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2016-2017 AIPP Grand Trophy 冠軍連霸
AIPP Award被視為美髮界的奧斯卡獎項,冠軍皆由全球的國際專業媒體票選,過程公正公開,是美髮界最權威的獎項。2016-2017 AIPP Grand Trophy,這項冠軍中的冠軍殊榮已於3月27日在義大利波隆那美容展的頒獎典禮中公布,Angelo Seminara不負眾望奪下總冠軍獎座。

#AIPP #義大利
AIPP Award被視為美髮界的奧斯卡獎項,冠軍皆由全球的國際專業媒體票選,過程公正公開,是美髮界最權威的獎項。2016-2017 AIPP Grand Trophy,這項冠軍中的冠軍殊榮已於3月27日在義大利波隆那美容展的頒獎典禮中公布,Angelo Seminara不負眾望奪下總冠軍獎座。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>Angelo Seminara (UK) has been crowned absolute winner at the last edition of the AIPP GRAND TROPHY 2016-2017, the third time in the last 6 years for this brilliant hairdresser to win the most renowned award in the hairdressing industry worldwide. The AIPP Grand Trophy Award Ceremony was carried out yesterday at this weekend's Cosmoprof Worldwide trade show in Bologna, Italy.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">以原創性十足的作品再下一城 成為大師中的大師</div>
<p>總是以精湛的技巧與驚人的創意驚豔美髮人的Angelo Seminara再次蟬聯AIPP總冠軍,在短短6年內3度獲得這個美髮界至尊獎項,成為大師中的大師。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/118/124/image_5.jpg?1612335010609" alt="image_5" /></p>
<p>從AIPP協會主席Roberto Pissimiglia和秘書長Sergi Bancells手中接過獎座,Angelo藏不住驕傲的喜悅,說道:「很感謝全球媒體的再一次肯定,言語無法形容我現在有多麼的開心,能得到三度獲獎實在是很大的榮耀!」</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/118/124/image_4.jpg?1612335024952" alt="image_4" /></p>
<p>Considered the International Oscar of Hairdressing, this most famous of all hair trophies voted for by the world's professional press, was handed over to its winner by Roberto Pissimiglia, AIPP President and Sergi Bancells, AIPP General Secretary. Angelo acknowledged that he was very proud to be recognized by the editors of the best professional magazines in the world and shared his excitement with the audience. "I can't describe what an immense joy this is for me. I am so honored to have received the AIPP Grand Trophy for the third time," said Angelo.</p>
<p>Angelo絕對是現今美髮產業裡,最具啟發性的創作者,他的作品再再展現出無與倫比的創意思考和原創性,許多髮型師、攝影師都深受其影響。Angelo於11歲入行,當時他在家鄉義大利的一間小髮廊以理髮師學徒的身分受訓;5年後他前往首都羅馬,加入Toni&amp;Guy團隊,但他並不安於現況,他將目標放在美髮的源頭-倫敦,並成功的在1995年加入傳奇大師Trevor Sorbie的團隊擔任國際創意總監。</p>
<p>在Trevor Sorbie的薰陶下,Angelo將對世界的觀察,轉化成創意來源,以獨特的美學素養將想法訴諸創作,連番以驚人的作品震撼世界。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/118/124/image_3.jpg?1612335039464" alt="image_3" /></p>
<p>Angelo Seminara is one of the most captivating and original hair stylists of our time. His work is hugely influential and is avidly followed by hair professionals, photographers, stylists and models the world over. Angelo Seminara began his career as a trainee Barber in his home town in Italy at the age of 11. Five years later he moved to Rome to take up a job with Toni&amp;Guy, but with his sights firmly set on London he became Trevor Sorbie's prot&eacute;g&eacute; in 1995 and went on to become his International Creative Director. Admired for his imagination, skill and creative drive, Seminara's work defies categorization. His approach is that of an artist, designer or inventor, imaginatively translating observations of the world into stunningly original shapes and colours.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">既然動手創作 就要做到最好</div>
<p>他在2011年加入髮品Davines Spa,擔任藝術總監。擔這成為Angelo與業界接軌的最佳橋樑,他參與了World Wide Hair Tour和Hair on Stage等許多世界級的活動,在Angelo的幫助下,Davines每一季的創作作品都精彩可期。他總是能輕易將時尚流行的元素化為商業造型,符合每一位客人的需求,體驗以客為本的個人化需求,量身訂做專屬的美髮風格和造型。將頭髮是為創作素材,即使是誇張多變的前衛風格也難不倒他,「我對前衛創作的喜愛並不亞於商業風格,在創作作品時能把所有的技術結合在一起,進而創造獨特的視覺效果,這是前衛設計最吸引我的一點。」</p>
<p>In January 2011 Angelo started as the new Art Director for Davines Spa. Angelo has been an integral part of Davines. The role of Artistic Director has seen him involved in international events such as World Wide Hair Tour and Hair on Stage, and in the development of the Davines Collections.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/118/124/image_2.jpg?1612335056879" alt="image_2" /></p>
<p>Wholly absorbed in his work and delighting in the creation of new shapes and textures, Angelo consistently pushes the boundaries. "I craft hair into surprising shapes, astonishing colors and sensational textures." The journey of creating a stunning collections is also a journey of knowing ourselves. "You have to understand what it is that you do so well, think about what it is you stand for and trust your instinct. Once you have found your true area of specialism, totally focus on it, trust in your ability and practice, practice, practice. Experiment with it, have fun with it, work on it to the point of exhaustion until you know it's the very best you can achieve and never, ever compromise."</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Salon News Asia協助今年度AIPP比賽報名事宜</div>
<p>今年AIPP官方收件截止日期為6月30日,可自行將作品寄至AIPP辦公室,亦可透過Salon News Asia報名!</p>


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