Salon News Asia
Akin Konizi
2013 HJ’s British Hairdresser of the Year

##Akin Konizi
2013 HJ’s British Hairdresser of the Year
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>現為英國美髮體系HOB的國際創意總監,Akin Konizi同時也是英國最權威的美髮比賽BHA年度髮型師獲獎次數最高的記錄保持人,在英國美髮產業備受尊崇。</p>
<p>Admired by his contemporaries as an icon for a new generation, Akin Konizi is one of hairdressing's leading lights as four-time winner of the industry's most esteemed accolade- HJ's British Hairdresser of the Year Award 2008, 2009, 2011 &amp; 2013. He is also the creative force behind HOB salons and has been instrumental in establishing it as one of the UK's leading hairdressing groups over the last 33 years.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/113/70/p4.jpg?1612320169661" alt="p4" /></p>
<p>In 2005, Akin was awarded London Hairdresser of the Year, "It made me realize that with hard work and belief I was able to achieve all of my dreams."</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">從時尚轉行美髮 33年間帶領HOB躍升國際舞台</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/113/70/p8.jpg?1612320597899" alt="p8" /></p>
<p>Akin的美髮夢起於1980年代,原本就對時尚產業有著極大的熱忱,他選擇就讀時尚領域,幸好他開髮廊的表哥領他入行,才讓美髮界有了這位不可多得的創意奇才。「初次接觸美髮,我就感受到豐沛的生命力和能量,我立刻明瞭這就是我想做的工作!我很喜歡客人全然相信我、把自己交在我手裡,而我也不付期望的讓他們擁有煥然一新的面貌。」Akin很快地在家鄉Leicester Square找到一間沙龍實習,並在3年後升上設計師。</p>
<p>Akin started his career in the beginnings of the 1980s because of his cousin who opened a new salon. "It was so full of life and energy and fashion that I knew it was the job I wanted to do, I love doing a haircut on client when he or she puts trust in me and at the end of the day, I get to bring out the best in them." He started working at Alan international in Leicester Square and did my apprenticeship at their academy for three years."</p>
<p>他在1983年認識了Clive Collins和Paul Simbler兩位合夥人,一同創辦了HOB沙龍,靠著對時尚和美髮產業的洞察力,在33年間,從一間沙龍拓展成為擁有26間沙龍的連鎖體系,「只要有髮型師想加入HOB,就代表我們會持續開拓!」凡是要求嚴謹的Akin也保證,每一間沙龍都維持著同樣的高標準,實實在在地發揚HOB這個品牌。</p>
<p>He met his two partners, Clive Collins and Paul Simbler and opened HOB in 1983. They use all of their knowledge and their education to create a salon group with very high standard of work. Akin's vision and uncompromising drive for excellence has been instrumental in establishing the 26-salon group as one of the UK's leading award-winning hairdressing brands in 33 years. "While there is a demand for more people to work for us, we will continue to open salons. The thing that's most important to me is that they are of the right standard and continue to reflect the HOB Brand."</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">持續不斷地練習是通往成功唯一道路</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/113/70/p9.jpg?1612320713386" alt="p9" /></p>
<p>Education has always been Akin's passion. In 2006, they launched HOB Academy in Camden. He finally able to do education on a much bigger scale. &ldquo;The most rewarding part of educating other hairdressers is the satisfaction. I love the look on their face when they get improved, I love that light bulb moment!&rdquo;</p>
<p>"Education, for me, is based on many factors." Akin believes very much in discipline and practice. He used to do martial arts so he understands the value of repetition to become a master. "On top of that, there needs to be an understanding of beauty. So apart from teaching just technical skills, we work on understanding the objective of what we do. And I think that's ultimately to make people feel attractive, feel good about themselves, or for them to state who they are." Akin says.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/113/70/p11.jpg?1612321018636" alt="p11" /></p>
<p>Renowned for precision cutting, Akin's best tip is his non-stop practicing. " It's about having good tool control- using your scissors and your comb effectively, and practicing to create the best possible line that you can. Once you start doing without thinking, then you can become creativity."</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">快時尚下的速食髮型考驗髮型師應變能力</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/113/70/p10.jpg?1612321302354" alt="p10" /></p>
<p>In his opinion, the lately long hair trend has doing the cutting side of hairdressers' skills a real damage. " It means less salon visits, it means less precision cutting, and it means a much more of a less skillful way of doing things." Akin explains, "I worry that if it carries on for too long, we will lose the skills that are passed down from generation to generation.&rdquo;</p>
<p>"We are now slowly giving up the skills that have been worked on so hard over the years. Skills like precision based cutting, setting skills, styling skills. All those skills we worked on really hard up to the 80s and 90s and now we've moved onto a very disposable look. If we're not careful, hairdressers will also become disposable through lack of the necessity of skill." He then continued, &ldquo;My ultimate goal is to direct our industry to become a continually developing one and to make sure those skills, philosophies and attitudes are not lost. I hope to achieve it by educating and by passing the culture.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">努力創作盼能在下一座最佳髮型師獎座</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/113/70/p1.jpg?1612321518068" alt="p1" /></p>
<p>Since winning London Hairdresser of the Year, Akin has achieved outstanding success in the prestigious awards. Winning the coveted British Hairdresser of the Year title, in 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2013.</p>
<p>"The first time I won British Hairdresser of the Year. It's an incredible feeling and one you can never really believe and something I'm very proud of." Apparently, four awards are not enough for Akin, "The one goal I haven't yet conquered is to win British Hairdresser of the Year 5 times, which has never been done before. I will continue until I reach my goal."</p>
<p>Asking about his huge success on awards accolade, he gives some of his best tips. "It&rsquo;s a photographic competition in reality. The image is important. Fantastic hair, fantastic skills, fantastic make-up, great idea, great concept and all these things should make a good image,&rdquo; he says, &ldquo;be sure that always using the best models for the looks you want to achieve. If you have to find crazy models, keep looking until you find them. Communicate with your make-up artist, your stylist and your photographer. Also listen to the experts but you must have an idea of what you are committed to and what you want to achieve. Put the work in, put the research in, so you know exactly what your vision is.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Akin直言自己受到很多事物的啟發,但影響他最深的還是時尚,「時尚就是不斷輪迴的圓圈,我很喜歡從過往的時尚中尋找靈感,將我認為會重回潮流的元素提取出來,使用現代的方法重新演繹,並融合時下的街頭趨勢,創造出屬於HOB或是Akin Konizi的獨家風格。」</p>
<p>"I&rsquo;m inspired by lots of different things. First and foremost I&rsquo;m inspired by fashion. I do a lot of research into past fashion, and what I believe to be current and what&rsquo;s going to be coming up next. I then translate it into a modernistic way. Then I look to the street and see what&rsquo;s happening and develop it in a HOB and Akin Konizi way."</p>
<p>In his 2015 BHA nominated collection; you can see hands coming in or make-up artist or stylist coming in. &ldquo;That kind of happened by accident, myself and the photographer were stunned by the effect. So we carry on doing more images like this and when it came to the time to choose a collection, we select those images. They give an insight into our industry.&rdquo;</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">保持開放的心態 學習才能進步</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2016/113/70/p12.jpg?1612323248771" alt="p12" /></p>
<p>Much to our surprise, Akin is very passionate about keeping fit. He believes hairdressing is very much a physical profession and requires lots of energy. "I think the only way I can actually cope with the work that have is by being physically fit, so I am always in the gym, or running, or doing martial arts. I find it relaxes me and prepares me for the work I have ahead of me.</p>
<p>To give an advice relating to hairdressing, &ldquo;that would be to believe that you could get better every day. Try to learn at least one thing a day. You will be getting better and improving every day. And if you believe that, you will be.&rdquo; he said.</p>


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