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2015-2016 AIPP Grand Trophy 比賽常勝軍四度獲獎
2015-2016年度AIPP最高榮譽-Grand Trophy的得主於今年3月20日義大利波隆納美容展中公布,由比賽常勝軍Angelo Seminara獲得。

#AIPP #義大利
2015-2016年度AIPP最高榮譽-Grand Trophy的得主於今年3月20日義大利波隆納美容展中公布,由比賽常勝軍Angelo Seminara獲得。
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<p>從AIPP的主席Roberto Pissimiglia手中接下講座,這是Angelo美髮生涯中的第四座Grand Trophy,他興奮的表示能獲得全球美髮媒體的肯定無疑是至高榮耀,讓所有在創作過程中經歷的困難和付出的心血都變得無比值得。</p>
<p>Angelo Seminara (UK) has been crowned absolute winner at the last edition of the AIPP GRAND TROPHY 2015-2016, the second time in the last 5 years for this brilliant hairdresser to win the most renowned award in the hairdressing industry worldwide.</p>
<p>Considered the International Oscar of Hairdressing, this most famous of all hair trophies voted for by the world&rsquo;s professional press, was handed over to its winner by Roberto Pissimiglia, AIPP President and Sergi Bancells, AIPP General Secretary. Angelo acknowledged that he was very proud to be recognized by the editors of the best professional magazines in the world and shared his excitement with the audience. &ldquo;I can&rsquo;t describe what an immense joy this is for me, even though I don't show so much on the outside, I am so flattered,&rdquo; said Angelo.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">生動描繪自然景觀的創作</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/112/110/%E5%BE%97%E7%8D%8E%E4%BD%9C%E5%93%814_%E5%BF%85%E6%94%BE0.jpg?1612235056296" alt="得獎作品4_必放0" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/112/110/%E5%BE%97%E7%8D%8E%E4%BD%9C%E5%93%811_%E5%BF%85%E6%94%BE0.jpg?1612235071022" alt="得獎作品1_必放0" /></p>
<p>The splendor of nature is a constant source of inspiration to Angelo. &ldquo;The sky&rsquo;s merging colors at sunrise and sunset, an autumn leaf changing texture and color, sunlight bouncing off still water, early morning mist and smoky winter fogs, dappled light through a forest of trees&hellip; look closely and you will see all of these natural wonders in my work.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">原汁原味的創作令人耳目一新</div>
<p>要獲得Grand Trophy的殊榮,必須從AIPP五項類別的冠軍裡脫穎而出,可謂冠軍中的冠軍。對於這場競賽,Angelo表示自己自始至終都抱持著平常心,沒有想著一定要獲勝,反而把全部的心力沉潛於創作中,「我喜歡創作,而且是從最根本、最原始的創作,我從來就不會從『某人的作品』獲得靈感,我相信評審在看到我的創作時也能感覺到『原創』的可貴,我相信這也是我能獲獎的主要原因!」</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/112/110/%E5%BE%97%E7%8D%8E%E4%BD%9C%E5%93%812_%E5%BF%85%E6%94%BE0.jpg?1612235194144" alt="得獎作品2_必放0" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/112/110/%E5%BE%97%E7%8D%8E%E4%BD%9C%E5%93%813_%E5%BF%85%E6%94%BE0.jpg?1612235205900" alt="得獎作品3_必放0" /></p>
<p>&ldquo;I always work to create something original, I&rsquo;m never a copyist. I have a very strong point of view, work ethic about this.&rdquo; This is the exact reason why his works are always so amazing and so refresh. It could also be the answer to his gorgeous winning experience.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">了解自己的強項 在創作時全力以赴</div>
<p>能在五年內得到兩座Grand Trophy,Angelo是史上第一人,身為比賽的常勝軍,Angelo認為勇於挑戰是必要條件,「每次的創作都是一次突破,用令人驚豔的輪廓或是根本無法想像的色彩質地,在在的挑戰自己。」對Angelo來說,創作的過程也是探索並且認識自己的旅程,唯有清楚明瞭自己的長處和優點,才能發揮所長,透過不斷的練習創造出擁有個人風格的作品。他鼓勵每位正在創作的髮型師們,「創作就是享受其中,體驗每一分每一秒的甘苦,相信自己的能力,把自己榨乾到最後一絲一毫、直到精疲力盡的躺在地上說『這就是我要的!』,所以永遠不要妥協於還好、還不錯,要做就要做到最好!」</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/112/110/%E4%B8%BB%E5%9C%96__%E5%9C%96%E7%89%87%E5%A4%A7%E5%B0%8F%E4%B8%8D%E5%A4%A0%2C_%E5%8F%AF%E7%B8%AE%E5%B0%8F_.jpg?1612235218478" alt="主圖__圖片大小不夠,_可縮小_" /></p>
<p>Wholly absorbed in his work and delighting in the creation of new shapes and textures, Angelo consistently pushes the boundaries. &ldquo;I craft hair into surprising shapes, astonishing colors and sensational textures.&rdquo; The journey of creating a stunning collections is also a journey of knowing ourselves. &ldquo;You have to understand what it is that you do so well, think about what it is you stand for and trust your instinct. Once you have found your true area of specialism, totally focus on it, trust in your ability and practice, practice, practice. Experiment with it, have fun with it, work on it to the point of exhaustion until you know it&rsquo;s the very best you can achieve and never, ever compromise.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Providing a few guidelines for perfect an image, Angelo shared his best tip, &ldquo;Knowing what you want but don&rsquo;t go too far so the result looks artificial, unachievable, unreal. Work closely with your photographer and listen to what they have to say. They are the magician which permanently captures your creativity for all to see and appreciate so their point of view is very valuable. &ldquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">擔任品牌藝術總監深入認識美髮產業</div>
<p>Angelo自2011年起擔任品牌Davines Spa的藝術總監,在Angelo的幫助下,Davines每一季的創作作品都精彩可期。Angelo多年的美髮經驗反應在沙龍現場,他能輕易將時尚流行的元素化為商業造型,符合每一位客人的需求,體驗以客為本的個人化需求,量身訂做專屬的美髮風格和造型。將頭髮是為創作素材,即使是誇張多變的前衛風格也難不倒他,「我對前衛創作的喜愛並不亞於商業風格,在創作作品時能把所有的技術結合在一起,進而創造獨特的視覺效果,這是前衛設計最吸引我的一點。」</p>
<p>擔任Davines Spa的藝術總監也成為Angelo與業界接軌的最佳橋樑,他因此參與了World Wide Hair Tour和Hair on Stage等許多世界級的活動,也因此有了許多名人顧客,其作品也刊登於全球領導性的時尚雜誌。</p>
<p>為了紀念Angelo這幾年的貢獻,AIPP Grand Trophy的頒獎典禮也特別移師Davines Spa在波隆納美容展的攤位。</p>
<p>In January 2011 Angelo started as the new Art Director for Davines Spa. Angelo has been an integral part of Davines. The role of Artistic Director has seen him involved in international events such as World Wide Hair Tour and Hair on Stage, and in the development of the Davines Collections.</p>
<p>Angelo表示,對於2016年的計畫,除了繼續努力創作新作品外,也希望能將Davines最新的產品線Your Hair Assistance發揚光大,Your Hair Assistance包含七支產品和工具,是Angelo花了兩年時間餐與研發的心血結晶,它能幫助髮型師們在沙龍現場更快速且完善的進行操作,尤其能幫助髮型師在吹風時達到更完美的效果。</p>
<p>In 2016, Angelo really wants to make Your Hair Assistant line an internationally recognized product line. &ldquo;I have worked very hard for more than 2 years to make this line together with Davines and am very proud of what we&rsquo;ve achieved.&rdquo;</p>
<p>今年AIPP官方收件截止日期為6月30日,可自行將作品寄至AIPP辦公室,亦可透過Salon News Asia報名,將下頁附贈之報名表填妥後連同作品(印刷好的三張照片和光碟),於6月8日前郵寄至台北市信義區松高路1號3樓。透過Salon News Asia報名得獎者可獲倫敦來回機票乙張,親自在10月16日的頒獎典禮上台領獎!</p>


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