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2014-2015 AIPP 日籍髮型師獲年度總冠軍
去年10月12日,倫敦的皇家亞伯特音樂廳裡歡呼掌聲一波一波的,將AIPP五項類別的冠軍推上舞臺,經過將近半年的醞釀,五位得主再次齊聚一堂,以最新的秋冬作品,一較高下,爭取2014-2015 AIPP Grand Trophy年度總冠軍之榮耀頭銜,經過激烈評選後,最終由來自Toni&Guy的Chie Sato獲得冠軍寶座。

#AIPP #義大利
去年10月12日,倫敦的皇家亞伯特音樂廳裡歡呼掌聲一波一波的,將AIPP五項類別的冠軍推上舞臺,經過將近半年的醞釀,五位得主再次齊聚一堂,以最新的秋冬作品,一較高下,爭取2014-2015 AIPP Grand Trophy年度總冠軍之榮耀頭銜,經過激烈評選後,最終由來自Toni&Guy的Chie Sato獲得冠軍寶座。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>冠軍中的冠軍,美髮界奧斯卡最至高無上的榮耀與肯定 -- 2014-2015 AIPP Grand Trophy,冠軍得主已於2015年3月22日在義大利波隆那美容展的頒獎典禮中公布。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/106/120/106-120-004.jpg?1612405403355" alt="106-120-004" /></p>
<p>The AIPP Grand Trophy Award Ceremony was held on Sunday, March 22th at Cosmoprof Worldwide 2015 (Bologna, Italy). The Ceremony was presented by Roberto Pissimiglia, AIPP Presiden accompanied by Toni Mascolo, Founder and CEO of Toni&amp;Guy.</p>
<p>日籍髮型師Chie Sato於多位資深髮型師中脫穎而出,創下AIPP AWARDS歷史上最資淺的總冠軍,以黑馬之姿透過前衛創作一舉奪下Grand Trophy冠軍,她在台上興奮的與觀眾分享喜悅,坦言自己非常感動,也對評審所給予的青睞與肯定感到十分驕傲。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/106/120//106-120-001.jpg?1612405411926" alt="106-120-001" /></p>
<p>Chie Sato (Toni&amp;Guy, UK) was crowned absolute winner at XVIII edition of the AIPP Grand Trophy, becoming the first time for this young and talented hairdresser to win the most renowned award in the hairdressing industry worldwide. She admitted to be very moved and proud to be recognized by the editors of the best professional magazines in the world and shared her excitement with the audience.</p>
<p>Chie Sato進入美髮產業14年,雖然面對著這麼多資深的髮型師,14年的經歷稱不上多,但她已經展現令人驚嘆的才華。Chie Sato先於日本東京習得美髮技藝,四年後離鄉背井,她前往美髮發源地英國倫敦,加入Toni&amp;Guy這個大家庭。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/106/120///106-120-005.jpg?1612405419531" alt="106-120-005" /></p>
<p>Chie is renowned for her creative ability and was crowned &lsquo;Avant-garde Hairdresser of the Year 2014/15&rsquo; at the British Hairdressing Awards. Being an incredibly gifted member of the Toni&amp;Guy International Artistic Team, Chie Sato began working in the hairdressing industry 14 years ago. Originally trained in Tokyo, Chie joined the Toni&amp;Guy family 10 years ago and remains an integral part of the team.</p>
<p>她對時尚趨勢的敏銳度也幫助她在倫敦時裝週大展身手,Chie Sato出色的表現深受許多知名服裝設計師的肯定,更成為他們指名御用的後台髮型師。</p>
<p>Chie Sato目前仍效力於Toni&amp;Guy,善用她的時尚敏銳度和對流行趨勢精準的判斷,幫助Toni&amp;Guy創作每一季的趨勢形象照、影片和廣告,更在Toni&amp;Guy Academy擔任教育者,作育英才。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/106/120////106-120-002.jpg?1612405428780" alt="106-120-002" /></p>
<p>Chie is a key team member when the artistic team come together to create the fashion-led styles featured throughout Toni&amp;Guy&rsquo;s advertising campaigns, videos and books. She is also one of the Toni&amp;Guy key educators, and teaches various courses at the Toni&amp;Guy Academy.</p>
<p>去年AIPP AWARDS收件數突破新高,而2015-2016 AIPP AWARDS也悄悄敲響戰鼓,來自世界各國想要參賽的髮型師們正緊鑼密鼓地準備作品。今年一樣有「最佳商業」、「最佳前衛造型」、「最佳攝影」、「最佳男士風格」和「最佳影片」五項類別,作品皆須為春夏新作,以一系列三張不同的照片為單位,並提供詳細的創作團隊名單。</p>
<p>And now the starting bell for the new edition, AIPP AWARDS 2015-2016! Hundreds of hairdressers around the world are already preparing their dossiers with their spring-summer collections to compete in one of the five categories.</p>
<p>Best Avant-garde Collection: Recognizing work which has researched new, original, futuristic ideas.</p>
<p>Best Commercial Collection: For styles which are easy to wear and simple to re-style.</p>
<p>Best Photography: For the collection composed of the best pictures from the point of view of variety and attention to detail.</p>
<p>Best Men's Collection: In recognition of the marked increase of interest in men's hair fashion.</p>
<p>Best Video: The video has to be a video/clip no longer than 3 minutes promoting a hairdresser/hair fashion collection (no step by step video).</p>
<p>今年報名截止日期為6月30日,可自行將作品寄至AIPP辦公室,亦可透過Salon News Asia報名,將上期附贈之報名表填妥後連同作品(印刷好的三張照片和光碟),於5月31日以前郵寄至台北市信義區信義路五段五號3F26室。透過Salon News Asia報名得獎者可獲倫敦來回機票乙張,親自在10月11日的頒獎典禮上台領獎!</p>
<p>This year again the 2015-2016 AIPP AWARDS CEREMONY will take place during the ALTERNATIVE HAIR SHOW 2015 at the prestigious Royal Albert Hall, London on October 11th 2015. The collections have to be sent before June 30th.</p>


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