Salon News Asia
  • POSTED 2011/01/01
GOLDWELL 2011 Color Zoom 躍型耀色大賞全球總決賽
  • POSTED 2011/01/01

宛如GOLDWELL品牌年度家族大聚會的Color Zoom 躍型耀色大賞全球總決賽,今年特別選在精品活動最愛的度假勝地邁阿密舉行。










由GOLDWELL國際創意團隊帶來的2012 Color Zoom趨勢髮型秀fasciNature,更是在全場美髮人引頸期盼下精采登場。宛如電影阿凡達的重現,各種你想像得出或是想像不出的顏色與組合,都意外的出現在舞台上,當聚光燈投射到模特兒身上時,從服裝到髮型,每一處都是吸睛的焦點,令人驚嘆不可思議的是它顏色的變幻,把許多大家原本認為的不可能變成可能了!而取材自大自然色彩的2012趨勢fasciNature,讓生活色彩躍上髮稍,更自然融合、更自然被喜愛。


2011 Color Zoom 躍型耀色大賞全球總決賽是眾所矚目焦點,今年頒獎型態稍作改變的是在公布各組總冠軍之前,先在大螢幕上投射出該組入圍前五名的作品,提早掀起幾家歡樂幾家愁的氣氛,吊足觀眾胃口,讓原本就顯得緊張又興奮的情緒,更加入想得名的期待,讓心情更暴衝到極點!

最後公布2011各組全球總冠軍,最佳染髮創意獎:全球總冠軍Ben Lin台灣,教育夥伴獎:全球總冠軍 Lisa Whiteman英國,最佳染髮新人獎:全球總冠軍Demi Gardiner澳洲。









Color Zoom Event 2011 in Miami

Asia dominates the most spectacular hairdressing event of the year

Calvin Klein, Gianni Versace, Tom Ford – have all put on great photo shootings in Miami, the world's most famous fashion venue. Recently, this design hot spot also hosted the most spectacular hairdressing event of the year between October 15 and 18, when over 2600 coloration experts transformed Miami Beach into an international hairdressing Mecca.


Guests from over 40 different countries reveled in the fantastic atmosphere at the global final of the international Goldwell Color Zoom Challenge 2011 and in the world premiere of Color Zoom 2012, which heralds the beginning of Goldwell's next fashion season.


Color Zoom Challenge 2011 marked the first step in an international hair fashion career for Ben Lin, who competed for Taiwan in the Creative category at this globally-unique live hairdressing event. So it was Asia and the hairdressers from this continent who dominated once again the international finals of the world’s biggest live competition in the industry. Taiwan’s Minnin Kuo wins a great fourth place in the new New talent category. Sinpapore shows great hair too and succeeded with Dylon Tung from Elvolve Salon a great fourth rank in the Creative category and with Haruka Hirrabayashi from Shunji Matsuo Hair Studio a wonderful No. 5 in the New talent category.


Ben Lin (Creative category), Lisa Whiteman from Great Britain (Partner category) and Australian Demi Leigh Gardiner in the New talent category – these three international coloration experts are the winners of this year's challenge after beating 80 other finalists in an exciting final.


Now they have been catapulted into the international hair fashion world and, over the next 12 months, the Miami winners will be busy with trend meetings, fashion shoots, fashion shows and events.


They will also be making an important contribution to the development of the next Color Zoom trend collection. It's a unique triumph that was celebrated during a spectacular party at Niki Beach Club.


Color Zoom is an international book that is published annually and documents Goldwell's outstanding fashion competence and instinctive feel for lucrative new trends. The Goldwell color system has always guaranteed unique color results and reflected a passion for color perfection. It prompted Goldwell to initiate an international competition in 2007 called the Goldwell Challenge which incorporates this reliable feel for trends and creative coloration expertise. It's a challenge for every trend-oriented colorist and offers them the opportunity to be part of the next international creative team working on the next Color Zoom publication.


Goldwell hairdressers from around the world get the opportunity to represent their country as beauty and creative visionaries. Not just for the exclusive national prizes and media publicity, but because the potential winners can immerse themselves in the world of international hair fashion, test their skills against top stylists from all five continents on stage and join forces with them to shape future trends.



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