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2013 Alternative Hair Show「謎」人大秀
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<p>每年秋季到訪英國倫敦絕對不可錯過的精采慈善美髮大秀The Alternative Hair Show(AHS),日前於英國皇家歌劇院(Royal Albert Hall)盛大落幕,今年表演節目精彩連連,以最新穎的激戰Visionary Awards作為開場,25組來自世界各地的入圍者分別帶領模特兒走上舞台展現自我風格,令人興奮的是今年AHS的國際擂台首度出現了華人面孔,而且是來自台灣的驕傲!來自EROS Hairstyling的Tyker Ho以壓軸之姿帶領在英國組起的台灣國際團隊:模特兒Wei Lin及彩妝師Ariel Yeh大展台灣魅力。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/88/alternative_hair_2013_bundy_bundy_abh_6753sml.jpeg?1612338632625" alt="alternative_hair_2013_bundy_bundy_abh_6753sml" /></p>
<p>此外,今年一共有19組知名國際團隊參與演出,以各自獨有的思維及方式輪番上陣演繹主題「Enigma謎」,精湛演出讓全場觀眾入「謎」到幾乎忘了眨眼,同時他們也為血癌病童募得18萬1千英鎊的資金,截至目前,Alternative Hair Foundation的基金已高達 9百萬英鎊。活動尾聲,主辦單位盛大頒獎給AIPP五個比賽組別的冠軍,再次將現場氣氛炒到最高點。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/88/alternative_hair_2013_kvn_abh_6815sml.jpeg?1612338653616" alt="alternative_hair_2013_kvn_abh_6815sml" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/88/alternative_hair_2013_tigi_abh_6299sml.jpeg?1612338670752" alt="alternative_hair_2013_tigi_abh_6299sml" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/88/alternative_hair_2013_e_salon_abh_6168sml.jpeg?1612338683869" alt="alternative_hair_2013_e_salon_abh_6168sml" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">19組國際知名團隊心中的Enigma謎</div>
<p>Saco、Mahogany、Anne Veck、E Salon、TIGI International Creative Team、Dmitry Vinokurov&hellip;今年參與表演團隊的陣容相當堅強,19組來自世界各地的團隊皆以極具舞台張力的前衛造型來演繹今年的主題「Enigma謎」,無懈可擊的妝髮及服裝搭配創造了最完美的整體造型,同時每一組表演皆融入舞蹈,以肢體表現及配樂讓髮型的創作增添了張力、態度以及令人無限想像的故事性,激發所有觀眾無限的想像力,表演內容相當多元,像是天使奇幻夢遊、女性神秘外表底下總是令人好奇的內心世界、神秘部落、人性扭曲及掙扎反思生命的意義、文化交合的衝擊、在酒吧中找尋自我、軍事強硬體制下的秘密等&hellip;直到表演結束還是令人回味。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/88/alternative_hair_2013_sanrizz_abh_7203sml.jpeg?1612338694792" alt="alternative_hair_2013_sanrizz_abh_7203sml" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/88/alternative_hair_2013_fehringer_abh_6051sml.jpeg?1612338711880" alt="alternative_hair_2013_fehringer_abh_6051sml" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/88/alternative_hair_2013_mahogany_abh_6861sml.jpeg?1612338725180" alt="alternative_hair_2013_mahogany_abh_6861sml" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">19組知名團隊分別演繹 Enigma謎</div>
<p>1.Saco, UK &ndash; STATIC</p>
<p>Architecturally inspired with a balance of light bringing glimpses of colour to life</p>
<p>2.Anne Veck, UK &ndash; THE JAZZ AGE</p>
<p>Pin curls and sleek bobs triumphed in the shimmy-shake dance appeal of the 20s.</p>
<p>3.Electric Hair, UK &ndash; FILM NOIR</p>
<p>Architecture and fashion met in classic bobs, ordered curls and fractured fringes</p>
<p>4.Peter Mark, Ireland &ndash; CELTIC DARKNESS</p>
<p>Celtic creations showing the haunting mysticism of supernatural Gothic legends</p>
<p>5.Gogen, Italy &ndash; INITIATION</p>
<p>Matching couture with natural influences to integrate tradition and modernity</p>
<p>6.Robert Masciave, UK &ndash; LES ESORCHES</p>
<p>A tribal mell&eacute; of exotic, authentic, violent, beautiful and unique characters</p>
<p>7.Mikel Luzea, Spain &ndash; WHAT?</p>
<p>An enigma of the sexes, avant-garde men with styled facial hair led by a woman</p>
<p>8.Fehringer, Austria &ndash; MORPH</p>
<p>A rebirth of the mystical morphing into the eccentric with a loaded skeletal twist</p>
<p>9.E Salon, Australia &ndash; CRYPTOGRAM</p>
<p>Where super-hero strength combined with structure, styling and colour</p>
<p>10.TIGI International Creative Team, UK &ndash; PILGRIMAGE</p>
<p>Step inside the footsteps of a pilgrimage that brought to life monochrome modernistic styling infused with immense power.</p>
<p>11.Nicholas French, USA &ndash; CINEMATIC</p>
<p>An elegant, crafted explosion of stylised and beautifully dressed shapes</p>
<p>12.Bundy Bundy, Austria &ndash; WHO AM I?</p>
<p>Facing head-on the eternal quest of self discovery to find inner peace</p>
<p>13.Kohsuke Visual Network, Japan &ndash; CHINESE EMPRESS CIXI</p>
<p>The legendary story teller harmonising Asian fashion with its sensuous beauty</p>
<p>14.Mahogany, UK &ndash; REFLECTION</p>
<p>Shimmering styles of futuristic purity imbued with imagination-laden sensuality</p>
<p>15.Klaus Peter Ochs, Germany &ndash; WONDERLAND</p>
<p>A mythical journey into wonderland with a theatrical romance for style</p>
<p>16.Laszlo Hajas, Hungary &ndash; THE SECRET OF COLOURS</p>
<p>Showing the complexity of light and shade through tailored colourful cuts</p>
<p>17.Dmitry Vinokurov, Russia &ndash;LIBERALITY</p>
<p>A riddle of transformation to rehabilitate the balance of mankind</p>
<p>18.Carlo Bay, Italy &ndash;FASHION SCULPTURE</p>
<p>A balanced affair of gymnasts with high gloss waves dominated by braiding</p>
<p>19.Sanrizz, UK &ndash; THE ENIGMA CHAIN</p>
<p>A dazzling collection geometric shapes with yellow and raven black focal points</p>
<p>Sunday 13th October 2013 saw the 31st Alternative Hair Show continue its legacy at the Royal Albert Hall by presenting an outstanding evening of inspirational creativity and fund-raising in support of its cause of Fighting Leukaemia.</p>
<p>Spectacular presentations by 19 individual international hairdressing teams helped to raise over &pound;181,000 for the Alternative Hair Charitable Foundation. This brings the total raised in the history of Alternative Hair to over &pound;9 million.</p>
<p>Opening with a brilliant rendition of Diamonds are Forever, West End theatre and musical star, Zoe Rainey, paid tribute to key sponsor Denman International, this year celebrating its 75th Anniversary manufacturing hairdressing&rsquo;s favourite and iconic hair brushes, styling tools and accessories. Denman International&rsquo;s John Rainey accepted an award for the brand&rsquo;s milestone.</p>
<p>John Frieda was welcomed to the stage announcing a new initiative for 2014 as HAIRraising teams up with Alternative Hair Charitable Foundation before accepting a special AH Humanitarian Award.</p>
<p>Founder of Alternative Hair, Tony Rizzo, and Worldwide President of Alternative Hair, Anthony Mascolo, moved on to present The Alternative Hair International Visionary Awards. This vignette section of the show sees 25 young finalists each present their total look avant-garde model, the winner returning to London to present an individual show at next year&rsquo;s event.</p>
<p>Top creative teams from around the globe &ndash; including the UK, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Spain, Austria, Australia, USA, Russia and Japan &ndash; then presented their incredible interpretations of Enigma &ndash; this year&rsquo;s Alternative show theme.</p>
<p>And bringing to life the awesome outcome of the Fighting Leukaemia cause were special guests Francesca Waite and her four-year-old son, Blue Tobin (now a Leukaemia survivor) who enjoyed the organisation&rsquo;s annual excursion to Disneyland, Paris.</p>
<p>&ldquo;I just can&rsquo;t thank you enough for all you do to help children like Blue,&rdquo; said Francesca. &ldquo;My little boy was sent home last year to die and is now on the road to recovery. The money you tirelessly raise also means families like mine get to do things like go to Disney, spend time and share experiences with each other. Without you we wouldn&rsquo;t have this opportunity, we just can&rsquo;t thank you enough.&rdquo;</p>


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