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2013 AIPP Awards Ceremony 五組冠軍作品曝光
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>十月十七日,美髮界的奧斯卡AIPP Awards第十七屆頒獎典禮與Alternative Hair Show一同於英國皇家歌劇院(Royal Albert Hall)舉辦,由Association InternationalePresseProfessionnelle Coiffure(AIPP)主席Roberto Pissimiglia親自到場頒發榮耀的獎盃,與現場超過五千名美髮人一同見證這歷史性的一刻。</p>
<p>AIPP Legend Award: Toni Mascolo OBE for 50 years&rsquo; of Toni&amp;Guy success</p>
<p>Best Commerical Category: Angelo Seminara UK</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/98/1230014_577723192274401_1701776470_n.jpeg?1612336766165" alt="1230014_577723192274401_1701776470_n" /></p>
<p>Best Avant-Garde Category: ChristophGaillet France</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/98/255370_3970221346260_794791113_n.jpeg?1612336790804" alt="255370_3970221346260_794791113_n" /></p>
<p>Best Photo Category: Frank Apostolopoulos Australia</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/98/861472_420076471414731_1245442902_o.jpeg?1612336803628" alt="861472_420076471414731_1245442902_o" /></p>
<p>Best Men&rsquo;s Category: RustamMirasov Russia</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/98/1277552_699433593419273_1076294911_o.jpeg?1612336844378" alt="1277552_699433593419273_1076294911_o" /></p>
<p>Best Video Category: CyrillHohl Luxembourg</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">五組冠軍作品搶先曝光</div>
<p>從來自33個國家的553件作品脫穎而出5位冠軍,現場更以影片搭配搶先曝光這五組全新打造的冠軍作品。the Best Commercial Award最佳商業作品由Angelo Seminara為Davines打造的最新創作「Mother of Pearl」奪下獎盃,Angelo此次因在海外仍有工作尚未前來會場,而由他的女兒Noemi Seminara及Davines總監Braguzzi代領領獎;the Best Avant-Garde Award最佳前衛造型由來自法國的Christophe Gaillet充滿未來感的創作「Diva」贏得評審的青睞;the Best Photography Award最佳攝影創作由先前贏得Hair Expo澳洲美髮大賽年度最佳設計師獎項的Frank Apostolopoulos以同一作品「Tear」再次獲得全球的認同;the Best Men Award最佳男士風格由來自莫斯科的RustamMirasov贏得,為首位俄羅斯籍的設計師奪冠者;the Best Video Award則是由來自盧森堡的Cyrill' Hohl以為最新作品集所拍攝的影片奪取評審的目光,簡短3分半鐘的影片完整展現出日常生活中實用的造型。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">傑出大師Toni Mascolo</div>
<p>與Alternative Hair Show一同舉辦,在AIPP Awards的頒獎典禮上更特別增添一獎項AH+AIPP International Legend Award頒發給Toni&Guy創辦人Toni Mascolo,感謝他幾十年來對全球美髮業的貢獻、付出及影響,從自己的兄弟AHS主席Anthony Mascolo及創辦人Tony Rizzo手上接過獎盃,Toni表示今年剛好適逢歡慶Toni&Guy50周年,對他來說無疑是相當值得珍惜及感謝的一年,他感到非常滿足。</p>
<p>London, 17th October 2013 --- The 2013-2014 AIPP Awards Ceremony was held on Sunday, the 13th of October, during one of the world&rsquo;s most renowned hairdressing events, the Alternative Hair Show at the prestigious Royal Albert Hall in London. An enthusiastic audience of more than 5,000 hairdressers from all around the world honoured the artistic achievements of five internationally acclaimed hairstylists: Angelo Seminara (United Kingdom), Christophe Gaillet (France), Frank Apostolopoulos (Australia), RustamMirasov (Russia) and Cyrill' Hohl (Luxembourg).</p>
<p>The AIPP, in association with the Alternative Hair Show, also presented the AH+AIPP International Legend Award to the great hairdressing master Toni Mascolo (United Kingdom), founder/CEO of Toni&amp;Guy, recognizing his outstanding achievements and the inspirational mark he has left in the global industry throughout his career. Toni Mascolo was thrilled, saying it was truly an honor to get an award in celebration of 50 years of Toni&amp;Guy. He was presented with his award by his very own young brother Anthony Mascolo, President of the Alternative Hair Show, along with Tony Rizzo, Founder of the Alternative Hair Show.</p>
<p>Hosted by Roberto Pissimiglia, President of the AIPP (Association InternationalePresseProfessionnelle Coiffure), at the 17th annual AIPP Awards Ceremony event Angelo Seminara (United Kingdom) won the Best Commercial Award for his beautiful collection 'Mother of Pearl' &ndash; the award was collected by his daughter Noemi Seminara and by Paolo Braguzzi, CEO of Davines; Christophe Gaillet (France) grabbed the Best Avant-Garde Award for a futuristic collection stemming from his search for new and original ideas with stunning textures &amp; creative patterns &ndash; the award was collected by Catherine McMahon (L'Or&eacute;alProfessionnel UK); Frank Apostolopoulos (Australia) earned the Best Photography Award for his collection 'Tear', composed of the best pictures in terms of originality and attention to detail; RustamMirasov (Russia) &ndash;first Russian hairstylist ever to be recognized in the AIPP Awards&ndash; won the Best Men Award for his collection of new and appealing male styles; and Cyrill' Hohl (Luxembourg) conquered the Best Video Award for a dynamic and creative video showing his latest hairstyle collection. Award recipients were voted by the AIPP Magazine Members throughout the world over recent months. This year participation was impressive, having received 553 photo collections from 33 countries all around the globe!!!</p>
<p>Now it&rsquo;s time to initiate the AIPP Grand Trophy 2013-2014, where the 5 winners of the AIPP Awards compete against each other to become the over-all winner by sending in their Fall-Winter Collections. The AIPP Grand Trophy 2013-2014 will be awarded next Spring 2014 in a prestigious venue still to be announced.</p>


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