names of the prenominees for Spanish Hairdresser of the Year category in Spanish Hairdressing Awards 2015, choosen by club members’ open vote. This year, twelve recognised Spanish hairdressers make up this exclusive group.


Now, all of them are invited to prepare their candidatures to take part in Spanish Hairdresser of the Year competition.


Antonio Calvo

Carlos Valiente

Christian Vendrel

Felicitas Ordas

Gonzalo Zarauza

Jorge Cancer

Jose Boix

Manuel Mon

Marco Antonio Restrepo

Mayte Garrote

Mikel Luzea

Xavi Garcia



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