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2016波隆那Cosmoprof 參加人數突破新高
為期三天的2016 Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna於3月21日盛大落幕,吸引各國從業人員前往,人數與參展數再次突破以往,配合豐富的研討會與相關資源,為參展者帶來更大效益。

#義大利 #Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna #波隆納
為期三天的2016 Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna於3月21日盛大落幕,吸引各國從業人員前往,人數與參展數再次突破以往,配合豐富的研討會與相關資源,為參展者帶來更大效益。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>The 49th edition of Cosmoprof Worldwide closed in Bologna with great success. The largest international trade fair dedicated to the world of beauty saw the participation on the opening day by Mr Ivan Scalfarotto, of the Italian Government.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/112/120/2.jpg?1612253037184" alt="2" />&nbsp;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">參展人數屢創新高 足見美容美髮產業蓬勃前景</div>
<p>「看見這些數字的成長實在非常振奮人心,代表著美容與美髮的產業一年比一年更加蓬勃。」BolognaFiere Cosmoprof的主席Duccio Campagnoli如此表示,「今年的廠商註冊數目也超過我們預期,在爆表的情況下我們必須擴展場地,才能容納更多參展者,同時也創造了更多美容美髮的商機。」明年適逢Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 50周年,Duccio承諾會有更盛大、更值得期待的節目與廠商,有意願參展的美髮人不妨先把明年3月16日到20日的時間預留起來。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/112/120/1.jpg?1612253037184" alt="1" /></p>
<p>"The real novelty of Cosmoprof - said Duccio Campagnoli, President of BolognaFiere Cosmoprof - is that it is a trade show that is continuously growing: this year 250,000 visitors attended the show- 2,510 exhibitors (+ 5%). Bologna lived extraordinary days: without presumption but with pride and satisfaction we can say that Cosmoprof is the largest Italian trade fair in the world and the most important platform for the cosmetics industry, both in Italy and in the world, with editions in Las Vegas and Hong Kong. This year, with an overbooking of 110,000 net square meters of exhibition space, we had to add 20,000 square meters of outdoor facilities. Bologna hosted thousands of people, creating large numbers in the field of hospitality and services of the whole industry in Bologna."</p>
<p>A great success has been registered also by Cosmopack. The event dedicated to the beauty supply chain grew by 5.42% and was attended by 21,900 professional visitors from the industry. "The national cosmetics sector, with over 10 billion euro turnover (+ 6.5% in 2015), is able to convey the values of Made in Italy with a winning mix of creativity, innovation and constant attention to the needs of a sophisticated consumers - said Fabio Rossello, President of Cosmetica Italia - The 2016 edition of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna has offered a new opportunity to confirm the positive 49 years of collaboration with BolognaFiere Group, with a growing success of visitors and services to the exhibiting companies. The visit to the exhibition of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Constitutional Reforms and Relations with Parliament, Ivan Scalfarotto, has been a proof of the growing attention that even the institutions paid on a sector which stands out in foreign markets for growing exports at double figure (+ 14.3%) and a trade balance of more than 2 billion euros. It is thanks to these synergies that we consolidated a winning strategy."</p>
<p>Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna is waiting for you in 2017 to celebrate its 50th anniversary, from March 16th (with Cosmopack) till March 20th.</p>


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