- TEXT BY Judy Shen
- POSTED 2020/01/01
- TEXT BY Judy Shen
- POSTED 2020/01/01
The most important technique but often the most underestimated. Good layering helps you create the material for all your shapes. You can use it for every shape, texture and hair type.
Graduation is used to build up weight, with geometric lines either with or without tension and will form the outline of any shape you create.
這技巧是許多設計師的壓箱寶!它不是讓頭髮的一區變短,而是變長,這是 80 年代常用的技巧,用來製造比較強烈的形狀線條,現在則多用在水平剪的髮型上,來對抗厚重感。
This is the best kept secret in hairdressing! It’s the opposite of each section getting shorter; each section is getting longer. It was used a lot in the 80s to create hard, strong geometry. The modern version is to use it on one-length styles. Use it on one-length styles to combat graduation.
這也是不夠被重視的一項技術,這技巧是在長髮內剪短層次,可以建立頭髮內層的形狀,將內裡打薄、讓髮型更加立體、髮型更順,Texturising讓設計師各種變化髮量的可能性。Texturising isn’t taken seriously enough. It’s about cutting shorter lengths into your longer lengths to create an internal shape in your haircut that will work as a structure to your styles. Sometimes it will give a softening effect, or it can be used to thin out the hair. Texturising offers a whole world of possibilities and potentials by manipulating weight.
意指傳統之經典髮型,如鮑伯、堆積重量等,刀功有一定程序。Precision 剪髮技巧不單單只是製造線條,是 Akin Konizi 幾乎每次剪髮的時候都會用到的,這是讓設計師可以更精準造型的技巧,即是是凌亂不規則的造型,也可以用得上,如果你想製造結構或波浪,也是要使用 Precision。
Precision cutting is not just for geometry. It’s how I do all my cuts, it’s about doing your work precisely; if it’s a messy haircut, you still cut it with precision. If you want to create texture or choppiness, you still use precision.