Salon News Asia
2015 Alternative Hair 美髮盛典
直到今年,Alternative Hair Show已經走過33個年頭,主辦單位承諾Alternative Hair 2015將會有20組實力堅強的美髮團隊獻上精彩可期的表演,帶來前所未見的衝擊,讓今年的Alternative Hair Show成為最棒、最盛大、最值回票價的國際美髮盛典!

#英國 #AHS
直到今年,Alternative Hair Show已經走過33個年頭,主辦單位承諾Alternative Hair 2015將會有20組實力堅強的美髮團隊獻上精彩可期的表演,帶來前所未見的衝擊,讓今年的Alternative Hair Show成為最棒、最盛大、最值回票價的國際美髮盛典!
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>2015年的Alternative Hair Show以AURORA 閃耀極光為主題,將於10月11日晚間八點於英國倫敦的皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳(The Royal Albert Hall)舉行,以精彩的表演和比賽歡慶美髮純粹的藝術精華和創造力。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/106/118/106-118-002.jpg?1612348490617" alt="106-118-002" /></p>
<p>The Alternative Hair Show 2015 takes place on Sunday 11th October, at 8pm at The Royal Albert Hall, London, celebrating the artistry and pure creativity of hairdressing teams from across the globe, whilst raising much-needed funding for &ldquo;Fighting Leukaemia&rdquo;; a charity set up by Tony and Maggie Rizzo to support Leukaemia sufferers, primarily children and their families.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">慈善募款幫助白血病病童</div>
<p>Alternative Hair Show的宗旨是團結美髮人的才華,各自以其所長幫助白血病病童,所有的演出團隊都自行負擔一切花費,而參賽者繳交的報名費以及現在5000位觀眾所支付的費用也將捐贈給名為Fighting Leukaemia的慈善組織,他們致力於幫助白血病病童與其家屬。</p>
<p>The Alternative Hair Show is an enduring charity event with incredible support, from the wonderful hair teams self-funding their shows each year, to the charity sponsors providing much needed funding, international trade media giving coverage before and after the event and of course the 5000 audience who attend the evening.</p>
<p>除了將Alternative Hair Show的募款所得全數捐贈給Fighting Leukaemia外,自去年開始,更與美髮公益組織Hair Raising合作,舉辦「為病童路跑」的活動,今年該活動將於6月7日於倫敦市中心的Battersea Park登場。去年甫獲美髮界傳奇大賞榮譽的Annie Humphreys也將以合夥贊助人的身分參與其中,共同為深受白血病所苦的病童們盡一份心力。</p>
<p>This is the 33rd London Alternative Hair Show and marks an exciting 12 months during which Alternative Hair has welcomed LEGENDS Award recipient, Annie Humphreys, as a Patron as well as partnering with Hair Raising for a 2nd year, to organize &ldquo;Race For The Kids&rdquo;, a charity fun-run, on the 7th June 2015, in Battersea Park, Central London. (There&rsquo;s still time to join the race.)</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Visionay Award發掘美髮界閃亮新星</div>
<p>創辦人Anthony Mascolo也希望能藉此機會,發掘美髮界的璞玉,Alternative Hair Show已經在這幾年從小小的地方活動成長成為全球美髮人爭相參與的盛會,而其中最受矚目的Visionay Award也於去年擴大辦理,將比賽區分成商業剪染和前衛造型兩組。</p>
<p>欲參加的台灣髮型師可以透過Salon News Asia上一期附贈的簡章報名,或是自行上Alternative Hair Show官網報名。入圍即可受邀到倫敦於Alternative Hair Show當天上台與各國菁英一較高下,透過Salon News Asia報名的入圍者也能獲得倫敦來回機票一張。</p>
<p>An intrinsic part of the evening is the Visionary Award, inspired by Anthony Mascolo&rsquo;s desire to seek out and recognize new talent. In the last few years the original concept has grown into an international photographic competition with 2 categories: Commercial cut &amp; colour and Avant-Garde. The finalists are each invited to present a model during a separate part of the show. Judged by top hairdressers and journalists from across the globe, the winner of each category is announced during the evening.</p>
<p>Alternative Hair Show不僅是業界最具聲望的美髮大秀,更是立基於慈善概念,讓美髮人能以自己所愛、所擅長的技術,拉近彼此的距離,溫暖每個人的心。</p>
<p>Alternative Hair is so much more than a charity event, so much more than a hair show. It is about an event close to the heart of many people within the hairdressing profession: inspiring, enthralling and entertaining; definitely a &lsquo;not to be missed event&rsquo; on the hairdressing calendar.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Alternative Hair 表演團隊名單</div>
<p>Alan Edwards UK</p>
<p>Andrew Collinge UK</p>
<p>Anne Veck UK</p>
<p>Carlo Bay Italy</p>
<p>Class Italy</p>
<p>Dimitry Vinukurov Russia</p>
<p>E Salon Australia</p>
<p>Fehringer Austria</p>
<p>Gogen Italy</p>
<p>Kohsuke Visual Network Japan</p>
<p>Klaus Peter Ochs Germany</p>
<p>Lazlo Hajas Hungary</p>
<p>Mario Krankl Austria</p>
<p>Paul Stafford UK</p>
<p>Pawel Babicz Poland</p>
<p>Robert Cromeans USA</p>
<p>Rossa Danagher Ireland</p>
<p>Saco UK</p>
<p>Sanrizz UK</p>
<p>TIGI Creative Team UK</p>


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