Salon News Asia
2017 Hair Expo Australia 首度攜手Sustainable Salons Australia
為了促進美髮業未來的趨勢發展,Hair Expo Australia於六月11日在由1200名美髮專業人士與會的GenNext大秀上發布,首度攜手Sustainable Salons Australia (註:此單位為沙龍資源回收再生公司)共創新局的好消息,令人振奮不已!

#Hair Expo #Sustainable Salons
為了促進美髮業未來的趨勢發展,Hair Expo Australia於六月11日在由1200名美髮專業人士與會的GenNext大秀上發布,首度攜手Sustainable Salons Australia (註:此單位為沙龍資源回收再生公司)共創新局的好消息,令人振奮不已!
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>「Hair Expo是美髮界的心臟。在澳洲,每6名髮型師就有一名會參與這場年度盛會,它的每個脈動都將驅動產業的發展!」Hair Expo活動總監Julia Erben這樣說。</p>
<p>「Hair Expo使命就是為髮型師們帶出世代傳承的原動力,讓每個人輪流為顧客提供高品質服務。而現在,我們有個邁入下一階段的全新使命:不只是對環境負責,也回饋我們的支持者。」</p>
<p>&ldquo;Hair Expo is the beating heart of the professional hairdressing industry, with one in six Australian hairdressers participating each year&rdquo;, says Julia Erben, Event Director for Hair Expo Australia. &ldquo;Ingrained in our heritage is to take on the responsibility of inspiring and motivating generations of hairdressers, who in turn provide superior services to their customers. We now want to take on a new responsibility: to take our industry to the next level by contributing to its long-term sustainability. Not only with regards to environmental impact, but also by giving back to the communities that support us, and by attracting new talent to our unique profession.&rdquo;</p>
<p>「在Sustainable Salons Australia裡面,我們有許多優秀的髮廊,為美髮帶出漣漪效應。未來,我們將擁有年輕有天賦的新血、創意發想者、真正關心世界的新一波潮流髮型師投身服務。所以,我們很高興能和Hair Expo合作,期待共創美髮時代新局!」Sustainable Salons Australia共同創辦人Paul Frasca這樣說。</p>
<p>&ldquo;At Sustainable Salons Australia, we have so many awesome salons that are doing a great job of helping us to make salon waste history, and it&rsquo;s creating a ripple effect!&rdquo; says Paul Frasca, Co-founder and Managing Director of Sustainable Salons Australia. &ldquo;Our future relies on fresh talent, innovative thinkers and a new wave of hairdressers that really care about the world around them. That&rsquo;s why we&rsquo;re so excited to be collaborating with Hair Expo to make an even bigger ripple effect throughout our industry and our local communities.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Hair Expo Australia和Sustainable Salons Australia的三年合作期將著重在以下3方面:人類、地球與未來,將為彼此帶出更具深度與廣度的連結。</p>
<p>The three-year initiative focuses on the continued development of the industry by fusing the creativity and reach of the Hair Expo community with the innovation and passion of Sustainable Salons Australia, while emphasizing the three tiers of sustainability &ndash; People, Planet and the Future &ndash; to deliver a comprehensive sustainability plan across the entire Hair Expo event and wider network.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">熱烈歡迎Hair Expo Australia回歸雪梨</div>
<p>Hair Expo Australia終於回來了嗎?六月13日美髮界最大盛事就是看到Hair Expo再度現身雪梨達令港國際會議中心,這是他們第9875次造訪,恰好適逢澳洲女王伊莉莎白二世生日周,點亮整個六月。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/119/82/p1_2_.jpg?1612515921421" alt="p1_2_" /></p>
<p>A 15 per cent increase in expo floor space from the 2016 event in Melbourne meant more exhibitors and more products for hair professionals to sample and shop. With 150 shows on three stages in the expo halls, 10 dedicated education room, as well as grand theatres and ballrooms for the evening Galas; the Hair Expo program is unrivalled in Australasia, showcasing more than 1500 models, styled by over 500 educators with products from over 110 exhibitors.</p>
<p>「這是一場互動性十足的Live秀,不但讓美髮專業提升,更鞏固了彼此的友誼!」Julia Erben這樣說。</p>
<p>&ldquo;Hair Expo has once again proven to be the beating heart of the industry. Nothing furthers a community as much as an interactive live event. Countless business opportunities have been created, careers enhanced, and friendships forged. The inspiration created at Hair Expo reverberates throughout the entire year&rdquo;, said Julia Erben, Event Director for Hair Expo Australia.</p>
<p>「將世界上最好的美髮帶給澳洲是我們的中心思想!美髮師們終於如願地見到偶像,讓他們將這天當作是『美髮生涯中最棒的日子』。當WELLA全球創意總監Eugene Souleiman與眾人分享髮型洞見與高超技巧時,所有人都報之以謙遜而感激的眼神看向他。」</p>
<p>Julia Erben added: &ldquo;Bringing the world&rsquo;s best to Australia is the core of our mission. With standing ovations and visitors testifying that meeting their idols made this &ldquo;the best day of their careers&rdquo;, we stand humble in gratitude to iconic industry figures such as Eugene Souleiman who shared the insights into their world and skills in such generous ways.&rdquo;</p>


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