Salon News Asia
2015 Salon International 再次推陳出新
2015倫敦的美髮盛典Salon International再出新招,除了絕對不容錯過的Salon Live和Seminar以外,今年盛大推出 HJ Hair Heroes stage

#Salon International #沙宣 #Salon Live
2015倫敦的美髮盛典Salon International再出新招,除了絕對不容錯過的Salon Live和Seminar以外,今年盛大推出 HJ Hair Heroes stage
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>New for 2015, HJ&rsquo;s Hair Heroes stage is an exciting new addition to Salon International, allowing visitors to the exhibition a unique opportunity to see their favourite hair icons interviewed live at the event. Make sure you're there to see your idols and hear their stories about business, creativity and what got them started in hairdressing in the very beginning.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Salon Live表演團隊及內容</div>
<p>教育讓髮型師能夠更專業、更國際化,秉持這樣的信念,每年的Salon International都把英國最頂尖的教育團隊集結於此,讓與會的髮型師們能一睹大師風采。</p>
<p>Ongoing training and education is what can set a professional hairdresser apart from the rest, and with this in mind the team at Salon International will be hosting an exciting program of shows and seminars brought to you by some of the most talented teams in British hairdressing, to educate, inspire and encourage you to continually develop your skills and strive to be the very best you can be.</p>
<p>今年的Salon Live表演內容包含由沙宣國際創意總監Mark Hayes帶領的沙宣學院演繹最新趨勢創作、TONI&amp;GUY分享最新錦集「SOCIALIZED」,現場step by step的示範剪染技巧和擅長編髮的國際大師Patrick Cameron則是從他最新的Modern Vintage作品集裡挑選出適合婚宴、舞宴和派對等場合的造型,讓髮型師們面對長髮不再不知所措。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2015/108/110/t_amp%3Bguy_b_012_resized.jpg?1612510067537" alt="t_amp;guy_b_012_resized" /></p>
<p>Pure education mixed with show stopping catwalk presentations are what Salon Live is all about. Sassoon Academy led by International Creative Director, Mark Hayes, will be showcasing their latest Academy collection. Definitely one for the purists, their newest collection will feature precision haircutting and colour at its best. For sheer variety, the new TONI&amp;GUY collection SOCIALIZED, translates key fashion trends into step-by-step cutting and colouring techniques that can be taken back to the salon, whilst long hair maestro, Patrick Cameron, will show you how to create an array of beautiful long hair looks from his new Modern Vintage collection. Perfect for bridal, prom and party hair, Patrick will help eliminate the fear many hairdressers have when working with long hair.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Salon Seminar授課團隊及內容</div>
<p>如果想要更進一步且更深的學習,Salon Seminar絕對是髮型師的最佳選擇。讓英國之名美髮學院Mahogany與 Saco的老師們解說最新美髮趨勢,他們從街頭風格發想,以2016年的趨勢做剪染教學,不只強調時尚,更是能輕易穿戴的造型,幫助髮型師們在回到沙龍後能即刻上手。</p>
<p>If you like your education in depth and up close, then Salon Seminars are for you. The seminar room environment is perfect for learning with expert educators taking you through tomorrow&rsquo;s trends today. Both Mahogany and Saco will be taking attendees through the latest cutting and colouring techniques in an easy to follow, step-by-step format. Taking inspiration from couture and street style fashion, the teams at Salon Seminars will present looks that are fashion forward, but can be easily translated into contemporary salon looks.</p>


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