Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY Julie Hung
  • POSTED 2019/01/01
Prisms of Light 稜鏡之光大秀
  • TEXT BY Julie Hung
  • POSTED 2019/01/01

Trevor Sorbie團隊的創意總監是獲獎無數的Johanna Cree Brown,今年他在萊雅專業論色型賞總冠軍賽(L’Oréal Colour Trophy)製作了一場震撼人心的閉幕大秀。





Jo的靈感泉源來自之前看過的多場展覽,她沉靜在設計展給她的啟發。英國倫敦皇家藝術學院Bill Viola和Michelangelo的展覽、倫敦現代美術館Annie Albers的展覽、V&A博物館電玩遊戲展覽都是她創意之路的謬思。她特別著重於光影折射、顏色階層與捲曲造型的探索。






憑藉著40年的歷史,Trevor Sorbie團隊不斷超越,以領先者的身份不斷帶來前瞻性的創作。




Multi award-winner Johanna Cree Brown, Trevor Sorbie’s Creative Director of Special Projects, has produced a sensational and mind-bending final show at this year’s L’Oréal Colour Trophy.


The ‘Prism of Light’ show include an array of techniques and effects including glow in the dark neon threads and one look which was made from individual pearlescent threads creating a look that was over 10 feet in length.


Jo’s inspiration for this year’s show is originally inspired by a number of exhibitions that she immersed herself into prior to designing the show’s concepts. Bill Viola and Michelangelo at the RA, Annie Albers at the Tate Modern and Video Games at the V&A were all inspiration in her creative process. Particular attention on the use of light reflection, colour graduation and warping has been utilised and explored.


Jo explains her thoughts now that the show has now finished:

“I am super happy with how the show visually came across, the sound, the emotion, the hair concepts, it all clicked. It was a labour of love and a long journey, constantly guiding and pushing my limitations so that the ideas in my head were brought to life.


The team were totally committed throughout the project and I am very proud of every single one of them. We worked up to the very last minute to ensure we delivered our best show possible.”


With 40 year’s history under their belt, the Trevor Sorbie team constantly push the boundaries in hair and continue to be the leaders in forward-thinking creations.



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