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2016 NAHA 拉斯維加斯盛大登場
北美洲美髮界最盛大的North American Hairstyling Awards(NAHA)一如以往充滿能量和活力,今年的盛會邀請上千位美髮人到場共襄盛舉。

#NAHA #北美
北美洲美髮界最盛大的North American Hairstyling Awards(NAHA)一如以往充滿能量和活力,今年的盛會邀請上千位美髮人到場共襄盛舉。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>由Professional Beauty Association(PBA專業美容美髮協會)所舉辦的North American Hairstyling Awards,為北美最具盛名的美髮美容大賽,第27屆的賽事於今年7月24號在拉斯維加斯的Mandalay Bay Resort &amp; Casino盛大登場。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/114/140/img_0141.jpg?1612173325619" alt="img_0141" /></p>
<p>The Professional Beauty Association (PBA) is excited to announce the winners of the 27th annual North American Hairstyling Awards (NAHA), the most prestigious photographic beauty competition. NAHA took place on Sunday, July 24 at the Mandalay Bay Resort &amp; Casino in Las Vegas during PBA Beauty Week.</p>
<p>As the top award for professional hairstylists, makeup artists, and nail professionals, the 2016 NAHA winners in all 15 categories, including the People&rsquo;s Choice Award were selected during this year&rsquo;s event&ndash; hosted by Tony Award Winning actor, Alan Cumming.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Matt Swinney以現代女性優雅又堅強的作品贏得最佳髮型師</div>
<p>典禮間共頒布了年度最佳髮型師、前衛創作、當代經典等15項獎項,今年的年度最佳髮型師由Matt Swinney獲得,他展現了極佳的造型技巧,運用法式編髮、蜂窩頭等手法,創造女性化的柔美髮型,卻衝突性的以大量的刺青圖騰呈現叛逆中性化的一面。這組作品的靈感來自Swinney偶然看到一組修圖後的奧黛麗赫本肖像,畫面中的赫本多了覆蓋整手的刺青,卻因此啟發了Swinney創作一組既有女性柔美,又有強悍性格的對比作品,「對我來說這些就像很多現代女性,她們出入健身房,表現完全不輸給男生,在運動完後又和姊妹喝杯下午茶,一天24小時裡,她們展現了堅強的一面,但也有著女性化的行為,對我來說這是非常吸引人的!」</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/114/140/hairdresser_oty.jpg?1612173383208" alt="hairdresser_oty" /></p>
<p>NAHA的盛會除了眾所矚目的頒獎外,巨星雲集的表演也是每年必看的重頭戲,今年所有知名品牌,如AVEDA、Moroccanoil、Redken和Wella都準備了非常精彩的演出。PBA更邀請到曾獲東尼獎肯定的演員Alan Cumming擔任主持人,在他幽默風趣的介紹和換裝打扮中,2016年的NAHA順利落幕。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/114/140/img_0134.jpg?1612173513937" alt="img_0134" /></p>
<p>The 2016 ceremony brought together the industry&rsquo;s best to celebrate the artistry and skill of the professional beauty industry. This year featured a record-breaking number of artistic presentations from Aveda, Beauty Underground, Moroccanoil, Redken and Wella, while 2016 Host and Tony Award Winning Actor, Alan Cumming entertained the audience with several outfit and hairstyle changes throughout the evening.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">明年將獨立出剪髮和造型兩項類別 增加作品多樣性</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/114/140/naha2016-126.jpg?1612173484000" alt="naha2016-126" /></p>
<p>NAHA 2017 will take place Sunday, July 9, 2017 at the Mandalay Bay Resort &amp; Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Two new categories have been added: Haircutting, and the second new category is Styling and Finishing. These two categories will replace the Contemporary Classic category to showcase the unique skillset needed in haircutting and to emphasize the art in a styled and finished look.</p>
<p>去年剛上任NAHA主席的Michael Shaun Corby也表示,未來不排除將北美區域性的比賽擴大成全球性,將比賽的大門向全世界敞開。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/114/140/naha2016-85.jpg?1612173496824" alt="naha2016-85" /></p>
<p>The NAHA 2017 entry process opens December 1, 2017. Applications will be available online at</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">2016 North American Hairstyling Awards Winners</div>
<p>Avant Garde 最佳前衛創作: Edward Woody</p>
<p>Contemporary Classic 最佳當代經典: Dilek Onur Taylor</p>
<p>Editorial Stylist of the Year 最佳攝影造型: Lucie Doughty</p>
<p>Haircolor 最佳染髮造型: Chrystofer Benson</p>
<p>Hairstylist of the Year 年度最佳髮型師: Matt Swinney</p>
<p>Makeup Artist of the Year 年度最佳彩妝師: Isidro Valencia</p>
<p>Master Stylist of the Year 年度最佳髮型大師: Ammon Carver</p>
<p>Men&rsquo;s Hairstylist of the Year 最佳男士風格: Nicole Higgins</p>
<p>Nail Professional of the Year 最佳指彩: Cassandra Clark</p>
<p>Newcomer 最佳新進髮型師: Evan Erickson</p>
<p>People&rsquo;s Choice Award 觀眾票選最喜愛設計師: Matthew Tyldesley</p>
<p>Salon Design of the Year 最佳沙龍設計: Michael &amp; Michael</p>
<p>Salon Team of the Year 最佳沙龍團隊: Ammon Carver Studio</p>
<p>Student Hairstylist of the Year 最佳學徒: Jesse Ervin</p>
<p>Texture 最佳結構造型: Michelle O&rsquo;Connor</p>


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