Salon News Asia
2015 Hair Expo 圓滿落幕
眾所矚目的Hair Expo於6月6日開起為期三天的精彩盛典,無論是教學舞台或是研討會,皆邀請了國際重量級講師和表演團隊,而展會現場更是搶先全球的揭露最新潮流趨勢和髮品技術,吸引眾多美髮人參與其中。

#Hair Expo #澳洲美髮展
眾所矚目的Hair Expo於6月6日開起為期三天的精彩盛典,無論是教學舞台或是研討會,皆邀請了國際重量級講師和表演團隊,而展會現場更是搶先全球的揭露最新潮流趨勢和髮品技術,吸引眾多美髮人參與其中。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>澳洲最受矚目的美髮大展Hair Expo於6月8號完美落幕,再一次向全世界宣告了紐澳地區不容小覷的美髮實力。</p>
<p>As the curtain closes on this year&rsquo;s Hair Expo Australia, it has proven once again to be the industry&rsquo;s leading event for hairdressing professionals from across Australia and New Zealand.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">大師親授美髮絕技</div>
<p>今年的研討會嘉賓邀請到國際知名的Akin Konizi、Tabatha Coffey、Lesley Jennison、Teri Dougherty和Errol Douglas,並邀請許多知名髮品品牌現場授課,連續三天提供與會的髮型師世界級的頂尖課程。</p>
<p>而教學舞台區也是眾星雲集,同樣邀請了業界知名的五大髮型師,Renya Xydis、Joey Scandizzo、Frank Apostolopoulos、Damien Rinaldo以及甫獲澳洲年度最佳髮型師頭銜的Dmitri Papas。</p>
<p>Attendees enjoyed three days of world-class education seminars, with special appearances by international guests such as Akin Konizi, Tabatha Coffey, Lesley Jennison, Teri Dougherty and Errol Douglas, as well as demonstrations by the industry&rsquo;s biggest brands, all topped off with three glamorous evening functions.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/107/90/107-90-002.jpg?1612502955028" alt="107-90-002" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/107/90///107-90-003.jpg?1612503008052" alt="107-90-003" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">閃亮新星演繹趨勢潮流</div>
<p>展覽會場絕對是Hair Expo的最大焦點,吸引美髮人同聚一堂,交流最新產品與趨勢潮流。</p>
<p>其他的亮點包括澳洲最閃亮的美髮之星Renya Xydis和Sharon Blain的50年致敬典禮 ; GenNext Gala event將焦點放在新世代的美髮新星,由頂尖沙龍AND EMERGING STARS以及Sharon Blain領軍的新一代設計師GenNext Project團隊共同演繹最新的時尚潮流。</p>
<p>Other highlights included the intimate afternoon high tea with Australia&rsquo;s leading stylist to the stars Renya Xydis, Sharon Blain&rsquo;s 50 Year Salute evening event, and the awe-inspiring GenNext Gala event showcasing the amazing talents of the next generation of hairdressing superstars, with La Biosthetique Nouveaux Talents taking out the trophy. While the industry&rsquo;s night-of-nights, the Schwarzkopf Professional Hair Expo Awards was a fitting finale to the Expo, with Dmitri Papas?of Papas and Pace Salon in Brisbane being awarded Australian Hairdresser of the Year.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/107/90//107-90-001.jpg?1612502994789" alt="107-90-001" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">傾聽所有回饋 明年移師首都墨爾本</div>
<p>Hair Expo的活動總監Amelia Coote-Harris表示,「今年的Hair Expo已經收到許多正面回饋,無論是展覽廠商或是與會的髮型師們,都獲益良多。我們希望來到Hair Expo的美髮人能帶著滿滿的能量,回到工作崗位,為美髮產業帶來更多更美好的改變。」</p>
<p>&ldquo;The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive from both Expo exhibitors and attendees, and we hope that people left feeling motivated and inspired to be a part of this amazing industry,&rdquo; said Amelia Coote-Harris, Event Director.</p>
<p>Amelia更興奮的向大家宣布,明年的Hair Expo將移師澳洲的首都墨爾本舉行,「我們聽到了參與者的心聲,決定將場地移至墨爾本的MCEC展覽中心,讓展會和活動能集中在同一片屋簷下,提供與會者更方便的參展動線。大會也會持續聆聽民眾反饋,讓Hair Expo愈臻完美,提供美髮人更完善的交流平台。」</p>
<p>To ensure Hair Expo continues to thrive and develop following the success of this year&rsquo;s event, Reed Exhibitions has announced that the Expo will move to Melbourne next year.</p>
<p>&ldquo;It is extremely exciting to reveal that Hair Expo 2016 will be held at the award-winning Melbourne Convention &amp; Exhibition Centre (MCEC), right in the heart of the thriving Southbank area,&rdquo; said Amelia Coote-Harris.</p>
<p>In order to ensure the move to Melbourne is still affordable for those based in Sydney and other states, Reed Exhibitions is making arrangements with its logistics and travel partners.</p>


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