Salon News Asia
2015 Ssh! 美髮神秘集會
2015年11月15日,將近400位美髮人齊聚澳洲雪梨的The Round House展演廳,觀眾來自澳洲本地、鄰近的紐西蘭、遠至台灣,他們不惜花錢花時間飛往澳洲,只為參與這場展現純粹藝術的精彩美髮秀。

#澳洲 #Ssh!
2015年11月15日,將近400位美髮人齊聚澳洲雪梨的The Round House展演廳,觀眾來自澳洲本地、鄰近的紐西蘭、遠至台灣,他們不惜花錢花時間飛往澳洲,只為參與這場展現純粹藝術的精彩美髮秀。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/110/108/_l2a1724.jpg?1612236706569" alt="_l2a1724" /></p>
<p>An audience of over 400 hairdressers from Australia, NZ and Taiwan gathered at The Round House in Sydney on Sunday 15th November witnessing superstars of the global hairdressing industry present a bespoke, awe-Inspiring show in the second installment of Ssh!</p>
<p>Based purely on the idea of bringing the best in the global hairdressing business together through a neutral platform in creative collaboration with the single desire of sharing and contributing to the industry, Ssh! is an event that unashamedly takes back the heritage of the hairdresser &ndash; making it truly "by the hairdresser for the hairdresser."</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">美髮傳奇Robert Lobetta獻聲開場</div>
<p>由2015年澳洲年度髮型師Alumni與全球美髮傳奇人物Emiliano Vitale和Benni Tognini,和國際嘉賓X-presion、India &amp; Jason Miller以及Dove Palmer and Faye Turner。每位表演者事先預錄了一段影片,這些後台直擊讓觀眾得以偷窺創作秘辛,更能看到有別舞台上他們嚴肅正經的一面。而去年重頭戲表演者Robert Lobetta本人雖然無法到場,卻也透過影片,用其渾厚的嗓音鼓舞著觀眾張開雙眼、敞開心的擁抱「現代美髮的藝術之美」。</p>
<p>Led by Australian Hairdresser of the Year Alumni and legends of the global industry, Emiliano Vitale and Benni Tognini, the impressive line up of talent for 2015 comprised iconic, award-winning stylists Sydney's Brad Ngata and Melbourne's Caterina Di Biase, along with international guests, Spain's revered creative trio X-presion, Scotland's India &amp; Jason Miller (Charlie Miller Hairdressing) and the UK's Dove Palmer and Faye Turner of Mazella &amp; Palmer. Robert Lobetta's presence was felt via video, as his face adorned the big screen and his voice urged the audience to settle in and embrace the "poetic universe of contemporary hair culture."</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">The &eacute; SALON</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/110/108/_l2a1119.jpg?1612236842684" alt="_l2a1119" /></p>
<p>率先登場的The &eacute; SALON創意團隊由Emiliano和Lisa Vitale這對好搭檔領軍,他們的精彩創作源起於化裝舞會,透過蕾絲創造出如骨架般的層層結構,與頭髮交織一起,展現剛硬與柔和的強烈對比,其創意性與藝術性為Ssh!設下極高的標準,更讓觀眾久久無法忘懷。</p>
<p>The &eacute; SALON creative team, led by creative &amp; life partners, Emiliano and Lisa Vitale, were first up with a hauntingly beautiful demonstration inspired by lace, a masquerade and skeletal frameworks. There was contrast, creativity and passion, setting the scene perfectly for the afternoon.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Mazella &amp; Palmer</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/110/108/_l2a1165.jpg?1612236875535" alt="_l2a1165" /></p>
<p>英國的Mazella &amp; Palmer擁有世界頂級的剪染技術,透過展示他們最新的作品集Artwear,不只是把技術傳授給觀眾,更深層面的讓人思考「創作的目的」,認為髮型師不該只想著如何剪染,更該思考每個步驟背後的目的與搭配。Dove Palmer和Faye Turner維持Mazella &amp; Palmer一貫的經典剪裁輪廓,搭配色彩點綴,讓看似平凡簡單的髮型有了不同樣貌。</p>
<p>Regarded among the world's best cutters and colourists, the education powerhouse of the UK's Mazella &amp; Palmer encouraged the audience, via their theme of Artwear to think about not just how you cut and colour hair, but why, with contemporary takes on classic shapes, enhanced by colour.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Caterina DiBiase</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/110/108/_l2a1477.jpg?1612236896865" alt="_l2a1477" /></p>
<p>Emerging Asia為Caterina DiBiase的創作主題,取材自東方元素,大量使用羽毛和珠寶等特殊材質為裝飾。另外,Caterina獨家展示了以黑白兩色做對比的「貓熊髮髻」,撞色的設計呈現精彩的視覺效果。</p>
<p>Caterina DiBiase presented a stunningly visual tribute to "Emerging Asia" &ndash; feathers, texture and jewels inspired by Da Vinci and her own "Panda buns" came together in a sophisticated and elegant production.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">India and Jason Miller</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/110/108/_l2a1673.jpg?1612236917441" alt="_l2a1673" /></p>
<p>來自蘇格蘭的前衛藝術家India和Jason Miller在帶創作與時尚經典取一平衡,讓觀眾看見前衛藝術之美。從Chanel經典的小黑外套延伸,取其高級訂製的典雅,兩人使用縫髮技術在頭髮上創造如同氣泡包裝紙般的顆粒紋路,在髮藝上呈現精緻藝術與前衛設計結合的效果。</p>
<p>India and Jason Miller broke new ground, showcasing a distinct and technical approach to avante garde; contemporary and wonderfully eclectic, they referenced the classic feel of the "Chanel black jacket" enhanced by a more polished aesthetic which included hair that appeared like bubble wrap in texture and their unique hair stitching.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Brad Ngata</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/110/108/_l2a2007.jpg?1612236933619" alt="_l2a2007" /></p>
<p>頂著皇冠,Brad Ngata與穿著高跟鞋的舞者們一同上台,髮型靈感來自Brad的外景工作,無論男女皆是全頭後梳的簡約造型,卻撒上點點亮粉,增加奢華感,配上模特兒穿著的寶石,台上的表演讓人彷彿置身拉斯維加斯的精采夜總會。</p>
<p>Brad Ngata delivered a high-energy show, complete with male back up dancers in heels and a defined feeling of luxe, with sparkles and glitter thrown in for balance. The hair was influenced by Brad's session styling/editorial flair, length and lots of it adorned with bling.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">X-presion</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/110/108/_l2a2408.jpeg?1612237167453" alt="_l2a2408" /></p>
<p>為晚會擔任壓軸的是來自西班牙的X-presion,Marco Antonio Restrepo、Jorge C&aacute;ncer與 Jose Luis Almendral將招牌像素染首次帶上澳洲舞台,從觀眾源源不斷的驚呼聲就能知道2015年全球最火紅的染髮技巧為何。他們更現場演繹Down Under作品集,透過編織技巧,呈現色彩鮮豔搶眼的「拖把頭」。</p>
<p>Fittingly the final presentation for the night was the X-presion trio - Marco Antonio Restrepo, Jorge C&aacute;ncer and Jose Luis Almendral &ndash; presenting work from their Down Under collection characterized by powder colored mop heads, and of course their first Australian showcase of #xpresionpixel. Drawing gasps and "Wows" from the audience the threesome demonstrated why they are at the forefront of hair innovation, technique and discovery.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">傳承創意火花 延續教學精神</div>
<p>Ssh! once again delivered an experiential educational experience for professionals in the hair, makeup, fashion and design arenas; a concept daring in it's approach and delivery.</p>
<p>Says Emiliano, "I feel we have once again amplified education on a neutral platform by presenting a collective of incomparable creative, delivering something completely different with international teams we believe have truly impacted our industry with their other-worldly ingenuity and originality. I think Ssh! has truly changed the face of our hairdressing landscape &ndash; creative, unpredictable and visionary in it's approach to education; It really sets out to change and expand the educational horizon. &rdquo;</p>


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