Salon News Asia
2017 NOISE 髮型秀喧鬧上演

#英國 #Noise
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">人滿為患的排隊盛況再度上演</div>
<p>今年NOISE由來自五個國家的六組團隊組成,包括倫敦的Jay Mahmoud、Tim Hartley與SACO,美國的POP ACADEMY、俄羅斯的Hairfucker,與台灣EROS。</p>
<p>「現場氣氛很喧鬧,所有人都很興奮和期待,聚集的觀眾在外等待」,NOISE創辦人Richard Ashforth興奮的表示,向來走神秘路線的NOISE秀,到了傍晚5點才公布表演地點,頓時,滿到溢出來的人群,佔據一百公尺以上的街道路徑。</p>
<p>The mood was hot with excitement and anticipation. Crowds had gathered outside the venue since just after the address was announced at 5pm and the line snaked down the street for several hundred meters!</p>
<p>身為美髮界特立獨行的創意指標,NOISE透過網路傳媒力量,許多美髮人紛紛為自己及團隊的作品毛遂自薦,才促成多國合作的熱鬧風貌,獲選的美髮團隊可以盡情演繹出創意的純粹面向,NOISE創辦人Richard Ashforth表示,給予沒有登台機會的團隊一個嶄露頭角的新舞台是很重要的。</p>
<p>The teams come from my personal network and from people simply writing to me, sending me images and videos of their work. Through my years in the industry I&rsquo;m lucky to have connected with all the best names in Hair and these teams enjoy the experience of pure creativity which NOISE offers.</p>
<p>For me it&rsquo;s important to offer new teams a platform to show their skills - these teams aren&rsquo;t able to get exposure through the big corporate shows, we are proud we can give all these new and international teams a stage to present themselves upon.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">創意無極限死魚生肉全上陣</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121/144/%E4%B8%BB%E5%9C%96-1.jpg?1612154452451" alt="主圖-1" /></p>
<p>The energy within the prep room was incredible as always, everyone helping one another, sharing ideas, skills and jokes. The was one overwhelming issue however&hellip;the strong smell of fresh fish coming from the Hairfucker dressing room was overpowering and cause for much humour!</p>
<p>I can&rsquo;t answer for each team about their process but I can say that ALL the teams enjoy the freedom of pure expression which NOISE offers. Everyone feels creatively charged and pushed to take themselves out of their comfort zone and present something exciting and unique.</p>
<p>This year I loved the Eros presentation but perhaps my personal favourite was Hairfucker - it was so original and raw. Wigs made from Fish, Meat &amp; Vegetables - completely out-there and completely NOISE!</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">JAY MAHMOOD@LONDON, UK</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121/144/ad9p5472.jpeg?1612154908880" alt="ad9p5472" /></p>
<p>Haircutting-Jay showed haircuts on various lengths and shapes in black or blonde. 2 gorgeous girls with edgy precision cuts.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">EROS@TAIPEI, TAIWAN</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121/144/eros1.jpeg?1612154922828" alt="eros1" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121/144/erosad9p5690.jpeg?1612155009994" alt="erosad9p5690" /></p>
<p>Avant-garde transformations on 2 models-red and white. A far-our presentation of the bizarre! Complex hair and styling were developed into e looks per model.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">POP ACADEMY@LOS ANGELES, USA</div>
<p>來自洛杉磯的POP ACADEMY首度現身NOISE,現場以三名極短髪的女模特兒裁剪出冷酷的中性風,驚豔全場。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121/144/ad9p5835.jpeg?1612155126456" alt="ad9p5835" /></p>
<p>Haircuts-Gender-Less. 3 models, girls and one TV. Cool cuts and colours from the LA based academy wowed the crowd.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">HAIRFUCKER@STPETERSBURG, RUSSIA</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121/144/ad9p5960.jpeg?1612155295780" alt="ad9p5960" /></p>
<p>Wigs made of fresh meat/veg/fish (precious in the future)-topic of humans evolving to have no hair-no need for hairdressers and how we might interpret luxury in the future. It brought the house down!</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">SACO@LONDON, PARIS TEAMS</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121/144/ad9p6264.jpeg?1612155397111" alt="ad9p6264" /></p>
<p>Topics: Volumes and variants-one model transformed into 3 looks-One model &lsquo;peeled like an onion&rsquo; and transformed from XL to XS.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">TIM HARTLEY@LONDON, UK</div>
<p>為緬懷英國名作家赫胥黎(Huxley) 與1920年代電影《Bright Young Things》,Tim HARTLEY以魅力熟女與年輕帥弟為題,從長髮到短髮,獨立完成Tim式風格造型。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121/144/ad9p6354.jpeg?1612155519680" alt="ad9p6354" /></p>
<p>Older woman/younger man. Reminiscent of Huxley&rsquo;s, 1920&rsquo;s Bright Young Things, Tim completed a full haircuts from long to short on his muse Charlie.</p>


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