Salon News Asia
2016 KEVIN.MURPHY 極致大秀 @荷蘭阿姆斯特丹

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<p>超越想像的ONE TO ONE大秀匯集了KEVIN.MURPHY最精華的美髮人才,從招牌菜-外景造型到獨門CUT.ME剪髮技術再到全新上市的染髮系列CUT.ME,帶給現場觀眾全面的美髮體驗。</p>
<p>ONE TO ONE的宗旨是要把所有的品牌概念濃縮在一天的表演中,傳遞KEVIN.MURPHY對保護地球環境的熱血、時尚與美髮的結合和最新科技的延伸,「還有最重要的,是剪染造型三大領域背後的靈感和實用。」Kevin將這些靈感具像化為一場夢幻美髮大秀,透過髮型師最愛的視覺饗宴,輕而易舉地讓KEVIN.MURPHY的精隨滲透到每個角落。</p>
<p>A gathering of KEVIN.MURPHY&rsquo;s most creative masterminds, the event showcased the latest work of the brand&rsquo;s SESSION.MASTERS and STYLE.MASTERS, fused with the company&rsquo;s focus on fashion, performance and the environment.</p>
<p>&ldquo;The concept of this event was to encapsulate all the ideas of the brand in a single day, from our love of the natural environment, to Fashion and Technology. We wanted to show where we come from, what we make into products and how we decide to make the products. We wanted to show where each section of the brand draws its inspiration from, we showed cutting and its inspiration, we showed coloring and styling and its inspirations and we showed the principles of the brand in a visual way so people would be immersed into the culture of the brand,&rdquo; says the founder and Creative Director, Kevin Murphy.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/113/82/p1%E5%B0%8F__1_.jpg?1612412894612" alt="p1小__1_" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/113/82/p4__2_.jpg?1612412894612" alt="p4__2_" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">2017髮型趨勢解析 盡展品牌精隨</div>
<p>由Kevin Murphy率先上台,以最新的作品及揭開序幕,此組作品以熱帶雨林為靈感,穿插著綠寶石色彩的精緻細節作為點綴。2017年,短髮將再次成為女性髮型主流趨勢,捨棄結構鮮明的線條,帶點未完成感、甚至參差不齊的收尾更時尚;在崇尚自然的2017年,較淺的暖系髮色亦將成為主流,展現女性溫暖耀眼光芒。</p>
<p>First on stage was Kevin Murphy, who gave attendees a glimpse of his newest collection, including several mesmerising, &lsquo;rainforest-inspired&rsquo; looks enhanced with stunning emerald details. &ldquo;We wanted to create the natural environments that make up Australia, from the very dry and desert like coastal beaches to the lush rainforests. I wanted to transport the viewer away from the audience and bring them into a new world of richness color and the secret power of plants and flower extracts.&rdquo; Talked about the trends for upcoming 2017, Murphy says, &ldquo;For women we are seeing shorter hair that is blunt cut worn loose and natural with some sense of imperfection, with that deliberate imperfection comes a big push for natural looking textures and softer colors that reflect shine, for men the look is a varied one.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/113/82/p1%E5%B0%8F__2_.jpg?1612412913578" alt="p1小__2_" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/113/82/p1%E5%B0%8F__4_.jpg?1612412913578" alt="p1小__4_" /></p>
<p>Murphy also presented several of his signature &lsquo;beach hair&rsquo; looks, along with the new K.MEN campaign, which focuses on the hottest men&rsquo;s hair trends. &ldquo;Men don't have the drastic sweeping changes that you find in women&rsquo;s fashion.&rdquo; The K.MEN collection was called BE.YOURSELF and its about embracing what you have and the inclusions of all types of men. &ldquo;There is a definite lack of facial hair on the models and I wanted that to be a statement to help showcase the short sharper looks of the cuts.&rdquo;</p>
<p>接續上台的是COLOR.ME歐洲教育總監Michael Jung,展現極高顯色能力的染膏體系,並示範品牌最新的染髮技術;而CUT.ME技術創辦人Pascal Van Loenhout則共同演示了最新的剪髮作品集。</p>
<p>Following Murphy&rsquo;s presentation, Michael Jung, European Director of Education for COLOR.ME, the brand&rsquo;s high-performance color range, presented KEVIN.MURPHY&rsquo;s latest color techniques alongside Pascal Van Loenhout, who demonstrated the newest CUT.ME style collection.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/113/82/p3__2_.jpg?1612412933203" alt="p3__2_" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/113/82/p4.jpg?1612412933203" alt="p4" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">讓品牌成為連結消費者與髮型師的橋樑</div>
<p>ONE TO ONE大秀另一精彩重頭戲,是把沙龍現場搬上舞台,徹底實踐了品牌「沙龍現場每天都能是伸展台」的理念,幫助髮型師連結消費市場。透過全球教育總監暨研發顧問Sue Remes以旁白方式,引導髮型師以旁觀者的角色,一一對比沙龍現場與伸展台後台工作,「透過這場實境模擬,髮型師能發現後台工作與沙龍現場的共通點-與後台工作一樣,髮型師在現場同樣有著時間壓力;而美髮服務前的溝通也如同伸展台前的前置準備;而走出沙龍大門後,客人們就像登上伸展台,我們做的每一個髮型都如同時裝週模特兒一樣重要!」</p>
<p>With a career
spanning over 25 years, Sue Remes&rsquo; insights will help salons to better understand how to be more competitive in their approach to capturing and keeping the client&rsquo;s attention. At ONE TO ONE, Sue discusses who our &lsquo;core&rsquo; customers are and shares insights into how they think and buy and what ultimately keeps them engaged. &ldquo;We narrow the gap between salon work and backstage work,&rdquo; says Murphy, &ldquo;We highlight the similarities and help hairdressers to understand the needs of the client. A show brief is like a consultation and the salon floor is like the backstage, all running on a deadline and the street is your clients&rsquo; catwalk, we try and highlight the importance of excellence in our craft is just as important in the everyday as it is on the catwalk.&rdquo;</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/113/82/p3.jpg?1612412944759" alt="p3" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">零時差 無縫隙的接軌最新時尚</div>
<p>無論是時尚還是創意,ONE TO ONE大秀確實建立在時尚和沙龍現場間建立了一座橋樑,讓髮型師能直接與時尚接軌,而這也是Kevin期望的結果,「我希望參與的髮型師在隔天回到沙龍後,就能立刻應用今天所學到的每一個技巧和靈感,讓他們的客人能體驗最新的剪染和造型服務。」</p>
<p>Other inspiration-worthy looks were demonstrated by SESSION.MASTERS and STYLE.MASTERS Massimo Morello, Marianne Jensen, Craig Hughan, Juha-Matti Manninen, Ilona de Leeuw, and Camilla J&ouml;nsson.</p>
<p>This event turned out to be one of the biggest shows in Europe, with more than 1000 hairdressers, stylists, and educators from over 30 different countries in attendance.</p>
<p>&ldquo;We wanted to show them a collection of things that could be brought into the salon the next day but mainly to inspire them to be able to offer their clients a new way forward in cutting coloring and styling.&rdquo;</p>


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