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<p>2013年,Tribute Show再次將國際級的美髮巨頭聚集在具有110年歷史的Novello劇院展開一場美髮大冒險,沙宣全球創意總監MarkHayes、美髮宗師Tim Hartley、最強美髮雙人組Gary Hooker & Michael Young(Hooker&Young)、國際知名外景造型師Zoe Irwin及Trevor Sorbie國際團隊成員Johanna Cree Brown等人大展身手及創意分別呈現五段出神入化的精湛演出,同時永遠的前衛大師Robert Lobetta、Trevor Sorbie本人以及Tribute magazine發行人Nicky Pope也親臨現場擔任主持人與指導的角色。</p>
<p>The 110 year old Novello Theatre had a complete change of set for the 2013 Tribute Show. Stripped-bare to host pure hairdressing genius, the stage was set for a sensational five act show. From 7pm to 10pm it was hairdressing dynamite courtesy of the cast: Mark Hayes, Zoe Irwin, Johanna Cree Brown, Tim Hartley, Gary Hooker &amp; Michael Young with supporting roles from Robert Lobetta and Trevor Sorbie.</p>
<p>Each captivating presentation, from some of the world&rsquo;s most iconic stylists, was as individual as it was spectacular. With stunning style, warmth, humour and an intriguing vibe added by a double bass player and a DJ. In short, the Tribute Show is a master-class of hairdressing elegance and purity.</p>
<p>Nicky Pope publisher of Tribute magazine hosted the show and welcomed surprise mc, Robert Lobetta, who introduced each guest with wit, wisdom and style</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">沙宣全球創意總監 Mark Hayes</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/86/mark_hayes_on_stage.jpeg?1612338850933" alt="mark_hayes_on_stage" /></p>
<p>深受Robert Lobetta觀念影響「幸運偏愛勇者fortune favours the brave」,此次Mark在秀上大方分享近來所愛的長短髮對比造型。由英國獨有次文化「sartorial dandies」及「subculture suedeheads」衍生出來的創作概念,Mark在打造此系列髮型的過程中更擷取一些歷史及流行時尚相關實例的元素融入其中,特別像是今年在紐約展出「Chaos to Culture」等,其精細的創意細節讓全場700名觀眾深深著迷。</p>
<p>Mark shared his love of contrast between short and long hair as he remembered Robert Lobetta&rsquo;s advice to him that &ldquo;fortune favours the brave&rdquo;. Captivating the 700 audience with his creative precision, the hair story evolved with fantastic back-stories to Mark&rsquo;s themes of &lsquo;sartorial dandies&rsquo; and &lsquo;subculture suedeheads&rsquo;. Mark gave substance to his developmental process for collections with both historic and fashion illustration references, in particular, NYC 2013 &lsquo;Chaos to Culture&rsquo; exhibition.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">國際知名外景造型師 Zoe Irwin</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/86/zoe_irwin_with_model_on_stage.jpeg?1612338868012" alt="zoe_irwin_with_model_on_stage" /></p>
<p>完整解說創作概念及所選元素背後的意義,Zoe Irwin在現場完美呈現了兩款不同風格的造型。首款造型Zoe大玩編髮,巧妙的將印地安傳統造型融入迷幻繽紛的色彩及知名演員Sienna Millar近期熱愛的編髮概念。隨後,Zoe更完美呈現白人女性所愛的黑人頭造型「disco frizz」,融入了美國俱樂部的經典代表Studio54及夜生活等文化,「disco frizz」比傳統經典afro造型更多了分現代摩登感。</p>
<p>the story-telling technique of Zoe Irwin stands her apart. She first talked about the remix of braids from Native Indian origins to include today&rsquo;s psychedelic colour popping and contemporary references with Sienna Millar&rsquo;s recent braid story. In her second demonstration Zoe referenced Studio 54 and the cultures that mixed and melded as the original afro became the white girl&rsquo;s &lsquo;disco frizz&rsquo;.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Trevor Sorbie國際團隊成員 Johanna Cree Brown</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/86/johanna_cree_brown_model_on_stage_3.jpeg?1612338884548" alt="johanna_cree_brown_model_on_stage_3" /></p>
<p>曾跟隨Trevor Sorbie、Eugene Souliman、Broiks and Brooks、Angelo Seminara等多位國際級大師,Johanna Cree Brown是受到Trevor Sorbie本人認同具有非凡才華的新銳設計師,並在業界具有相當資深的經歷。Johanna此次與台下觀眾大方分享龐克元素以及近期熱愛的全新創作靈感與感受,像是鞋子設計、3D立體藝術、建築及大自然環境等,在現場以熟練的技巧運用夾子快速的創造出富有未來感的流線型造型,讓現場掌聲連連。</p>
<p>Introduced by Trevor Sorbie as an extraordinary stylist carrying on the heritage which started with Trevor himself and then cascaded with the likes of Eugene Souliman, Brooks and Brooks, Angelo Seminara and many more, Johanna lived up to the esteemed introduction. She harnessed the power of pins, talking punk inspiration and a love of fresh energy. Creating futuristic styles with streamlined shapes inspired by shoe design, 3-dimensional art, architecture and nature, her eye for detail and flair for theatre literally lit up the stage.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">一代宗師 Tim Hartley</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/86/tim_hartley_on_stage.jpeg?1612338900456" alt="tim_hartley_on_stage" /></p>
<p>絕美、機智,萬眾期待的Tim Hartley,在此次的秀中搶先曝光最新作品集「vie en rose玫瑰人生」,採取時尚頑童John Paul Gaultier「the king of subversion」的風格,Tim Hartley以快、狠、準的剪髮技術完美創造出未受任何規範拘束的前衛造型,光是看著Tim揮舞著剪刀的架式就令人著迷,不可否認Tim Hartley總是能預測所有突如其來的意外,從不讓人失望。</p>
<p>The audience expected Tim&rsquo;s brand of brilliance and wit and they got it with his beautiful &lsquo;vie en rose&rsquo; theme. Cutting hair with breath-taking speed and precision, and forever resisting the norm, Tim referenced John Paul Gautier &lsquo;the king of subversion&rsquo;. And wielding just scissors, Tim showed how the cult of the cut is back. One thing for certain is that with Mr Hartley: expect the unexpected and he&rsquo;ll never disappoint.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">最強美髮雙人組Hooker & Young</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/97/86/%E5%B0%81%E9%9D%A2.jpeg?1612338978555" alt="封面" /></p>
<p>以壓軸之姿登場Hooker & Young打造出一系列帶有絕美捲度及光澤的長髮造型,精細的細節有如平面攝影作品。八年前Hooker & Young就已在長髮造型的創作上做出自己風格,此次他們更將這獨有的造型融入Alexandre de Paris及Jean Luc Minetti等國際大師的經典元素,創造出一系列生動、具有張力的精巧造型。</p>
<p>Beautifully finished long hair models&hellip;.exquisite waves&hellip; glistening shine. This was the beginning of the end as the final act of the night dramatically deconstructed their stunning work into editorial delights. Eight years ago, Hooker &amp; Young set out to successfully master the art of long hair, and now with this classical precision they echo their inspirational greats of Alexandre de Paris and Jean Luc Minetti. Animated, entertaining and full of clever hairdressing.</p>


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