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2014 NAHA 25週年 拉斯維加斯火熱展開
北美美髮界最大盛典的North American Hairstyling Awards(NAHA),一如以往的充滿能量和活力,今年吸引超過三千位美髮同業共同參加,更因適逢二十五周年特別擴大舉辦,讓設計師們一同歡慶一年一度的美髮盛會。

#NAHA #拉斯維加斯 #25週年
北美美髮界最大盛典的North American Hairstyling Awards(NAHA),一如以往的充滿能量和活力,今年吸引超過三千位美髮同業共同參加,更因適逢二十五周年特別擴大舉辦,讓設計師們一同歡慶一年一度的美髮盛會。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>由Professional Beauty Association(PBA)舉辦的NAHA,為北美最具盛名的髮型美容大賽,今年於七月十三日在拉斯維加斯的Mandalay Bay Resort &amp; Casino舉辦,超過三千位的專業人士前來參加,並有上萬名觀眾透過線上直播同時觀看典禮實況。典禮結束後,PBA也貼心舉辦慶功宴讓參賽者能一同分享成功和喜悅。</p>
<p>As owner, operator and manager of the North American Hairstyling Awards (NAHA), the most prestigious photographic hairstyling and beauty competition in North America, the Professional Beauty Association (PBA) is pleased to announce the winners of NAHA 2014. The winners were recognized during a star-studded awards ceremony which also celebrated the competition&rsquo;s 25th anniversary on July 13, 2014 at the Mandalay Bay Resort &amp; Casino in Las Vegas. Held during PBA Beauty Week, North America&rsquo;s largest, most inclusive beauty event, more than 3,000 beauty professionals attended, along with tens of thousands of viewers from across the world who tuned in to watch the live streaming broadcast. After the ceremony finalists, winners, and attendees celebrated the success and excitement of the night with an open bar courtesy of PBA at the official NAHA After Party. With 3,000 attendees and thousands more watching the live broadcast by Modern Salon, NAHA 2014 was the pinnacle of PBA Beauty Week. After the ceremony finalists, winners, and attendees celebrated the success and excitement of the night with an open bar courtesy of PBA at the official NAHA After Party.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">年度最佳髮型師Alain Pereque</div>
<p>NAHA最受矚目的大獎非「年度髮型設計師」莫屬,頒發給來自加拿大蒙特婁的Alain Pereque(Saco Salon Drummond),他曾獲得2010年最佳當代經典以及2008年的年度最佳髮型大師兩項大獎,今年是他首次得到這項殊榮。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/101/64/jt8c8816.jpeg?1612410613951" alt="jt8c8816" /></p>
<p>NAHA's top honor, Hairstylist of the Year, was presented to Alain Pereque from Saco Salon Drummond in Montreal, Quebec. This is Pereque&rsquo;s first NAHA Hairstylist of the Year honor. He has also won Contemporary Classic in 2010 and was the Master Hairstylist of the Year in 2008.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">星光閃耀的紅毯</div>
<p>NAHA每年致力邀請許多名人參與其中,讓開場前的星光大道更加熠熠生輝,今年也不例外,除了優秀的入圍者外,也有許多名人嘉賓,包括主持人Bill和Giuliana Rancic。</p>
<p>NAHA continues to garner more and more celebrity recognition with each show. This year proved no exception. Finalists and attendees mixed and mingled with other guests and celebrities on the red carpet, including NAHA 2014 hosts Bill and Giuliana Rancic.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">NAHA頒獎典禮和藝術表演</div>
<p>第二十五屆NAHA頒獎典禮無疑是PBA美容週的最高峰,NAHA代表髮型師極高的成就和專業,因此不論是入圍者或是優勝者,都致力推動美髮界的時尚潮流。今年典禮的主持人由知名娛樂記者兼電視製作人Bill 和 Giuliana Rancic共同擔任,他們是美國觀眾十分喜愛的搭檔,這對充滿活力的二人組為典禮帶來不少歡笑和樂趣。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/101/64///img_0995.jpeg?1612410655375" alt="img_0995" /></p>
<p>The 25th Anniversary Celebration proved to be the pinnacle event at PBA Beauty Week 2014, recognizing the artistry and skill of the professional salon industry.</p>
<p>As the top achievement for professional hairstylists and makeup artists, past and present NAHA entrants, finalists and winners continue to push the boundaries of trend-setting style.</p>
<p>Renowned entertainment journalists, television personalities and producers Bill and Giuliana Rancic hosted the 2014 Awards Ceremony. Known as one of America&rsquo;s most beloved couples, millions watch the famed couple on their E! hit reality show &ldquo;Giuliana &amp; Bill&rdquo;. In addition to their work together, Giuliana and Bill are successful business professionals in their own right and are involved in numerous charitable organizations. This dynamic duo brought charm, energy and excitement to the 25th anniversary celebration.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Allen以爬蟲類為靈感驚艷觀眾</div>
<p>今年的NAHA頒獎典禮由上屆年度髮型師得主Allen Ruiz的作品「Chameleon Stealth」揭開序幕,此系列作品從電影《X戰警》中的魔形女和蘇美人的神話故事中獲得靈感,五位模特兒搖身一變成為爬蟲類女神,而她們的髮型更是仿效蛇皮上的紋路和質感。大膽亮麗的作品驚艷在場的每一雙眼睛,讓Allen Ruiz獲得全體觀眾的喝采。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/101/64////jt8c8647-x3.jpeg?1612410683399" alt="jt8c8647-x3" /></p>
<p>The winner of 2013 NAHA Hairstylist of the Year, Allen Ruiz opened the 2014 NAHA ceremony with his stunning collection. This collection named "Chameleon Stealth", was inspired by X-Man's Mystique and a Sumerian mythology. With the hair style based on serpentine shapes, five models morphed into reptilian goddesses. Allen and his team received a geat compliment from the crowd because of this amazing collection .</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">歌德蘿莉風格髮型擄獲眾人眼光</div>
<p>榮獲最佳團隊的Van Michael Salon也在現場展示了一系列名為「Gothloli」的作品,由九位模特兒穿著古典風格的少女裝,演繹日本動畫裡的「蘿莉」角色,九位模特兒的髮型樣貌大不相同,透過短髮、幾何變化、髮片甚至剃髮來打造如同漫畫裡的夢幻髮型。最令人驚豔的是Van Michael Salon的團隊更為了每一位模特兒量身打造動畫,因此當真人走秀的同時後方螢幕上也會出現卡通版分身一起現身在舞台上。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/101/64/naha14-2683.jpeg?1612410744994" alt="naha14-2683" /></p>
<p>Another runway show was presented by the winner of Salon Team, Van Michael Salon. They got inspiration from Japanese anime and the film Lolita, created a collection titled "Gothloli". Nine models wearing skirts or dress with lace border, walking on the runway with the screen playing a specially created anime cartoon of all the models. Their hair styles are just like Japanese anime, includes geometric shapes, short textures and hair pieces. This collection unconditionally caught every audience's eyes.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Dwight Miller獲頒終生成就獎</div>
<p>備受讚揚的髮型權威Dwight Miller榮獲本屆終生成就獎,以感謝他對美髮業的付出、貢獻和影響,此獎被視為NAHA的最高榮譽,主要頒發給對美容或美髮產業有著極大貢獻的專業前輩。Miller在從業的五十年間,身兼多職,擔任講師、藝術指導、經營者等,Miller帶領美髮業做出許多改變,例如他在1970年代提倡stack perm,一改當時燙髮觀念,提出只燙頭髮中間和髮尾,以增加層次感,不但蔚為風潮,其影響更持續到現在。Miller目前也繼續在美髮界效力,帶領美髮潮流。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/101/64//img_1074.jpeg?1612410460841" alt="img_1074" /></p>
<p>Acclaimed World Master Hair Designer, educator, artistic director, executive and salon owner Dwight Miller was presented with the 2014 NAHA Lifetime Achievement Award. This award is considered to be NAHA&rsquo;s highest honor, recognizing those who have made outstanding contributions to the hair and beauty industry and is limited to licensed salon professionals. For 50 years, Miller has influenced industry changes in hair fashion and technique and continues to be an incredible inspiration.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">NAHA發行二十五周年限量作品集</div>
<p>To celebrate the tradition of NAHA, PBA has compiled a collection of NAHA images from the industry&rsquo;s most talented artists from the past 25 years. NAHA Look Books were on display throughout the course of the event so attendees could admire the artistry and hard work that goes into NAHA collections. The limited edition NAHA Look Book can be purchased online as well.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">網路研討會教導參賽秘訣</div>
<p>PBA 和Michael Shaun Corby(ALTERNA全球創意總監)透過新科技共同研發出一系列網路研討會來介紹NAHA,由歷年得獎者或是評審擔任主講人,內容分為三個部分,主要為如何參加NAHA以及參加NAHA的好處、NAHA評審的評價標準和如何拍攝出符合條件的作品。</p>
<p>PBA and Michael Shaun Corby have developed a 3-part web series to introduce NAHA to emerging stylists and first-time entrants. Those interested can participate in a single session or attend all three to get an insider&rsquo;s perspective on how to successfully enter NAHA. Webinar topics include the benefit of entering NAHA, what NAHA judges look for when evaluating entries, and how to create a successful NAHA photo shoot. Past and present NAHA judges and winners will be on hand to give advice and reflect on their NAHA experiences as well.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">2014年North American Hairstyling Awards(NAHA)得獎名單</div>
<p>Master Hairstylist of the Year 年度最佳髮型大師</p>
<p>Anna Pacitto (Salon Pure, Montreal, Quebec)</p>
<p>Hairstylist of the Year 年度最佳髮型設計師</p>
<p>Alain Pereque (Saco Salon Drummond, Montreal, Quebec)</p>
<p>Avant Garde 最佳前衛設計</p>
<p>Jake Thompson (Lunatic Fringe, Salt Lake City, UT)</p>
<p>Contemporary Classic 最佳當代經典</p>
<p>Sonna Brado (Jaazz Salons, Inc., Spokane, WA)</p>
<p>Newcomer Stylist of the Year 最佳新進髮型師</p>
<p>Chris Rushton (Logan 14 Salon &amp; Spa, Washington, DC)</p>
<p>Editorial Stylist of the Year 年度最佳攝影造型</p>
<p>Geneva Cowen (Sam Villa, Anchorage, AK)</p>
<p>Men&rsquo;s Hairstylist of the Year 最佳男士髮型師</p>
<p>Paul Pereira (Solo Base, Toronto, Ontario)</p>
<p>Student Hairstylist of the Year 年度最佳學徒</p>
<p>Nicole Gary (San Bernardino Beauty College, San Bernardino, CA)</p>
<p>Make-Up Artist of the Year 年度彩妝師</p>
<p>Heath Bryant-Huppert (HAUS Salon, Minneapolis, MN)</p>
<p>Haircolor 最佳染髮造型</p>
<p>Chrystofer Benson (South Weber, UT)</p>
<p>Texture 最佳結構造型</p>
<p>Dilek Onur-Taylor (jcp salons, Dallas, TX)</p>
<p>Salon Team of the Year 年度最佳沙龍團隊</p>
<p>Van Michael Salons (Atlanta, GA)</p>
<p>Salon Design 年度最佳沙龍設計</p>
<p>Zoltons Salon and Spa (Scottsdale, AZ)</p>
<p>Salon MBA 最佳沙龍經營</p>
<p>Blo (Raleigh, NC)</p>
<p>People&rsquo;s Choice 觀眾票選最喜愛設計師</p>
<p>Chrystofer Benson (South Weber, UT)</p>


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