Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY Judy Shen
  • POSTED 2021/02/01
Mark Hayes
  • TEXT BY Judy Shen
  • POSTED 2021/02/01

宣全球創意總監 Mark Hayes,從 1977 年進到沙宣當學徒至今已超過四十年的日子,從小對於藝術、音
樂、和設計的熱愛帶領他走向髮型師之路,讓我們一同看看 Mark 和沙宣之間的精彩篇章。

Every time Sassoon releases their seasonal collections, the cut, colours, and styles always receive wide attention in the industry. The key person behind all this creativity is Mark Hayes, the International Creative Director of Sassoon. In 1977, when he first became the apprentice in Sasson, his passion for art, music,and design led him to his hairdressing career. Let us explore Mark Hayes’s 40-year love affair with Sassoon.




說起 Mark Hayes 踏入美髮業的淵源,似乎是早已注定,他自幼就喜歡一切與創作有關的事物,黏土、摺
紙到積木都能讓他自得其樂,進入青少年時期後的 Mark 也展現了對音樂和藝術的喜愛,他的偶像是當時
的搖滾天王 David Bowie。約莫在那個時期他赫然發現常去的理髮廳竟擁有所有他所愛的元素,裏頭的髮
藝術和設計,所以他就在 1977 年 6 月展開了他在沙宣的旅程。

Stepping into the hairdressing industry seemed to be a part of Mark’s destiny. When he was very young,he was already interested in creating things with his hands such as: playing with clay, origami, building blocks. In his teenage years, he became obsessed with music and art, and David Bowie was his favorite idol. Around that time, Mark found the barbershop he went to had all the elements he loved. People there were listening to cool music and having a cool time creating hairstyles. He set his mind to becoming a hairdresser and embarked on his Sassoon journey- it was the summer of 77.


40 年的精彩沙宣旅程




Mark Hayes 在沙宣一待就超過 40 年,回憶起剛成為學徒的時候,最令他印象深刻的便是第一次見到創
辦人 Vidal Sassoon 本尊,當時 Vidal 召集了所有助理設計師們,Mark 也是其中一人,當 Vidal 到達時,
Mark 宛如看到久仰的巨星一般,充滿著崇拜,他說:「我永遠無法忘記當他走向我們坐在我們中間時,
了我,更讓我感受到沙宣獨有的魅力。」無論是 40 年前或 40 年後,Mark 都深深認為這是一趟最精采的

Mark began his love affair with hair as an apprentice at the busy Sassoon Salon on South Molton Street,London in 1977. Thinking back to the time when he was still an apprentice,and meeting the founder Vidal Sassoon in person, was one of his most impressive moments. Vidal asked to meet all of the London assistants during his trip to the UK, and Mark was one of them. When Vidal arrived, Mark felt like he was meeting a superstar. “I’ll never forget how he came and sat amongst all of us, smiled and said “Ah, now I get to talk to the important people.” Having the boss tell us that we were the most important people was so inspiring, and gave me my first insight into the charisma that Vidal possessed.” Said Mark in the interview. To Mark, this sense of feeling cherished has never gone away.



在沙宣的日子佔據了 Mark 超過三分之二的人生,而他的老闆 Vidal Sassoon 無疑是影響他美髮生涯最重
要的人,Mark 說:「許多人會問我 Vidal 對我說過最重要的一句話是什麼,而我總回答:他說的每句話都
對我至關重要。」即使 Vidal 自 2012 離世已經八年之久,Mark 仍每年會在 Vidal 生日時於社群上留下對
老闆的生日祝福,可見 Mark 對 Vidal 的尊敬和思念之深。

The time in Sassoon has taken up over two-thirds of Mark’s life. His boss, Vidal Sassoon, has been the person who inspired him the most. “People often ask me whether Vidal said anything significant when I was with him, I always answer that everything that Vidal said was significant!” Mark shows how much he respects Vidal with his words. Even after eight years of Vidal’s passing, Mark still leaves his respectful wishes to his former boss each year for his birthday.



他憶起 Vidal 還在世時,經常隨他到世界各地出差,在一趟為期三周的紐澳之旅,Mark 和老闆馬不停蹄
地接受各個媒體雜誌專訪,那三個禮拜的每一天對 Mark 來說就像一堂寶貴的課程,Vidal 待人的真摯和
謙遜深深令他敬佩,Mark 說:「Vidal 能把每個和他對談的人都視為是這世界最重要的人一樣。」而透過

Mark used to go on many business trips with Vidal. He once spent three weeks with Vidal in Australia and New Zealand, being interviewed by media throughout the day. Every day was like a master class for Mark. The politeness, humility and good manners of Vidal were truly unforgettable. “He (Vidal) had the ability to make whoever he was speaking to feel like the most important person in the world.” Said Mark. From the interview, we can feel exactly how sincerely he replied to our questions, showing Vidal’s spirit.

一步一腳印 邁向全球總監路




從學徒、設計師、講師到區域創意總監,最後成為全球創意總監,Mark 的成就非一蹴即成。在他還是學
徒的期間,剛好有機會到英國最大的美髮展會 Salon International 幫忙,他看著當時台上的沙宣創意團隊
神乎其技地幫每一位模特兒做出不同的髮型,在那個瞬間,Mark 清楚領悟到這就是他想成為的樣子,接下來的學徒時光,他便竭盡全力要成為沙宣創意團隊的一員,果不其然,強大的信念和不斷的努力,Mark在 2005 年正式被任命為沙宣第四任創意總監,此後他便掌管每一季的沙宣趨勢,引領著整個美髮圈的流行趨勢。

From apprentice, stylist, teacher, UK creative director, to the international creative director, Mark followed his goals and worked very hard all the way. One of his career highlights was being asked to assist at Salon International, the significant hairdressing trade show in the UK. As soon as Mark saw the Sassoon creative team creating fabulous looks and incredible hair on stage, he realized that was what he wanted to become
and spent the rest of his apprenticeship working towards becoming a member of the creative team. With strong faith and years of endeavor, Mark eventually became Sassoon International Creative Director in 2005, bringing a new creative soul to the company.





Mark 卻給了一個有趣的答案:「身為沙宣全球創意總監其實沒有所謂的日常,沙宣的一切都跟創意密
切相關,因此我的工作都是不斷在變化的。」Mark 時而需要和團隊一起發想最新的沙宣作品集;時而
要在拍攝和錄影現場穿梭,過去一年他則是投入大多數的心血在沙宣最新的線上教育平台 SASSOON

People are probably curious about what is the regular day of the creative director in Sassoon like.Mark gave us an unexpected but interesting answer. “There isn’t a regular working day. As creativity permeates every aspect of Sassoon, my days are as varied as the subject matter that I become involved in.” Sometimes Mark will be working on the newest collection, while others he will be preparing for video and photographic shoots. And last year, he spent most of his time working on the educational platform SASSOON ONLINE, ready to bring ever greater inspiration to hairdressers worldwide.






身為創意總監顧名思義必須擁有源源不絕的創意點子,Mark 分享尋找靈感的最好方法就是主動尋求外來
一般,總是能找到最新鮮和有趣的事物,再與 Mark 合力實現在髮型上,讓沙宣每次釋出新作品時總能獲

As International “Creative” Director, Mark needs to have endlessly creative ideas, all the time. Mark explained his way of remaining creative; it is to have external creative stimulus. For example, art galleries and photography have been a major source of inspiration, past and present. Working with the creative team has been another stimulus for him. The team are like a band of hunters, constantly searching for new 
and interesting approaches. 





的頂尖設計師都具備這項特質,溝通和技術是缺一不可的。」對 Mark 來說這是他心中理想髮型師的樣子,
對他來說,沒有什麼是比在完成一位客人的髮型後得到一句「謝謝 Mark !我非常滿意!」來得有成就感

“A good hairdresser is one that combines technical ability with excellent communication skills. I have thought about this a lot throughout my career and I have come to realize that the most successful hair professionals I have met, embody both disciplines. One, simply doesn't work, without the other.” To Mark, this is what makes a good hairdresser into a great hairdresser. 



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