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2014 AHS / AIPP / International Visionary Award 美髮盛事
2014年10月12日,全球美髮界一年一度最關注的盛會在倫敦皇家歌劇院精采上演,從橫跨全球五大洲的美髮比賽International Visionary Award揭開序幕、接著頒發擁有美髮界奧斯卡之稱的AIPP Awards,之後則是全球20組菁英團隊上場演繹今年主題《Equilibrium平衡》,這絕對是一場全球美髮人都不容錯過的感官饗宴。

#英國 #AHS #International Visionary Award #AIPP
2014年10月12日,全球美髮界一年一度最關注的盛會在倫敦皇家歌劇院精采上演,從橫跨全球五大洲的美髮比賽International Visionary Award揭開序幕、接著頒發擁有美髮界奧斯卡之稱的AIPP Awards,之後則是全球20組菁英團隊上場演繹今年主題《Equilibrium平衡》,這絕對是一場全球美髮人都不容錯過的感官饗宴。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>Gino Fang與Oka Hu再度讓台灣的名字響徹倫敦皇家歌劇院,10月12日當晚在現場的台灣觀眾雖然不算多,但每個人都與有榮焉的張大嗓門為上台的兩位台灣之光大聲歡呼,讓現場5,000個席次都聽得到來自台灣的加油聲,對台上兩名台灣設計師而言,這一刻,是最美麗的瞬間。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/79/%E4%B8%BB%E5%9C%96-gino.jpg?1612255682996" alt="主圖-gino" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/79/alternative_hair_2014_london_visonary_award_abh_2406sml.jpeg?1612255911138" alt="alternative_hair_2014_london_visonary_award_abh_2406sml" /></p>
<p>2014年10月12日,第32屆Alternative Hair Show一如往昔的假倫敦皇家歌劇院(The Royal Albert Hall)舉行,這一天是屬於全球美髮人拭目以待的感官盛宴,也是一場極具慈善意義的公益盛會,在熱鬧喧騰的比賽、頒獎、表演背後,真正的用意是完成創辦人對於白血病友的慈善募款。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">剪染與前衛造型各自演繹Equilibrium</div>
<p>International Visionary Award以往並無比賽組別,從全部競賽作品中評選出前三名,今年則首度改變比賽項目,將全部作品分類成兩個組別,一是剪染造型(Cut and Colour),另一項為前衛造型(Avant Garde),分別取前兩名冠亞軍。</p>
<p>今年比賽主題設定為《平衡Equilibrium》,來自全球32位參賽者,各16組作品分別詮釋各自定義的《平衡Equilibrium》。最終,獲得剪染組冠軍為來自愛爾蘭的Rossa Danagher,亞軍則是義大利的Anteo Geminiani,前衛造型冠軍則由波蘭的Pawel Babicz奪得,亞軍落入澳洲的Richi Grisillo。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">募款所得捐贈白血病慈善基金會</div>
<p>Alternative Hair Show緣起於創辦人Tony Rizzo的小孩遭受白血病之苦而失去生命,讓他將愛轉化為慈善的具體行動,成立Alternative Hair Show暨兒童血癌基金會 (Alternative Hair Charitable Foundation),並將活動募款所得捐贈給兒童血癌基金會。</p>
<p>今年,活動募款所得為214,000英鎊,折合台幣約10,700,000元,自從Alternative Hair Show慈善募款舉辦至今已經為抗癌鬥士們募得超過950萬英鎊,全球美髮人用行動支持慈善的最大熱情體現。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">台灣二度登上舞台驚豔全球美髮人</div>
<p>繼去年Tyker Ho讓台灣首度入圍並登上International Visionary Award舞台之後,今年,台灣再度入圍,而且是由一名增加為兩名登上舞台的入圍選手,台灣設計師在國際舞台上發光發熱的演出,讓舞台下觀眾擊掌叫好,更成就讓台灣設計師更加努力創作向前的最佳典範。</p>
<p>Sunday 12th October 2014 saw Alternative Hair showcase its 32nd Show, themed &lsquo;Equilibrium&rsquo;, at the Royal Albert Hall, London. The legendary event lived-up to all expectations with an outstanding evening of inspirational creativity and fund-raising, in support its cause: Fighting Leukaemia.</p>
<p>Spectacular presentations by 20 individual, international hairdressing teams helped raise an impressive ?214,000 for the Alternative Hair Charitable Foundation increasing the total amount of funding since the inception of Alternative Hair, in excess of ?9.5 million.</p>
<p>Founder of Alternative Hair, Tony Rizzo, and Worldwide President of Alternative Hair, Anthony Mascolo, welcomed the audience before presenting the 2014 Artistic Teams. The evening&rsquo;s presentation began with the Alternative Hair International Visionary Awards. This vignette section of the show saw 32 finalists in 2 categories: Cut and Colour and Avant Garde.</p>
<p>From beautifully executed and finished cut and colour models, to fantasy styling that reached new heights; the 32 participants made a strong on-stage presentation. First place in Cut and Colour went to Rossa Danagher from Ireland, with Runner Up: Anteo Geminiani from Italy. First place Avant Garde went to Pawel Babicz from Poland; the Runner up was Richi Grisillo from Australia.</p>
<p>The evening also included the AIPP finale presentation. The winners of the 5-categories were each presented with their trophy by Roberto Pissimiglia, President of the AIPP and guest of honour, revered Sassoon colourist, Annie Humphreys, who was herself, presented with the AIPP and AHS Legend Award. Annie dedicated her award late Renato Brunas.</p>
<p>Top creative teams from around the globe &ndash; including the UK, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Spain, Austria, Australia, Czech Republic, Russia and Japan &ndash; then presented their incredible interpretations of Equilibrium &ndash; this year&rsquo;s Alternative show theme.</p>
<p>Before the interval, a poignant film launched the evening&rsquo;s Appeal and gave the audience a glimpse into the research being done to win the battle against child blood cancers. The work of Fighting Leukaemia was brought to life with the introduction on stage of special guests 6 year old, Blue Tobin and 12 year old, Lucas Sutheren, both showing how Leukaemia can be fought and won.</p>
<p>Closing the evening Anthony Mascolo and Tony Rizzo thanked the audience and the participating hairdressers for their enduring support before presenting the cheque for &pound;214,000.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">胡峰瑋Oka Hu 大將之風驚豔全場 / Cut and Colour剪染造型組</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/79/alternative_hair_2014_london_visonary_award_abh_1923sml.jpeg?1612255960010" alt="alternative_hair_2014_london_visonary_award_abh_1923sml" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">方呈哲Gino Fang 三原色創作簡潔大器 / Avant Garde前衛造型組</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/79/alternative_hair_2014_london_visonary_award_abh_2131sml.jpeg?1612255979348" alt="alternative_hair_2014_london_visonary_award_abh_2131sml" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">2014-2015第18屆AIPP Awards盛大頒獎</div>
<p>五組冠軍明年初角逐Grand Trophy 年度總冠軍頭銜</p>
<p>Best Commercial Award / Vivienne Mackinder (USA)</p>
<p>Best Avant-Garde Award / Chie Sato @ Toni&amp;Guy (UK)</p>
<p>Best Photography Award / X-Presion (Spain)</p>
<p>Best Men Award / Michael Francos of D&amp;J Ambrose (UK)</p>
<p>Best Video Award / Klaus Peter Ochs (Germany)</p>
<p>全球髮型師最關注的美髮界最高榮耀指標AIPP Awards,一年一度頒獎典禮就在倫敦皇家歌劇院Alternative Hair Show的舞台上同時展開,在全場5,000位熱情髮型師驚聲尖叫中頒發美髮界最高榮耀給五位冠軍得主,現場充斥歡呼掌聲,掀起整晚節目的另一波高潮。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Annie Humphreys榮獲美髮界傳奇大賞</div>
<p>AIPP Awards頒獎典禮上另一個亮點莫過於AIPP與AHS主辦單位共同頒發《美髮界傳奇大賞AH+AIPP International Legend Award》給曾任沙宣國際色彩總監的Annie Humphreys。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/79/aipp-%E4%B8%BB%E5%9C%96.jpg?1612255999564" alt="aipp-主圖" /></p>
<p>她是美髮界的傳奇,在她過去60年的美髮生涯裡,她的色彩天賦暨努力不懈的精神創造出當代髮型時尚趨勢指標,並教育傳承了無數美髮界莘莘學子,此項《美髮界傳奇大賞AH+AIPP International Legend Award》殊榮,特別由Alternative Hair Show創辦人Tony Rizzo以及AIPP總裁Roberto Pissimiglia連袂頒獎。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">五組冠軍從全球561件作品脫穎而出</div>
<p>第18屆AIPP Awards收到來自全球34個國家,總計561件作品參賽,今年奪魁的五項組別冠軍分別如下:美國Vivienne Mackinder以《Neo Deco》作品榮膺最佳商業獎,英國Toni&amp;Guy 的Chie Sato以嶄新創意榮獲最佳前衛造型獎,西班牙X-Presion以細膩演繹之作《Zahia》奪得最佳攝影獎,英國Michael Francos of D&amp;J Ambrose以黑白精湛作品摘下男士風格獎,德國Klaus Peter Ochs以最新髮集 《Selfie》獲得評審青睞,拿下最佳影片獎,這五組得獎者將於明年初創作秋冬作品角逐2014-2015 AIPP Grand Trophy 年度總冠軍頭銜。</p>
<p>The 2014-2015 AIPP Awards Ceremony was held Oct.12 during the Alternative Hair Show &ndash;world&rsquo;s most celebrated hairdressing event&ndash; at the prestigious Royal Albert Hall in London. An enthusiastic audience of more than 5,000 hairdressers from all around the world honored the artistic achievements of five internationally acclaimed hairstylists :Vivienne Mackinder (USA), Chie Sato @ Toni&amp;Guy (UK), X-Presion (Spain), D&amp;J Ambrose (UK) and Klaus Peter Ochs (Germany).</p>
<p>The AIPP, in association with the Alternative Hair Show, also presented the AH+AIPP International Legend Award to the legendary hair colorist Annie Humphreys (United Kingdom), recognizing her outstanding work and incalculable legacy as Sassoon's International Color Director. For over 6 decades she has pioneered the art of making hair color fun, fast and accessible to professionals worldwide through her commitment to education and training. A thrilled Annie was presented with her award by Tony Rizzo, Founder of the Alternative Hair Show, and Roberto Pissimiglia, President of the AIPP (Association Internationale Presse Professionnelle Coiffure).</p>
<p>Hosted by Roberto Pissimiglia, at the 18th annual AIPP Awards Ceremony event Vivienne Mackinder (USA) won the Best Commercial Award for her beautiful collection 'Neo Deco'; Chie Sato @ Toni&amp;Guy (UK) grabbed the Best Avant-Garde Award for a futuristic collection stemming from her search for new and original ideas with stunning textures &amp; creative patterns; X-Presion (Spain) earned the Best Photography Award for their amazing collection 'Zahia', composed of the best pictures in terms of originality and attention to detail; Michael Francos of D&amp;J Ambrose (UK) won the Best Men Award for his collection of new and appealing male styles; and Klaus Peter Ochs (Germany) conquered the Best Video Award for a dynamic and creative video showing his latest hairstyles collection, 'Selfie'. Award recipients were voted by the AIPP Magazine Members throughout the world over recent months. This year participation was impressive, with 561 photo collections received from 34 countries across the globe!!!</p>
<p>Now it&rsquo;s time to start off the AIPP Grand Trophy 2014-2015, where the 5 winners of the AIPP Awards compete against each other to become the over-all winner by sending in their Fall-Winter Collections. The AIPP Grand Trophy 2014-2015 will be awarded next Spring 2015 in a prestigious venue, yet to be announced.</p>


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