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2016 Salon International 全新創舉即將上映
2016 Salon International將於10月15至17日於倫敦舉辦,Salon International每年都是全球美髮人非常期待的國際級專業美髮展,來自世界各地的業界龍頭紛紛聚集於此,討論著最新的科技與趨勢。

#Salon International
2016 Salon International將於10月15至17日於倫敦舉辦,Salon International每年都是全球美髮人非常期待的國際級專業美髮展,來自世界各地的業界龍頭紛紛聚集於此,討論著最新的科技與趨勢。
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<p>為了因應日益蓬勃的美髮市場,主辦單位Hairdresser Journal每年都推陳出新,去年首度舉辦HJ Hair Heroes Stage近距離一聽髮藝大師們的甘苦談,今年則抓緊男士理髮的潮流,專門規畫相關題材的舞台區,讓美髮人能飽覽當前業界最主要的潮流趨勢。</p>
<p>Salon International 2016 is set to wow the world of hairdressing with a host of exciting changes, including a stage dedicated to men&rsquo;s hair, an intimate audience with some of the industry&rsquo;s true icons and a bustling Business Bubble!</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">匯集業界龍頭品牌的專業美髮展</div>
<p>Denman、Fudge、Sassoon Academy和Wahl等知名品牌已經確定進駐2016 Salon International展場,準備以最新的技術和最齊全的工具讓美髮人不虛此行。</p>
<p>Salon International 2016 looks set to be a stellar event with exhibitors including Denman, Fudge, Sassoon Academy and Wahl joining the largest line-up of companies for many years.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">2016年順應時勢的新創舉</div>
<p>2016 Salon International在主場區將新增三大舞台區,分別為美髮人提供更詳盡且專業的演示:HJ Men Stage在三天的展期裡將會邀請來自全球、具領導地位的男士裡髮師在舞台上示範裡髮技巧和最新趨勢;而Business Bubble也是前所未見,專為沙龍經營者設立之區域,在此區將由業界權威分享經營訣竅與觀點;而The Legends Lounge就是去年HJ Hair Heroes Stage的進化版,想知道更多美髮偶像們的故事和創作靈感,歡迎去The Legends Lounge走走。</p>
<p>The HJ Men Stage will offer three days of exciting presentations from some of the world's leading barbers and men's stylists, reflecting the massive growth in men's grooming; while in The Legends Lounge visitors will be able to see live interviews with some of hairdressing's most enduring luminaries, whose stories are bound to enthral and inspire; the Business Bubble will offer informal sessions from the industry's leading authorities, giving salon owners and managers valuable insights into how to improve their bottom line and grow their enterprises. All these new initiatives will be based in the main show, offering all visitors the ultimate in creative and business inspiration.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">養護產品專屬展區</div>
<p>此外,健康養生的浪潮也吹到2016 Salon International的展場,今年亦新增Hair Health Village,專為頭皮養護和頭髮保養新設立的區域,提供產品、技術和教學等不同方面的新知。</p>
<p>Also new for 2016 will be the Hair Health Village, a zone dedicated to hair and scalp care, with a range of relevant exhibitors and an education stage &ndash; the zone launches this year to complement The International Trichology Congress, which will be running alongside Salon International.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Salon Live全新舞台 更值得期待</div>
<p>由Sassoon和TONI&amp;GUY等國際創意團隊輪番上陣的表演舞台Salon Live今年將移往ExCeL旁邊的ICC場館,更大更舒適的環境讓更多人能一同共襄盛舉。</p>
<p>With world-class inspiration and education a focal point for the event, the hugely popular Salon Live theatre will be moving to ExCeL's ICC Auditorium, situated directly alongside the exhibition halls. This purpose-built arena will be where the industry's leading educators will showcase their latest collections and trend predictions for the coming season.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">BHA入圍作品藝廊</div>
<p>Salon International的最大亮點之一仍然是眾所期待的British Hairdressing Awards Gallery,在此展示著2016年的入圍作品,集結了全英國最傑出髮型師的作品,將提供美髮人更多創作參考。</p>
<p>Returning in 2016 will be the HJ Stage, once again playing host to hairdressings most creative talents; the British Hairdressing Awards Gallery, sponsored by Schwarzkopf Professional, offering the first view of this year's finalist's collections, and those from this year's nominees for British Hairdresser of the Year; and a spectacular line-up of hairdressing talent will also be presenting on the Fellowship for British Hairdressing Stage.</p>
<p>更多詳情和最新消息歡迎上Salon International官網查詢。</p>
<p>For further information, check out</p>


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