Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY Angel Chou
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Salon International
  • POSTED 2016/01/01
Mahogany 於 Salon Seminar 搶先公開最新作品
  • TEXT BY Angel Chou
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Salon International
  • POSTED 2016/01/01



Striking, textured crops were prevalent at the Mahogany seminar at Salon International, where the team treated the audience to the first glimpse of their new collection, KookyWaifs.


善用不規則輪廓收尾 展現個人特色

「不連接的拼接區塊賦予髮型突兀、古怪的氛圍。」資深創意總監Neil Atkinson說道,「不連接輪廓是我們每天在髮廊裡都會操作的技巧,雖然是很基本的技術,但卻是賦予髮型靈魂的關鍵人物!」在配置這些區塊時,需要考慮到髮型的平衡和各區域的長度,放置的位置將會決定髮型最中呈現的輪廓。


Disconnection is key to creating that kooky feel to the hair, as senior creative director Neil Atkinson explained. This everyday technique can be personalised to create your desired finish – whether couture or commercial.

"Disconnection is used every day," he told the audience. "It's a classic technique, but how you place the section will give you the finish you are looking for. When you place those sections, you're thinking about the balance, the form, the function and where you want to see length."





創意團隊在現場操作8款髮型的剪染技巧,並由先前完成的6位模特兒展示髮型在走動間,色彩與剪裁的動態感。染髮負責人Tai Walker表示,「這些區塊讓我們沒辦法大量的塗放顏色,必須檢視每一個區塊的樣貌,分成更小的分區放置色彩,才能營造出古靈精怪的氛圍。」在色彩的使用上,Tai Walker選用銀色、蜜桃色、奶油色和香檳金搭配紅銅色、深邃的藍色和洋紅色來創造光影變化,他們交織在一起呈現如同鏡面般驚人的光澤。「當客人們染著這樣的色彩走出沙龍,閃亮的光澤就像隨時在替你打廣告一樣!」


All eight looks cut live on stage were complemented with free-flowing colours in gradient shades. Tai Walker, head of colour, explained: "The sectioning and the ideas meant we needed to step away from regimented colour placement, so we worked with cleverly-placed slices to create the kooky finish."The hues varied from a stunning silver, through shades of peach, butterscotch and champagne to stronger shades of copper, petrol blue and magenta, all tied together with a phenomenal mirror-like shine. What a triumph!





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