Salon News Asia
2019 Hair Expo Awards
Hair Expo Australia每年在女王生日當周舉辦,令人期待的Hair Expo Awards於活動最後一日頒佈!上千位美髮專業人士受邀參與,舉行為期三天的趨勢展覽、國際技術課程,以及澳大利亞最大型髮秀表演,被譽為「美髮人的祭典」。

#Hair Expo Awards #澳洲
Hair Expo Australia每年在女王生日當周舉辦,令人期待的Hair Expo Awards於活動最後一日頒佈!上千位美髮專業人士受邀參與,舉行為期三天的趨勢展覽、國際技術課程,以及澳大利亞最大型髮秀表演,被譽為「美髮人的祭典」。
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<p>在雪梨達令港國際會議中心,令人歎為觀止的豪華頒獎典禮!超過850位專業美髮人齊聚一堂, 共同見證21位榮譽獲獎人!Hair Expo Awards分創意和商業類別共19組,評選出115名入圍者。評審團由11位國際評審、10位當地評審與5位商業類別評審共同組成。評審委員在國際上、澳大利亞地區,都是享有最高聲量的一群人。此外,Hair Expo頒發了額外的兩個獎項&mdash;名人堂獎和編輯首選獎。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/130/66/_w8a1738.jpg?1612149235806" alt="_w8a1738" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">年度髮型師大獎屢見熟面孔</div>
<p>美髮比賽常勝軍的Dee Parker Attwood,今年榮獲澳洲最佳髮型師大獎,這位成就非凡的髮型來自Wieselmann Salon,她曾在2018榮譽入選、也是2016年澳洲最佳髮型師大獎得主。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/130/66/dee_parker_atwood___dany_pato.jpg?1612149034149" alt="dee_parker_atwood___dany_pato" /></p>
<p>Dee充滿感恩的表示:「我非常開心獲得澳洲最佳髮型師大獎 ,這無非是我人生中最棒的一個夜晚!我花了很多精力創作,如今的成果並非一件容易的事!我非常開心這些作品成就了現在的我!在此致上最高的感謝!」</p>
<p>紐西蘭最佳髮型師獎落D&amp;M Hair Design的Danny Pato!連續4年榮獲此獎的Danny說道:「儘管獲得了4次這個獎項對我來說還是別具意義,我是一個熱愛挑戰和會督促自己的人,今晚獲獎的感覺,對我來說彷彿還是人生中的第一次!」</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">名人堂獎和編輯首選獎</div>
<p>Sharon Blain榮獲本年度名人堂獎,她對美髮圈的貢獻與啟發性有目共睹,並在1995得過榮譽獎項。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/130/66/sharon_blain.jpg?1612149174899" alt="sharon_blain" /></p>
<p>來自SJ Establishment的Sam James榮獲年度編輯首選獎,被評為2019年南澳/塔斯馬尼亞年度髮型師。國際美髮雜誌總編輯Laura Husband形容Sam的作品在美觀與執行技巧方面都展現極高品質。她說:「這整套作品是多麼的有趣、青春洋溢,展現自然的律動與野性,秀髮之美與真實性達到最好的發揮。這些圖片傳達了酷時尚,使那些看到的人被啟發!事實上,我可以想像這些作品變成刊版佇立在時尚與髮型活動中,另外,作品也呈現了髮型與飾品配搭的成長趨勢,非常的適合節慶的季節,也鼓勵了人們踏出自己的舒適圈。」</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/130/66/sam_james.jpg?1612149259116" alt="sam_james" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">宛如史詩般的美髮界大事</div>
<p>Julie Piantadosi為本屆評審主席,她說:「2019年的Hair Expo,是一場史詩般的聚會!眾多人才以及令人稱羨的才幹遠遠超乎我的預期。各位入圍者抬起你們的頭吧,你們在這個國家是出色中最出色的!我要感謝評審團中每位超級巨星你們付出的努力。以及所有得獎者,恭喜你們!為你們感到無比光榮,這是你們應得的成就!我要恭喜Dee Parker Attwood,贏得這次今年度澳洲最佳髮型師大獎,恭喜在座的每一位,讓我一起同歡吧!」</p>
<p>Hair Expo活動總監Cory Watson分析: 「Dee因為傑出的專業能力,高超的技巧與非凡的創造力,被評審團選為本年度最佳髮型師。這人才出眾的一屆,澳大利亞美髮市場如此欣欣向榮!恭喜所有得獎者與入圍者,我們從作品中看見了從你們生命裡激發出的天賦與創造性。Hair Expo澳洲髮型師大獎在美髮人世界行之有年,且有著最高的榮譽,因此所有入圍者你們已經獲得了真正的肯定。」</p>
<p>Victorian hairdresser Dee Parker Attwood has been named the 2019 Australian Hairdresser of the Year at the Hair Expo Awards in Sydney&rsquo;s Darling Harbour. This is an incredible achievement for the hairdresser from Wieselmann Salon in South Yarra, who was a finalist for the accolade in 2018 and was awarded the Hair Expo Awards Victorian Hairdresser of the Year in 2016.</p>
<p>&ldquo;I am so excited and honoured to be awarded Hair Expo Awards Australian Hairdresser of the Year. This is honestly one of the best nights of my life and I am so happy to have this result because I created a collection that was really hard work and not necessarily conventional. I&rsquo;m really happy that this is the collection that got me to this incredible position. I&rsquo;m so proud thankful to be here.&rdquo; Dee said.</p>
<p>The 2019 Hair Expo New Zealand Hairdresser of the Year went to Danny Pato of D&amp;M Hair Design in Auckland, who has now taken out the title for the fourth consecutive year &ndash; 2016, 2017, 2018 &amp; 2019.</p>
<p>Winning Hair Expo New Zealand Hairdresser of the Year even after four times still feels amazing. It keeps pushing me further and further and I keep aiming to come back stronger, and more unique. I love pushing myself and I love the challenge. Winning tonight still feels like the first time,&rdquo; Danny said.</p>
<p>Over 850 dedicated hair professionals gathered to witness the 21 winners announced at the lavish Hair Expo Awards ceremony at the International Convention Centre (ICC) in Sydney&rsquo;s breathtaking Darling Harbour.</p>
<p>115 finalists across 19 creative and business categories were chosen for the 2019 edition, selected by an impressive judging panel of 11 international and 10 local judges, with business categories judged by an additional five judges of business esteem. The panel represents some of the most acclaimed hairdressing industry veterans from Australia and across the globe. Two additional awards were presented by Hair Expo &ndash; the Hall of Fame Award and the Editor&rsquo;s Choice Award.</p>
<p>Sharon Blain was inducted the Hair Expo Hall of Fame award for 2019 in recognition of her inspiring contribution to the Australian hairdressing industry. Sharon was also awarded the ultimate accolade in 1995.</p>
<p>Sam James from SJ Establishment was selected as the 2019 Editor&rsquo;s Choice Award winner. Sam was also named as the Hair Expo South Australian / Tasmanian Hairdresser of the Year for 2019.Laura Husband, Editor for Hairdressers Journal International, chose Sam&rsquo;s collection for its high quality, beauty and execution.</p>
<p>&ldquo;This entire collection is young and fun and has a natural movement and rawness that is able to show off real and beautiful hair to its very best. The images have a cool fashion shoot feel to them, which will appeal to clients who are looking to be inspired &ndash; in fact, I could imagine all of these images on a huge billboard for a fashion or hair brand campaign. Plus, all of the images tap into the growing trend for adding accessories to hairstyles, which is perfect for the festival season and encouraging clients to step outside of their comfort zone!" Laura said.</p>
<p>&ldquo;What an epic Hair Expo Awards 2019 has been! The calibre of talent really has exceeded all my expectations. To each and every one of the finalists, hold your head up high because you are among the best of the best in our country. I would personally like to thank my hand picked superstar judges for their seamless efforts. And to all the winners - congratulations for making your mark and you deserve to feel really proud of your amazing achievement. I&rsquo;d like to give a huge congratulations to Dee Parker Attwood for winning the prestigious Hair Expo Australian hairdresser of the Year award. Congratulations everyone. Let&rsquo;s celebrate!&rdquo; Julie said.</p>
<p>Cory Watson, Event Director for Hair Expo Australia, commented: &ldquo;Dee has been selected by the Hair Expo Awards judging panel for her outstanding professional talent, technical skill and incredible creative ability. The calibre of entries this year was incredible, and it&rsquo;s amazing to see the level of talent within the Australian hairdressing industry. We wish to congratulate all our winners and finalists tonight &ndash; we&rsquo;ve loved seeing your talent and creativity comes to life through your work. The Hair Expo Awards are the longest-standing and most prestigious awards in Australian hairdressing, so to be named a finalist or winner is a true achievement. The industry coming together for the Hair Expo Awards tonight has been a highlight of Hair Expo Australia this year, and we&rsquo;re thrilled to celebrate together in Sydney.&rdquo;</p>


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