Salon News Asia
2016 Ssh! 美髮人的藝術舞台
第三屆Ssh!於雪梨Seymour Centre舉辦,突破以往場地限制,可容納800位觀眾,一同歡慶美髮人磅礡激昂的創造力和天馬行空的想像力。Ssh!是一個無關品牌的純藝術舞台,主辦人Emiliano Vitale集結世界各地的創意人才,在澳洲美髮界興起一股創作風潮,從2016年11月13日起為期三天的活動更是帶給觀眾源源不絕的創造力和啟發。

#澳洲 #Ssh!
第三屆Ssh!於雪梨Seymour Centre舉辦,突破以往場地限制,可容納800位觀眾,一同歡慶美髮人磅礡激昂的創造力和天馬行空的想像力。Ssh!是一個無關品牌的純藝術舞台,主辦人Emiliano Vitale集結世界各地的創意人才,在澳洲美髮界興起一股創作風潮,從2016年11月13日起為期三天的活動更是帶給觀眾源源不絕的創造力和啟發。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>不同於澳洲過往的任何美髮活動,秉持著實驗精神,Ssh!每年都有創新突破。為期三天的活動邀請到美髮業界的指標性人物,由在地髮型師領軍,Emiliano Vitale、Benni Tognini、Richard Kavanagh和2016澳洲年度最佳髮型師Alumni攜手與英國Mazella&amp;Palmer和SACO團隊、Peter Gray、Robert Lobetta和來自台灣的EROS一同秀髮藝。活動不只有令人嘆為觀止的創意髮秀,更囊括教育層面,提供大師課程以及由SACO和Mazella&amp;Palmer團隊親自擔綱授課的實操課程,絕對是全球最值回票價的美髮活動之一。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/116/74/10.jpg?1612335798257" alt="10" /></p>
<p>Global hairdressing icons once again gathered in Sydney at the Seymour Centre, before an audience of over 800 hairdressers over an epic THREE days of pure education and creativity, to bring to life the third installment of Ssh! Australia.</p>
<p>An awe-inspiring THREE days comprising the Ssh! show, Masterclass and bespoke Workshops with SACO &amp; Mazella&amp;Palmer, Ssh has truly become a world-class event; remaining true to its values and pushing boundaries unlike anything that has ever existed in Australia, and revered around the world as a truly unique experimental event, pioneering creative exploration.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Mazella&amp;Palmer</div>
<p>由深受觀眾歡迎的雙人團隊Mazella&amp;Palmer開場,他們邀請觀眾一起在如夢境般虛幻的剪影場景共遊,Demeure的靈感來自英國時尚攝影師Tim Walker虛實交錯的攝影作品,彷彿喚起了觀眾在飄渺夢境中似曾相識的景象。Mazella&amp;Palmer的作品總是能讓人反思「創作的目的」,不只是如何剪髮,而是為何而剪,讓看似經典又簡單的髮型剪裁永遠都會激盪出不同的火花。Dove Palmer更表示:「Ssh!十分重視其教育性質,對我們來說,這項活動絕對是世界一等一的學習舞台,它保存了教育最核心的價值,絕對能讓觀眾獲益良多。」</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/116/74/04.jpg?1612335884376" alt="04" /></p>
<p>Popular duo, Mazella&amp;Palmer, where first up, preceded by a dreamscape of haunting melodies and shadow figures which evolved into their presentation of Demeure; a collection inspired by English fashion photographer Tim Walker and his dreamy, nostalgic pictures. Demeure enveloped the audience in a daydream and fantasy, telling stories conjured directly from the imagination that most of us left behind in childhood, all whilst staying true to the duo&rsquo;s philosophy of not just how to cut hair, but why.</p>
<p>&ldquo;This event, and the education it imparts, is one of the best in the world. For us, it&rsquo;s Number One in the sense of keeping it pure,&rdquo; says Dove Palmer.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Richard Kavanagh</div>
<p>來自澳洲當地的Richard Kavanagh猶如美髮魔術師,令人刮目相看的手藝與創意是他最大特點,秉持「髮藝是無法被商品化或是電子化的」,Richard的表演透過抽象的意念向所有每髮創作者致上最高敬意。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/116/74/06.jpg?1612335911963" alt="06" /></p>
<p>Mercurial and magical, Australia&rsquo;s Richard Kavanagh embraced the ethos that is Ssh! challenging mindsets with an abstract narrative on the lack of connection we have in the modern era, and how important the human aspect of the craft of hairdressing is and our need to honour that. Richard paid homage to how important the craft of hairdressing is &ndash; it being one of the true crafts that cannot be mechanized or digitized.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">EROS</div>
<p>由Nick Chung和Andy Wong率領台灣EROS團隊以Huvatar為主題創作,結合英文單字Human(人類)和Avatar(虛擬人物),EROS引導觀眾進入一個被科技快速發展深深影響的世界,連人類的身形都被科技改變,EROS挑戰觀眾使用不同的視角,觀看人類與科技生活的連結。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/116/74/01.jpg?1612335948999" alt="01" /></p>
<p>The powerhouse duo of Nick Chung and Andy Wong, and their entourage that comprise Taiwan&rsquo;s EROS catapulted the audience into a new world of HUVATAR (human+avatar), where rapid technological developments have caused a change in the world, and influenced the human body. EROS challenged the audience to see body shape in different forms, coupled with new innovations in hair and architecture.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Robert Lobetta</div>
<p>美髮界傳奇大師Robert Lobetta作育無數英才,這此他與子弟兵Alexandra Newman、Jamie Furlan和Kobi Bokshish把觀眾帶到一個專為瘋狂人設立的庇護所,在這裡無論是多麼不切實際的狂野想法都能成為現實。藉由這場表演,鼓勵髮型師跳脫框架,唯有大膽嘗試才能創作出最美的藝術結晶。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/116/74/11.jpg?1612335976077" alt="11" /></p>
<p>Robert Lobetta mentored and led a trio of Australian young guns &ndash; Alexandra Newman, Jamie Furlan and Kobi Bokshish &ndash; along with the audience into the world of &lsquo;Asylum&rsquo;. A safe place for the experimentation of your most wildest ideas, where there&rsquo;s fluidity of pieces, aggression in beauty and the opportunity to be brilliant by risking and trying something different.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">SACO</div>
<p>SACO的 I.D. Collection從Leigh Bowery、Richard &amp; Pierre等藝術表演者身上汲取靈感,以明亮搶眼的色彩結合當代藝術的輪廓線條,完美是犯了藝術無國界,創意是不需要任何言語就能傳遞的。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/116/74/07.jpg?1612336002548" alt="07" /></p>
<p>Striking colours and contemporary takes on classic shapes and textures encapsulated SACO&rsquo;s presentation of their I.D. Collection. Taking influence from performance artist and designer, Leigh Bowery, Richard &amp; Pierre, demonstrated that words were not necessary; it was sheer creativity and technique that piqued and held the crowd&rsquo;s attention.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Peter Gray</div>
<p>壓軸登場的Peter Gray總是在各大舞台帶給觀眾極大的震撼與驚艷,每次的創作都血淋淋的結合了大眾議題,有時是抨擊時尚界對身材胖瘦錯廟的偏見,有時在高聲頌揚年齡的美麗,這一次,Peter將沉重的議題帶上舞台,喚起眾人對「人口販賣」的重視。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/116/74/05.jpg?1612336048381" alt="05" /></p>
<p>The final presentation of the evening to imbue the audience with a definitive shot of creativity and a social conscience message was America&rsquo;s Peter Gray. A man who needs a reason or cause to present, and to raise awareness, Peter&rsquo;s strikingly powerful show shone the spotlight on human trafficking; with the finale showcasing a model encased in a &lsquo;web&rsquo; of twine/cotton; a direct reference to the underworld web that is the human trafficking trade.</p>
<p>Says Peter, &ldquo;This event, Ssh! Australia, is truly what is an incredible global event. Creativity with a purpose is what I aspire to! Inspiring causes motivate me to push the boundaries. Ssh was an amazing opportunity to work with an amazing team using the medium of hair to convey the harsh reality of a web of people involved in human trafficking worldwide!&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">每一次的演出都是歷史上未曾出現過的嘗試</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/116/74/09.jpg?1612336075561" alt="09" /></p>
<p>Says Benni, &ldquo;Ssh! has definitely grown to the next level. The key word is experimentation &ndash; what we&rsquo;re doing is an experiment. We have such admiration for all the teams; they continue to push themselves and share with the audience something we&rsquo;ve never done before.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Based purely on the idea of bringing the best in the global hairdressing business together through a neutral platform in creative collaboration with the single desire of sharing and contributing to the industry, Ssh! is an event that unashamedly takes back the heritage of the hairdresser &ndash; making it truly &lsquo;by the hairdresser for the hairdresser.&rsquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">創新的互動式教學與線上直播拉近師生距離</div>
<p>Says Emiliano, &ldquo;There is so much about Ssh! that excites me. The Monday Masterclass is always a favourite as, in addition to the creativity that is the Sunday show, we have six world class hairdressing teams sharing intimately their knowledge, their skill and their energy. This year, the audience was encouraged and invited to join the teams on stage, a truly intimate moment where they could touch, feel and truly watch what was happening on stage.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Ssh! once again delivered an experiential educational experience for professionals in the hair, makeup, fashion and design arenas at the Seymour Center and around the globe via live streaming through liveED; a concept daring in it&rsquo;s approach and delivery.</p>


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