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2011 Salon International國際品牌薈萃 世界級大師精采展演
10月15、16、17日,上萬名設計師從世界各地湧入倫敦ExCel展場,參加全球髮型界的最大年度盛會Salon International!

#Salon International #Salon Seminar #Salon Live
10月15、16、17日,上萬名設計師從世界各地湧入倫敦ExCel展場,參加全球髮型界的最大年度盛會Salon International!
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>展場內亦有品牌直接在攤位上就設計了美輪美奐的舞台,例如BaByliss Pro、Denman、Paul Mitchell、Toni&amp;Guy與Wahl等,於各時段在攤位上進行技術發表;此外,有如名人堂的現場發表大師,如Patrick Cameron、Clipso、Andrew Collinge、HOB、Zoe Irwin、Mark Leeson、Paul Merritt、Adam Reed與Sean Hanna,更是另一吸睛的焦點。HJ&rsquo;s BHA英國美髮大賽所設立的圖片藝廊,也首度開放給觀眾近距離觀賞總決賽選手們的作品。迴響熱烈的經營致勝講座,則請來業界巨頭,包括Sarah Cross、Michael Van Clarke、Hellen Ward、Louise Wood等人為髮廊老闆提供最新的沙龍經營概念與作法。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">不可不看的Salon Live 不可錯過的Salon Seminar</div>
<p>讓設計師們最興奮的是每年都大排長龍的Salon Live髮型秀與Salon Seminar教育示範。今年Salon Live由耳熟能詳的Sassoon Academy、Tim Hartley、Patrick Cameron與TONI&amp;GUY發表各個團隊的2012最新髮型趨勢,提早為明年髮型界的流行揭開序幕。</p>
<p>Salon Seminar則由Mahogany與Saco兩大教育學院團隊帶來2012最新趨勢髮型的技術分解,鉅細靡遺的現場實操剪染技術,由於這些課程都是來到Salon International可以獲得的寶貴資訊,因此每堂Salon Seminar都呈現出座無虛席的爆滿熱況。</p>
<p>今年Salon International展會在全球美髮人的熱情參與中圓滿結束,2012年將在10月13、14、15三天於倫敦ExCel展會再度閃耀登場!</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/85//102//dsc0864.jpg?1612501560934" alt="dsc0864" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2011/85//102//r3q0746.jpg?1612501560934" alt="r3q0746" /></p>
<p>With over 200 exhibitors, The Hair Show highlighted everything that is great about British hairdressing with the best creative names in the industry inspiring the audience from the live stages of HJ, BaByliss Pro, Denman, The Fellowship for British Hairdressing, ghd, HABIA, Paul Mitchell, Toni&amp;Guy and Wahl who featured some of the greatest names in hairdressing including Patrick Cameron, Clipso, Andrew Collinge, HOB, Zoe Irwin, Mark Leeson, Paul Merritt, Adam Reed and seanhanna. HJ&rsquo;s BHA Gallery sponsored by Schwarzkopf Professional was a huge visitor attraction where visitors could peruse, for the first time, the collections of the finalists and nominees in the 2011 British Hairdressing Awards.</p>
<p>Affinage, Balmain, Brazilian Blowout, Corioliss, Digital Perm, Diva Professional Styling, Hair Tools, Jack Dean, Kent Brushes, Kerastraight, milk shake, Procare, Sassoon Academy, Soulglow, Toni&amp;Guy, Ybera and Yuko all showcased their latest innovations in product development. Conditioning products and systems include Amargan Hair Therapy Oil, Global Keratin, Kera Spa, Keratherapy, Macadamia Natural Oil, Morroccanoil and True Keratin.</p>
<p>The latest designs and innovations in scissors were available from Dowa, Echo Centre, GE Betterton, Glamtech, Kamisori, Rand Rocket, Scissorlab, Sensei Shear Systems and Vern Intelligent Combined Scissors. Steiner provided information on hairdressing careers with a difference - travelling the world on board a cruise liner - while City &amp; Guilds, HABIA, ITEC and VTCT were all on hand to ensure that education, training and qualilfication needs were met. Aston &amp; Fincher, Maletti, REM, Salon Supplies and Takara Belmont once again showcased the best in salon design and furniture from chairs and backwash units to reception desks and mirrors.</p>
<p>For salons that provide both hairdressing and beauty services, the beauty market offers Crownbrush, Helen E, Lash Perfect, London College of Beauty Therapy, New</p>


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