Salon News Asia
Alternative Hair創辦人Tony Rizzo與Salon International執行長Jayne Lewis-Orr共同宣布,擁有37年歷史的Alternative Hair Show將第一次移師到可容納3,800人次的ExCeL倫敦展覽中心ICC禮堂舉辦,來自全球的頂尖表演團隊將為Salon International帶來最具國際性、啟發性和娛樂的Alternative Hair Show之夜。

#英國 #AHS
Alternative Hair創辦人Tony Rizzo與Salon International執行長Jayne Lewis-Orr共同宣布,擁有37年歷史的Alternative Hair Show將第一次移師到可容納3,800人次的ExCeL倫敦展覽中心ICC禮堂舉辦,來自全球的頂尖表演團隊將為Salon International帶來最具國際性、啟發性和娛樂的Alternative Hair Show之夜。
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<p>Alternative Hair Show與Salon International的結合堪稱美事一樁,Salon International 執行長Jayne Lewis-Orr表示,「很榮幸能支持Tony Rizzo一起對抗白血病,除了醫療人員之外,還需要更多人的協助,美髮團隊與贊助廠商的支持使得這項活動能夠一年又一年的持續下去。Salon International是美髮產業的核心,全球性的領導品牌都將站上舞台,呈現創意與天賦,Alternative Hair Show大秀在這具啟發性的活動中是完美點綴。」</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/131/100/alternative_hair_show_2018_2_ken_zhou_abh_6064sml.jpg?1612148640528" alt="alternative_hair_show_2018_2_ken_zhou_abh_6064sml" /></p>
<p>Executive Director of Salon International, Jayne Lewis-Orr says: &ldquo;It is wonderful to be able to bring the Alternative Hair Show to Salon International. We are honoured to support Tony Rizzo and Fighting Leukaemia and acknowledge the wonderful work done, not just by the medical staff, but the many helpers and, of course, the hairdressing teams and industry sponsors that make this enduring event a success each year. Salon International is at the heart of hairdressing globally with the leading brands on the show floor and the best creative talents performing on the many stages. The Alternative Hair Show is the perfect addition to this inspirational event.&rdquo;</p>
<p>針對37年來首次將場地移至ExCeL倫敦展覽中心舉辦的重大決定,Alternative Hair創辦人Tony Rizzo樂觀其成,同一地點舉辦也讓參展者免去舟車勞頓的奔波之苦,「Alternative Hair Show和Salon International的結合令人激動,這個地點讓白天想參加Salon International的人能留在該區旅館休息,伴隨著國際表演團隊與更多的國際參訪者都會來到Visionary Award,更為周末增添全球視野,我們對新場地感到無比興奮!」</p>
<p>Alternative Hair Founder, Tony Rizzo says: &ldquo;I am thrilled we are bringing Alternative Hair to Salon International. Location wise this makes sense for a lot of the attendees who want to visit Salon International during the day and often stay in hotels in the area. We are also adding a global aspect to the weekend, with our international artistic teams and high number of international entries in the Visionary Award. A new venue is exciting for us all.&rdquo;</p>
<p>自成立以來,Alternative Hair透過Tony和Maggie的慈善機構籌集超過1200萬英鎊:擊退白血病!支持科學家以及他們研究的血癌項目、支持英國境內外醫護人員對患者的照護,也為白血病兒童家庭提供援助方案。行之有年的Alternative Hair Show曾在義大利、奧地利、俄羅斯、韓國和美國舉行,當前資助項目包括倫敦大奧蒙德街醫院的研究,並為知識、治療和護理都落後的衣索比亞和喀麥隆當地慈善機構提供支助。</p>
<p>Since its inception, Alternative Hair has raised over &pound;12 Million through Tony and Maggie&rsquo;s charity: Fighting Leukaemia, helping support valuable research projects and the scientists working to find a cure for blood cancers; the doctors and nurses treating patients in hospitals in the UK and abroad; and the provision of support programmes for families of children suffering from Leukaemia. Over the years as well as its annual London show, the Alternative Hair Show has taken place in Italy, Austria, Russia, Korea and the USA. There are current funding projects with dedicated research programmes taking place at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, as well as much needed support with local charities in Ethiopia and the Cameroon - where knowledge, treatment and care lies far behind the UK.</p>
<p>Alternative Hair Show主席Anthony Mascolo認為:「位置的搬遷很棒!我們會是整周活動的亮點,也為Salon International增添新視野!我對於主持Visionary Award非常興奮,它是節目之一,是有名的秀中秀,給那些有天賦的人一個平台展現創意!改變是好的,轉移陣地是一個很棒的改變。」</p>
<p>Alternative Hair Global President, Anthony Mascolo says: &ldquo;This is a really great move! We&rsquo;ll be at the centre of everything happening over the weekend, but will also add a new dimension to Salon International. I&rsquo;m excited the Visionary Award, which I introduced to the event, will once again be included in the programme. This has become a popular &lsquo;show within the show&rsquo; and is a way to give new international talent a platform to show their creativity. Change is good and I think this will definitely be a good move.&rdquo;</p>
<p>2019的Alternative Hair Show將舉行於倫敦時間10月6日周日晚上,強大的國際陣容,必帶來娛樂與啟發兼具與令人興奮的夜晚。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/131/100/alternative_hair_show_2018_2_tigi_abh_6349sml.jpg?1612148715331" alt="alternative_hair_show_2018_2_tigi_abh_6349sml" /></p>
<p>The 2019 Alternative Hair Show takes place on Sunday October 6th at 6.30pm.</p>
<p>With its international line-up, the show promises to be an evening of excitement, entertainment and inspiration.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Alternative Hair Show 2019表演團隊</div>
<p>Anne Veck &ndash; UK</p>
<p>Carlo Bay &ndash; Italy</p>
<p>Dmitry Vinokurov &ndash; Russia</p>
<p>HOB &ndash; UK</p>
<p>Ken Zhou &ndash; China</p>
<p>Rudy Mostarda &ndash; Italy</p>
<p>Klaus Peter Ochs &ndash; Germany</p>
<p>Laszlo Hajas &ndash; Hungary</p>
<p>Marc Antoni &ndash; UK</p>
<p>Mikel Luzea &ndash; Spain</p>
<p>Saco &ndash; UK</p>
<p>Sanrizz &ndash; UK</p>
<p>Sassoon &ndash; UK</p>
<p>Tigi Creative Team &ndash; UK</p>
<p>Toni &amp; Guy &ndash; UK</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/131/100/alternative_hair_show_2018_2_sanrizz_abh_6910sml.jpg?1612148733172" alt="alternative_hair_show_2018_2_sanrizz_abh_6910sml" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/131/100/alternative_hair_show_2018_2_sassoon_abh_6412sml.jpg?1612148758824" alt="alternative_hair_show_2018_2_sassoon_abh_6412sml" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/131/100/alternative_hair_show_2018_2_saco_abh_5872sml.jpg?1612148768657" alt="alternative_hair_show_2018_2_saco_abh_5872sml" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/131/100/alternative_hair_show_2018_2_carlo_bay_abh_6802sml.jpg?1612148795330" alt="alternative_hair_show_2018_2_carlo_bay_abh_6802sml" /></p>


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