Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY Angel
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Salon International & Sassoon
  • POSTED 2016/01/01
  • TEXT BY Angel
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Salon International & Sassoon
  • POSTED 2016/01/01

Sassoon國際創意團隊在Salon International中備受期待的Salon Live公開發表最新作品集POETICA與較為商業的商業作品集Utopia。由全球創意總監Mark Hayes領軍,以數位波西米亞為主軸,展現創意與商業兩類作品,現場示範剪裁與染髮技巧,搭配模特兒精湛的舞蹈走秀,展現沙宣幾何剪裁的精緻與美感。


Setting the highest standards in technical excellence and creativity, Sassoon has pioneered, created and maintained a modern method of hair design that continues to evolve and inspire hairdressers worldwide – and they didn’t disappoint with their exclusive ticketed showcase at Salon International!

最新趨勢作品POETICA 從衝突中尋找美感 





The uplifting show was the first time that Sassoon released their salon collection, Utopia, and their academy collection, Poetica, together beneath the single Digital Bohemia umbrella.


With Poetica, dramatic textured curls and techno bobs were matched with glossy colour for a look that was classic but sexy with a bit of rock n' roll. There were kabuki-inspired cuts, reinvented bob shapes and dramatic crops, teamed with shades of violets, rich mulberries, burnt coppers to inky blacks.


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While both collections showcased the classic geometry that Sassoon is renowned for, Utopia used soft blondes and brunettes - made more commercial with freehand techniques and graduated colour. Shades of pewter, lavender, soft pink and creamy mink gave an innocent, beautiful but playful finish to the modernised page-boy cuts, 70s-inspired rock chick styles and disconnected bobs.


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全球創意總監Mark Hayes表示,Sassoon的教育實力深受全球美髮人肯定,無論是創意領域或是商業範疇,Sassoon的一舉一動都受到檢視,而Salon International正是一個絕佳的平台,讓創意團隊的成員們不僅能示範剪染的技巧,更能展現他們對美髮的熱愛和完美的追求,「我們很開心每年都能有機會在此發表趨勢作品!」


"We're known for our excellent hair education with both creativity and commercial appeal," said Sassoon international creative director Mark Hayes. "We're delighted to have been able to bring them together on stage at the same time for the first time."



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