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2014 NOISE LONDON 髮型界的神祕舞台

#英國 #Noise
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>來自台灣的髮型師一行25人,浩浩蕩蕩排在NOISE門口的眾多人群之中,這是NOISE首次收費,英鎊50(約合台幣1,000元),排隊人潮綿延在倫敦Old Street上,幸運的是,我們這群台灣觀眾,竟然是最後進場額度,至於排在後面的300人就只能明年請早了。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">幸運入場巧遇大師</div>
<p>幸運搶進最後門票的興奮之情溢於言表,然而幸運之神卻未因此退場,馬上巧遇大師級的大師Tim Hartley,EROS的Andy與首次入圍AHS的Oka Hu&hellip;等台灣設計師們莫不蜂擁而上爭相拍照,雖然貴為大師,Tim Hartley親切合影的作風更讓髮型師們愛戴有加。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/100/img_5116.jpg?1612255201253" alt="img_5116" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">新舊組合創意無限</div>
<p>今年NOISE成員除了髮壇大老Tim Hartley之外,還有贏得今年澳洲年度美髮大獎的Emiliano Vitale,再加上NOISE創辦人Richard Ashforth的SACO創意團隊與常客X-Presion等,在悶熱的舞台上解構各自獨立創作概念與作品,無設限的隨興髮型展演點燃全場熱情。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/100/img_5093.jpg?1612255221638" alt="img_5093" /></p>
<p>NOISE創辦人暨SACO國際創意總監Richard Ashforth表示:「NOISE的大成功讓我更胸有成竹,特別是今年注入了新血,加入立陶宛的A-TWIN成員,而我腦中已經準備好要在2015年製造更大的『噪音』了!」</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">內行人看的門道</div>
<p>內行人看門道,外行人看熱鬧。首次參與NOISE的Oka Hu表示:「NOISE具原創與啟發性,給我視覺上很大的衝擊,不管是舞台展現、出場以及音樂編排,對我來說,NOISE已經不是一場髮型秀,而是整體氛圍塑造的震撼與感動。」</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/100/img_5131.jpg?1612255235925" alt="img_5131" /></p>
<p>與Oka同時入圍AHS的Gino Fang,這也是他的NOISE初體驗,「我覺得它是很跳脫美髮秀的東西,包括氛圍都很不一樣,即便只有幾個團體在做,每個團體都一、兩顆髮型,但卻是很不一樣的感受,就是整個流程環節都很特別。我也想再台灣號召在廢棄工廠舉辦一個這樣的活動,或許可以從非主流變成一個主流。」</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">台灣美髮人的啟示</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/100/img_5022.jpg?1612255250910" alt="img_5022" /></p>
<p>After the huge international success NOISE has had in 2014 with amazing events in Paris and Moscow, founder Richard Ashforth decided to bring NOISE back to London for the third time and for an even bigger, better and louder show. The event was a sell out with hundreds in attendance as hundreds more queued outside in the hope of gaining a ticket!</p>
<p>In typical NOISE style the attendees were kept guessing until the very last minute as clues where steadily posted on social media revealing the guests, the top secret location and of course the date!</p>
<p>NOISE kicked off with a bang in London's Shoreditch with the super cool Kachette playing host to this year's event.</p>
<p>Amongst a buzz of video projections, the guests took to the stage to showcase their cutting and styling techniques. Global industry icon and NOISE veteran Tim Hartley was joined by Australian Hairdresser of the Year Emiliano Vitale, NOISE newbies the A Twins from Lithuania along with NOISE regulars X-Presion and of course the team from SACO lead by International Creative Director and NOISE Founder Richard Ashforth.</p>
<p>NOISE has had tremendous success in both Paris and Moscow this year so it only felt right to bring the show back to London for the third year running. It was an amazing opportunity to introduce some new faces that I've discovered on my travels to the audience and as always it was great to show case the eclectic hairdressing styles and techniques. Hopefully 2015 will be even bigger for NOISE, I've already got some big ideas up my sleeve!'</p>
<p>Richard Ashforth, Noise Founder and International Creative Director of Saco Hair.</p>


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