Salon News Asia
  • TEXT BY Angel
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Salon International
  • POSTED 2016/01/01
邊髮之神Patrick Cameron 於Salon Live大顯身手
  • TEXT BY Angel
  • PHOTOGRAPHY BY Salon International
  • POSTED 2016/01/01

女神形象不外乎美麗浪漫,Goddesses Collection囊括基本的花朵編髮和深受影集《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》啟發的莫霍克編髮,13款造型皆展現了長髮柔和的線條。不同於Patrick以往的作品,Goddesses Collection多了些未完成感,更貼近明年髮行追求自然樣貌的趨勢。


Most hairdressers would agree that Patrick Cameron is something of a god when it comes to long hair. But at this year's Salon International it was all about Goddesses as Patrick revealed his new collection! Of the 13 looks featured, Patrick recreated ten live on-stage in his inimitable style, including a dramatic finale styled to music. "I believe every woman wants to feel like a goddess," he explained. "She wants to feel sexy."


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用手指代替梳子 創造自然柔美的線條



Naturally, there was also the classic Patrick Cameron over-sized bun with a criss-cross twist, but many of the looks had a more undone, younger feel than past collections - and Patrick urged the audience to use their fingers, not a brush to recreate this.




Patrick在現場示範了各式逆刮技巧、扭轉和編髮,Patrick實際證明了浪漫編髮不是只有一半梳起一半放下的單調公式,透過頭髮創造出圖樣和紋理,更能因應消費者多變的需求。「這正是我最喜歡Goddesses Collection的一點,它的理念和技巧其實都很簡單,但卻能營造出客人追求的手工感!」Patrick說道。


"I have been so excited by this collection because I love the concept and how simple it is. That's what your clients want," Patrick told the enthralled audience. "They want something that looks like they've done it themselves, but with a professional edge."



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