Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY Angel
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Salon International
  • POSTED 2016/01/01
TONI & GUY Salon Live 展演 吸超過2000位髮型師觀摩
  • TEXT BY Angel
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Salon International
  • POSTED 2016/01/01

TONI&GUY presented an exclusive education segment to a sold-out crowd of 2000 stylists in the exhibition's purpose-built auditorium.


由Label M演繹作品集Catwalk Culture,創意團隊將他們在各大時裝週設計的髮型簡化,截取精隨將它們一一變成展現模特兒個性和特色的趨勢髮型。這幾年的時尚越來越注重個人化,量身訂製的服裝體現美個人獨一無二的個性,從相同理念延伸,Toni & Guy 2016年的作品集Duality展現不同的長度、捲度和色彩,唯一貫穿所有髮型的關鍵就是品牌獨有的風格:光環、角度和曲線。


Opening with label.m collection Catwalk Culture, models sported a variety of lengths, textures and finishes with one common theme - individuality. Inspired by the trend of 'character casting' backstage at this year's international fashion weeks, the team enhanced each model's natural texture to create individual but wearable looks.




Kevin Luchmun示範經典的漸層剪裁,在頂部則以不連接剪裁創造現代感;Charlie Cullen則展示了男性在頭髮長度上的變化,藉由造型品打造柔順感,搭配捲度和瀏海,提供男性不同於短髮的新選擇。


During the men's hair section, Kevin Luchmun and Charlie Coons presented two very different styles - Kevin's classic fade was updated with a double disconnection on top, while Charlie's retro inspired longer style was enhanced with a sleek wave




在色彩預告上,則由 Jo O'Neill和Siobhan Golden帶領團隊,示範最新的染髮技術,展現櫻桃色、黃色、粉桃色和鐵灰色,透過不同角度和分區的頭髮,呈現如萬花筒一般斑斕的色彩。


Art directors Efi Davis, Sophie Springett and Silje Vincent took to the stage to present three intricate editorial styles – The Wick, The Helix and The Killic – showcasing incredible texture and movement. Jo O'Neill and Siobhan Golden then demonstrated the latest colour techniques using angles, crescents and panels in a kaleidoscope of shades from deep cherry to acid yellow.




藝術總監Efi Davis、Sophie Springett和Silje Vincent三人則從外景造型中發想,在舞台上各自打造不同的前衛造型:The Wick來自編織而成的蠟燭芯;The Helix則是演繹身受龐克浪潮影響的喬治王朝;The Killick則是馬尾、繩結和編髮技巧的結晶。


Indira Schauwecker and Cos Sakkas closed the show with a cutting section, featuring signature TONI&GUY techniques in the 'halo' and the 'angle' - again working with each model's natural texture for a consumer friendly but fashion forward look.



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