Salon News Asia
Angelo Seminara是一位真正的藝術家,從他所有的作品中即可發現許多不一樣的細節。透過他個人的經歷及天分,Angelo的作品表現出不同層級的藝術風格;同時他將多元的雕刻藝術以及建築元素注入到髮型創作裡,完美發揮他的創意天分。Angelo對於美髮的熱情以及源源不斷的創新靈感,就是說明他擁有獨一無二才華的最佳證明。

Angelo Seminara是一位真正的藝術家,從他所有的作品中即可發現許多不一樣的細節。透過他個人的經歷及天分,Angelo的作品表現出不同層級的藝術風格;同時他將多元的雕刻藝術以及建築元素注入到髮型創作裡,完美發揮他的創意天分。Angelo對於美髮的熱情以及源源不斷的創新靈感,就是說明他擁有獨一無二才華的最佳證明。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>Angelo的美髮生涯一路走來,陸續與許多美髮界著名大師以及教育團隊合作。25年前,ANGELO於自己家鄉意大利小鎮上的一家沙龍從學徒開始學習。在對於美髮產業有所瞭解後,Angelo大膽的前往位於羅馬的TONI &amp; GUY工作。在經過五年的磨練了後,Angelo選擇旅居美髮之都倫敦,並且進入了TREVOR SORBIE團隊。</p>
<p>The blue print of Angelo&rsquo;s career consists of working within and along side several of our industry&rsquo;s most renowned artists and education houses.</p>
<p>Angleo began his career over 25 years ago as a salon trainee in his native hometown in Italy. As he flourished from a novice to a young talent, Angelo ventured to Rome to work within Toni &amp; Guy for an ambitious 5 years. Thereafter, Angelo journeyed to London, England where he evolved into the honorable role as International Creative Director for Trevor Sorbie.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">啟蒙大師Trevor Sorbie</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/92/56///p1_%E9%96%8B%E9%96%80%E9%A0%81sh05_078_flat__3_.jpeg?1612430449468" alt="p1_開門頁sh05_078_flat__3_" /></p>
<p>到了倫敦後,Angelo便下定決心要留在倫敦工作,為的就是要與國際知名大師Trevor Sorbie一同工作。看到Trevor對於美髮持續不斷的動力讓Angelo非常的佩服,而Trevor的作品也帶給他相當大的靈感。回想當初,Angelo的英文能力還不足夠,但Trevor卻願意在他身上下了一把賭注,而結果就是現在大家所看到的,Angelo並沒讓他失望,之後更擔任Trevor Sorbie國際創意總監的角色。</p>
<p>Angelo sets his sights on working in London and with one man in particular, Trevor Sorbie. Trevor&rsquo;s constant motivation was fascinating for him. Angelo found his work totally inspirational. Angelo contacted him directly at a time when his English left a lot to be desired, but Trevor took a gamble on Angelo and the rest is history.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">每年持續創下傲人紀錄</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/92/56////p6.jpeg?1612430825004" alt="p6" /></p>
<p>Leaving his fingerprints on the cover and within the pages of the world&rsquo;s most acknowledged magazines, Angelo has partnered with various designers and models to illustrate the very stories that dictate what is considered to be beauty all over the world. His work back stage at fashion shows in Paris, New York, Milan and London and his collaboration with high fashion stylists, Angelo has won well-deserved international recognition. His talent remained at the forefront as he has received the honorable award of British Hairdresser of the Year 2007 and 2010.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">來自家鄉的殊榮 擔任DAVINES特芬莉藝術總監</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/92/56///////%E7%AC%AC5%E9%A0%81%E9%85%8D%E5%9C%96--img_0255.jpeg?1612431733378" alt="第5頁配圖--img_0255" /></p>
<p>Amongst many of Angelo&rsquo;s accomplishments throughout the years, in 2011, he partnered with Davines, embracing the role of Art Director for the brand. Through Angelo&rsquo;s vision and passion, he has been able to bring this innovative brand to life, allowing the authenticity of both himself as an artist , as well as the roots of Davines to always shine through.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">三人藝術團隊 傳播創意與教育</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/92/56////////p7.jpeg?1612431787777" alt="p7" /></p>
<p>Angelo Seminar藝術團隊,由Angelo本人以及Edorado與Charlotte所組成,三人一同工作已長達10多年之久,一起到世界各地舉辦許多精彩的髮型秀,同時也為髮品公司創作出許多作品集,而他們目前也持續的與DAVINES特芬莉合作,為此品牌創作,同時也把DAVINES特芬莉的教育帶向全球。</p>
<p>The artist team member of Angelo Seminara consist of Edoardo、Charlotte, and himself. They have worked over 10 years together and travelled the world. They have worked together on many, many shows and collections dedicated to hair companies and now they work together for Davines. They work especially on the collections and education worldwide.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">從不同的角度看美髮</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/92/56//////////p11.jpeg?1612431836924" alt="p11" /></p>
<p>Angelo makes women look and feel beautiful. He translate textures from nature and recreate them within his hairstyles. Angelo is continually looking for new ideas and spent hours developing them.</p>
<p>Angelo is inspired by the essence of nature. It embraces everything and you can take from it to create anything you want. Fashion stylists and photographers also inspire him because they think outside the box of hairdressing.</p>
<p>Angelo goes on inspirational trips to countries that have different cultures. There he rest whilst taking inspiration from my surrounding.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">完全投入 從不後悔</div>
<p>Angelo started his career as a work experience barber at 11 years old in his home town in Italy, working in the summer holidays. When his work experience finished Angelo knew that hairdressing was my passion and so my journey began, he&rsquo;ve never looked back.</p>
<p>Talking about a good hairdresser, Angelo said that you must have lots of passion and desire to become the best you can be. And his secret of being a cutting edge hairdresser is hard work, staying focused, spending all your time living and breathing hair, experimenting with new techniques, staying on top of current trends in all worlds,, art and social moods.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">多元工作室L&rsquo;Attico</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/92/56///////////a.jpeg?1612431960409" alt="a" /></p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2013/92/56////////////b.jpeg?1612432010601" alt="b" /></p>
<p>L&rsquo;Attico is Angelo&rsquo;s new studio, located on the top floor of 78 Chiltern Street in West London. It is a haven of serenity &ndash; a big, white, airy and uncluttered space bathed in natural light. It&rsquo;s where Angelo escapes the frenzy of daily London life to free his mind and liberate his creativity. This marvelously tranquil place allows him to work undisturbed, gives him time to think, reflect and innovate. Accommodating and flexible, this cool, calm and collected space also provides the perfect environment for Angelo to attend to his special clients, present intimate workshops for like-minded hairdressers, hold PR events, meet journalists for interviews, prepare for shows and photo-shoots. Welcoming, relaxing and cosseting, L&rsquo;Attico is a place which nurtures the senses, revitalizes energies and calms the soul.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">未來展望與期許</div>
<p>Angelo Seminara的作品不僅僅是呈現髮型的藝術,同時也融入了服裝、前衛幻想及雕刻藝術,他的才華與創意為美髮產業注入了不同的元素,並且也將會繼續刺激全世界的美法人,創造更不同的作品。</p>
<p>Angelo Seminara&rsquo;s portfolio showcases an elite collection of images that define not just hair, but a museum of textiles, illusions and sculptured artistry. It is individuals such as Angelo that have refined our industry and will continue to stimulate and evolve new talent all over the world.</p>
<p>Angelo will still be doing editorial work, exhibition work and hair shows all over the world. He also want to develop an eco-sustainable product line.</p>


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