Salon News Asia
2019 Salon Live陣容大升級
Salon International 2019推出明星陣容大秀,邀請美髮界大人物出席,分享新知技術和趨勢洞見,為美髮人注入新的靈感。10月5日至10月7日,與你面對面!

#Salon International #Salon Live #SASSOON #Rush
Salon International 2019推出明星陣容大秀,邀請美髮界大人物出席,分享新知技術和趨勢洞見,為美髮人注入新的靈感。10月5日至10月7日,與你面對面!
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>今年的Salon Live Show陣容卓越超前,大秀團隊包含Sassoon Academy、Saco、 Rush、Toni&amp;Guy與Schwarzkopf Professional。沙龍研討會方面,將有Trevor Sorbie、Mahogany以及Patrick Cameron,另外還有一年一度的Rush Live Show。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/130/58/tyler_on_stage.jpg?1612492726619" alt="tyler_on_stage" /> <img src="assets/uploads/files/2019/130/58/suzie_mcgill_on_stage.jpg?1612492726619" alt="suzie_mcgill_on_stage" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Salon Live</div>
<p>為慶祝團隊65週年,Sassoon Academy承諾重現自家品牌的代表造型,結合工藝、技巧、想像力,模特兒造型受倫敦街頭概念啟發,將會帶來一場實驗性的創意,所有的傳統常規都將被打破。</p>
<p>Saco國際創意總監Richard Ashforth將帶領團隊呈現充滿活力的新作,這支獲獎眾多的隊伍,把剪裁與染髮技巧搬上舞台,呈現前瞻性、現代感的造型。</p>
<p>TONI&amp;GUY大秀由全球創意總監Sacha Mascolo-Tarbuck、教育召集人Cos Sakkas和獲獎無數的藝術團隊結合品牌label.m共同發表趨勢新作,靈感來自於倫敦時裝周、男裝周的前衛造型。</p>
<p>Schwarzkopf Professional 聯合國際、當地團隊共同組織這場秀,集結其他染髮技術、趨勢造型都備受肯定的團隊,包含Hooker &amp; Young、Rainbow Room 國際藝術團隊,以及全球大使Tyler Johnston 和 Lesley Jennison。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Salon Seminar</div>
<p>Mahogany將在Salon International上歡慶23週年,由國際創意總監Colin Greaney、英國創意總監Antony Licata以及資深創意總監Neil Atkinson一同分享Mahogany哲學以及最新剪髮、染髮技術。</p>
<p>Trevor Sorbie藝術團隊將示範最新作品,展現高層次剪髮、染髮技巧、如何操作鬆軟髮、強韌髮到一個合適狀態,還包括拍攝、沙龍環境的分析,帶領大家從工作中探索創意與連結性。</p>
<p>Patrick Cameron將為研討會帶來個人品牌風格的造型,伴隨個人經典技術,發表2020潮流新作。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Rush Live Show</div>
<p>一年一度的Rush Live show,突破圍籬、展現創意的造型、技巧、想法與靈感。受獎肯定的Rush藝術團隊,一直在教育與大秀方面抱有高度熱忱,藉由分享他們的技術傳遞新知,帶來全球啟發。</p>
<p>The 2019 line-up promises to be bigger and better than ever with Salon Live shows from Sassoon Academy, Saco, Rush, Toni&amp;Guy and Schwarzkopf Professional, as well as Salon Seminars from the Trevor Sorbie Artistic Team, Mahogany and Patrick Cameron.</p>
<p>Sassoon Academy will be celebrating their 65th year with a show that promises to re-imagine iconic looks with their trademark craftsmanship, technique and imagination. The Sassoon International Creative Team will present models referencing their heritage with a street-style inspired London Look story, as well as Experimental Creativity &ndash; where conventional rules are made to be broken.</p>
<p>The Saco Haircare and Academy Team will be using their show to present their dynamic new collections, led by International Creative Director Richard Ashforth. The award-winning team will be sharing their directional and progressive looks, as well as innovative techniques for cut and colour, live on stage.</p>
<p>The TONI&amp;GUY show headed up by Global Creative Director, Sacha Mascolo-Tarbuck, Head of Education, Cos Sakkas and the multi-award-winning Artistic Team will launch the new collections for TONI&amp;GUY and label.m as well as featuring trend-led presentation straight from the runways of London Fashion Week and London Fashion Week Men&rsquo;s finishing with awe inspiring Avant Garde work.</p>
<p>Schwarzkopf Professional will bring together a line-up of both international and local talent for their show, which will celebrate all aspects of the brand &ndash; from award-winning colour and directional styling.With a dynamic line-up including Hooker &amp; Young, Rainbow Room International Art Team and global ambassadors Tyler Johnston and Lesley Jennison.</p>
<p>Patrick Cameron will be bringing his trademark hair-up looks to the seminar space.He&rsquo;ll be sharing his 2020 collection, with trend-led updates on classic &lsquo;Patrick&rsquo; techniques.</p>
<p>The team from Mahogany will be celebrating their 23rd year at Salon International, Listen and Learn seminar. Led by International Creative Director Colin Greaney, UK Creative Director Antony Licata and Senior Creative Director Neil Atkinson, the seminar will stay true to the Mahogany Hairdressing philosophy, with cutting and colouring techniques to bring to life their latest collection.</p>
<p>The Trevor Sorbie Art Team will demonstrate looks from their brand new 2019 collection, taking the audience in depth into the cut and colour techniques behind each look and sharing how the work can be either strengthened, or softened to suit stage, shoot or salon environments while sharing the processes they use to ensure their work is creative but relevant.</p>
<p>On Monday 7 October, the theatre will be given over to Rush, as they host their annual Rush Live show, where they push boundaries and showcase their creative looks, techniques, ideas and inspirations. The award-winning Rush Artistic Team have always been passionate about education and in this show, will share their knowledge and pass on their techniques, while inspiring hairdressers from across the globe.</p>


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