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2019 HJ’s British Hairdresser of The Year
歷經數月等待,由施華蔻專業贊助的BHA英國髮型師大獎入圍名單終於出爐。今年入圍者加入了Robert Eaton和Adam Reed兩位新面孔,9大頂尖髮型師陣容重新洗牌!

#英國 #HJ’s British Hairdresser of Year 2019
歷經數月等待,由施華蔻專業贊助的BHA英國髮型師大獎入圍名單終於出爐。今年入圍者加入了Robert Eaton和Adam Reed兩位新面孔,9大頂尖髮型師陣容重新洗牌!
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<p>HJ&rsquo;s British Hairdresser of Year 2019入圍的決選在於被提名者的專業暨產業影響力,足以肩負英國美髮大使的重任。入圍名單出爐的下一步才是考驗的開始,九名入圍者必須重新創作繳交作品,並於2019年9月由100多位知名人士、產業記者進行評審,並決選出最後贏家。</p>
<p>施華蔻專業總經理Julian Crane表示,「這9位入圍者皆擁有個人的藝術天賦和創作優勢,這也是他們獲得提名的原因。」</p>
<p>頒獎典禮將在今年11月25日於英國舉行,並邀請Trevor Sorbie、John Frieda、Anthony Mascolo、Nicky Clarke、Charles Worthington、Beverley C and Andrew Barton等美髮界大佬共襄盛舉。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">BHA英國年度髮型師入圍名單</div>
<p>‧Darren Ambrose:為2015年得主,同時也是外景造型師、美髮師模範的領頭羊。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/130/64/darren_ambrose_work.jpg?1612149519579" alt="darren_ambrose_work" /></p>
<p>‧Sally Brooks:連續二年獲獎的Sally正在籌備她要向英國教育家與家長致敬的美髮電影「我的目的地之旅」。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/130/64/sally_brooks_work.jpg?1612149536386" alt="sally_brooks_work" /></p>
<p>‧Errol Douglas MBE:曾受邀擔任英國女皇的御用髮型師,受獎眾多,無疑是美髮界超級巨星。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/130/64/errol_douglas_work.jpg?1612149547444" alt="errol_douglas_work" /></p>
<p>‧Robert Eaton:時下最當紅染髮師。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/130/64/robert_eaton_work.jpg?1612149560608" alt="robert_eaton_work" /></p>
<p>‧Gary Hooker &amp; Michael Young:美髮界著名二人組、舞台明星、創作靈感和才華橫溢的教育家。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/130/64/hooker_and_young_work.jpg?1612149575030" alt="hooker_and_young_work" /></p>
<p>‧Adam Reed:外景造型師、沙龍經營者、一個具精湛技巧且色彩豐富的人物、消費者與髮型世界的橋樑。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/130/64/adam_reed_work.jpg?1612149590647" alt="adam_reed_work" /></p>
<p>‧Cos Sakkas:二度被提名的藝術天才,同時是Toni &amp; Guy 品牌的傳奇人物。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/130/64/%E5%B0%81%E9%9D%A2.jpg?1612149718662" alt="封面" /></p>
<p>‧Angelo Seminara:此獎項的四度贏家,無非是現代最迷人、最具原創的髮型師。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/130/64/angelo_seminara_work.jpg?1612149733658" alt="angelo_seminara_work" /></p>
<p>‧Eugene Souleiman:無庸置疑是外景造型師的翹楚。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/130/64/eugene_souleiman_work.jpg?1612149744614" alt="eugene_souleiman_work" /></p>
<p>Following months of conjecture, the nominees for HJ&rsquo;s coveted British Hairdresser of the Year title, sponsored by Schwarzkopf Professional have been announced. With two new names bursting into this year&rsquo;s mix, Robert Eaton and Adam Reed complete a line-up of 9 fabulous hairdressing game-changers.</p>
<p>Darren Ambrose, previous British Hairdresser of the Year winner 2015, a leader within session styling and hairdressing alike.</p>
<p>Sally Brooks, British Hairdresser of the Year for the second year in a row, Sally is making her title work for hairdressing with her &lsquo;The journey to my destination&rsquo; film that is reaching educationalists and parents across the UK.</p>
<p>Errol Douglas MBE, honoured by Her Majesty the Queen for services to hairdressing, multiple award winner and hairdressing superstar.</p>
<p>Robert Eaton, one of the most current and renowned colourists of the moment.</p>
<p>Gary Hooker &amp; Michael Young, hairdressing&rsquo;s most famous duo, stage-stars, creative inspiration and talented educators.</p>
<p>Adam Reed, session stylist and salon owner, a colourful, skilful character bridging consumer and hairdressing worlds.</p>
<p>Cos Sakkas, second time nominee, an artistic talent and a legend within Toni &amp; Guy.</p>
<p>Angelo Seminara, four times winner and one of the most captivating and original hair stylists of our time.</p>
<p>Eugene Souleiman, no words other than Eugene is a session stylist extraordinaire.</p>
<p>A bit about the process: Nominated by their peers on their professional reputation, vision and trend setting skills as well as their ability to promote and be an ambassador for British hairdressing across the globe.</p>
<p>What they do next: Create a representative collection of their work which will be judged in September 2019 by up to 100 of their peers along with hair and beauty journalists and influencers.</p>
<p>When will the winner be revealed? The title of HJ&rsquo;s British Hairdresser of the Year has been significant in the journeys of many hairdressing household names including: Trevor Sorbie, John Frieda, Anthony Mascolo, Nicky Clarke, Charles Worthington, Beverley C and Andrew Barton. We shall find out who joins this elite bastion of hairdressers at this year&rsquo;s British Hairdressing Awards on 25th November 2019 at the Grosvenor House Hotel, a JW Marriott Hotel.</p>
<p>&ldquo;Each of the 9 nominees bring their own unique artistic flair and creative edge to hairdressing and it is for this that they have received nomination for the title. We are delighted to see such diversity of skill represented at this highest level and continue to celebrate our enduring, and yet fresh and unique, partnership with HJ&rsquo;s British Hairdressing Awards.&rdquo; Commented Schwarzkopf Professional general manager, Julian Crane.</p>


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