Salon News Asia
Anthony Mascolo
9月才旋風式訪台,用金色簽字筆一一寫下送給髮型師的祝福,這個「低頭男子」可是來頭不小,他是來自英國的Anthony Mascolo,不僅創辦TIGI美髮品牌與TIGI學院,同時也是AHS國際美髮盛事的全球總裁,他還籌備了靈感青年培訓計畫,對於培養美髮界明日之星不遺餘力,並在2016年開辦INFRINGE美髮雜誌,對全球美髮界的貢獻不容小覷。

9月才旋風式訪台,用金色簽字筆一一寫下送給髮型師的祝福,這個「低頭男子」可是來頭不小,他是來自英國的Anthony Mascolo,不僅創辦TIGI美髮品牌與TIGI學院,同時也是AHS國際美髮盛事的全球總裁,他還籌備了靈感青年培訓計畫,對於培養美髮界明日之星不遺餘力,並在2016年開辦INFRINGE美髮雜誌,對全球美髮界的貢獻不容小覷。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>「我和一群很有美髮天賦的團隊共事,每個人可以自由分享任何點子,即使剪髮的型態用雙手就數得出來,可是造型方法卻可以無限延伸,我們可以在基本的經典款髮型上,做出更具創意和延展性的成果。」Anthony Mascolo在採訪一開始,就展現與眾不同的語言魅力,讓編輯深深著迷。</p>
<p>I work with a talented team. We pool ideas and research. There are only a certain number of ways hair can be cut but with different styling and finishing, new techniques and colours, the basic classic shapes can be made more creative and constantly progressive.</p>
<p>在今年剛發表的美髮雜誌INFRINGE影片之中,不時能看到Anthony Mascolo以採訪編輯之姿,親自一對一專訪世界上的優秀髮型師們;以分享代替階級,就是這樣的團隊領導魅力,讓一群死忠員工緊緊跟隨他的腳步,也使這個愛家的美髮大師Anthony Mascolo,在美髮圈不斷創下新舉,樹立典範。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">激發創意前 先保有開放的心態</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121/54/p11-2.jpg?1612345313845" alt="p11-2" /></p>
<p>為了激發創意,Anthony Mascolo讓自己時常保有開放心態,對於雙眼所見事物感到好奇,「我增加創意的方法就是,時常跟擁有新奇點子或是不同觀點的人聊天,也會透過旅行、看電影、欣賞藝術展覽、用眼睛『研讀』街上人群,倫敦是一個時刻充滿靈感的好地方。」</p>
<p>By talking to young people who often have fresh ideas and a different viewpoint. By travelling, watching movies, going to art exhibitions and studying people in the street. London is always an inspiration.</p>
<p>談到最新美髮流行趨勢時,身為美髮圈大師級人物的Anthony Mascolo,卻語出驚人地分享,「美髮趨勢不只一種!」面對各式各樣的文化衝擊,像是新名詞「流性人」的出現,或是染髮流行色彩的大幅度轉變,於是Anthony Mascolo便率領TIGI團隊用顧客能接受的方式,做出最好的創作。</p>
<p>I don&rsquo;t think there is one trend. Cultural changes have impact &ndash; such as &lsquo;fluid genders&rsquo; but probably colour has been huge in changing hairdressing with non-natural colours and clients being more adventurous in what they accept.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">創辦TIGI 為美髮圈注入新活力</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121//54////////p12-1.jpg?1612346033005" alt="p12-1" /></p>
<p>成為大師的背後,必有影響他一生的關鍵性人物:「我對許多有天賦的髮型師感到印象深刻,我的髮型師好友Robert Lobetta總是讓我驚豔,但我同時也深深對現代感十足的外景設計師印象深刻,像是:Eugene Souliman、Angelo Seminara、Guido Palau和Sam McKnight,都以他們自己的獨特方式,將髮型設計視為一種藝術型態的展現。」</p>
<p>To be creative you need to keep your eyes open and be open to ideas. I&rsquo;m lucky to live in London, which has always had experimental, emerging trends and a strong street-fashion culture. But I&rsquo;m also lucky to travel and see what&rsquo;s happening across the globe. I&rsquo;m also inspired by films, art, music and architecture and by talking with other creative people &ndash; my team, my wife, and my kids.</p>
<p>I can&rsquo;t say one thing. I&rsquo;m impressed by the work of so many talented hairdressers. My good friend Robert Lobetta never fails to impress me, but I&rsquo;m also impressed by many of today&rsquo;s session stylists, from Eugene Souliman, to Angelo Seminara to Guido Palau and of course, Sam McKnight. Each in their own way, have made hairdressing viewed as an art form.</p>
<p>Anthony Mascolo表示,他在創作髮型時,無論是前衛的攝影大秀造型,或是商業剪裁上,常找不到適合心中理想造型的髮品,唯一的解決方法就是,創辦屬於他自己的牌子,幸運地是,哥哥們都相當支持他創辦TIGI的想法,台灣髮型師也才能多一個學習美髮的園地。</p>
<p>I had real trouble finding products to get the right finishes and textures to the hairstyles I was creating &ndash;both the avant-garde looks I was doing for photography and shows and the more &lsquo;commercial&rsquo; cuts I was doing for my collections and my work on clients. The only solution was to start our own brand. Luckily my brothers supported me in this idea and all helped to develop TIGI.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">成功的背後 家人給予的全力支持</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121/54/p10-4.jpg?1612345682764" alt="p10-4" /></p>
<p>一個成功的男人,背後想必擁有強大的支持力量,「我的爸爸和哥哥都是髮型設計師,所以成為一名髮型師,對我來說是非常自然的事情,我從12歲時,便和我哥Bruno Mascolo一起在爸爸的髮廊工作。」Anthony Mascolo的哥哥Bruno為他打造了一個專屬的美髮空間,好讓他從小便為顧客洗頭,再加上Bruno常和雜誌、樂團、攝影師合作,Anthony Mascolo才有機會見識到許多有影響力的人物。」而年輕力盛的Anthony Mascolo也不遑多讓,他努力把握假日及放學時間,待在髮廊精進自己的美髮實力,不斷地從做中學,更在不久後創辦自己的髮廊,「我很感謝哥哥在他的美髮生涯中所分享的許多大好機會。」</p>
<p>My father and brothers were all hairdressers, so it was a very natural path for me to take. I started working in the salon with my father and brother Bruno when I was 12 years old. Bruno made a box for me to stand on so I could shampoo the clients&rsquo; hair as I was very short. I worked there after school and during the holidays, so by the time I finished school at 16, I was already a qualified hairdresser. Bruno was working a lot with magazines, bands and up and coming photographers, he always took me along with him so I got to meet influential people and learnt &lsquo;on the job&rsquo;. I thank Bruno for the many opportunities he gave me&hellip;.and has continued to give me during my career.</p>
<p>除了原生家庭給予的無限鼓勵,婚後的Anthony Mascolow談起另一半,眼神中盡是無限愛意:「Pat一直都是個出色的髮型師,她曾經和我的藝術團隊共事,當我開始從事攝影工作,Pat便負責彩妝,而她也從中發現熱情所在,她常常在棚拍現場,幫我的模特兒上妝,我們夫妻倆很愛一起工作,激發彼此的創意能量。她是我很信任且樂意分享所有點子的事業夥伴,絕大部分的工作都是我和她共同完成的,她就是我生命裡最美好的另一半。」</p>
<p>Pat was, (and is still) an excellent hairdresser. She was part of my original art team and when I started to do photography, she began to do makeup and that became her real passion. She always does the makeup for my shoots and we love to work creatively together. She is also the person I most trust and the person with whom I share all my ideas. Most of the work I&rsquo;ve done is a collaboration with Pat. She is my right-hand woman.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">靈感青年培訓計畫 回報前輩的不藏私恩惠</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121/54/p11-3.jpg?1612345800968" alt="p11-3" /></p>
<p>「因為我年輕時,得到不少前輩的傾囊相授。」就是這股傳承的正能量,12年前,Anthony Mascolo在英國創辦靈感青年培訓計畫,每年選出10位學員,教導他們外景造型和高難度的剪染等技巧,這個計畫在英國年輕髮型師心中,是極具指標性的,靈感青年培訓計畫同時也在美國和德國實行,「我之所以創辦TIGI明日之星,是為了要發掘並給予新一代的設計師無限的支持,也會持續關注他們未來的發展動向,為他們的成功喝采。」</p>
<p>I started TIGI Inspirational Youth 12 years ago in the UK. Each year 10 team members are selected and undertake a &lsquo;boot-camp&rsquo; where they learn session styling skills, advanced cutting and colouring techniques, presentation skills, model-casting and finally they do a photo shoot. This is followed by a presentation to which they colleagues and family are invited. The scheme is highly regarded in the UK as one of the foremost youth training schemes for young hairdressers. TIGI Inspirational Youth has also been done in the USA and in Germany.</p>
<p>I believe in identifying and nurturing tomorrow&rsquo;s hairdressing stats. It&rsquo;s great to give back.</p>
<p>談到最令他驕傲的小兒子Joshua,Anthony Mascolo說,Joshua在完成學業後,取得了Toni&amp;Guy倫敦初階美髮課程結業證書,接著便加入TIGI完成教育訓練,「他現在在TIGI Academy London工作,協助我舉辦TIGI的所有國際性活動;同時,他也在INFRINGE團隊中燃燒熱血,簡直跟我年輕時一模一樣!」</p>
<p>After leaving school and completing the Toni&amp;Guy Beginners&rsquo; Course in London, Joshua joined TIGI to finish his training. He now works in the TIGI Academy in London and also supports me on all global events. He has also become a big part of my INFRINGE team and as I did when I was his age, he is building himself a name as a session hairdresser regularly with photographers on fashion shoots. I know he&rsquo;s my son, but he&rsquo;s a great hairdresser and I&rsquo;m very proud of the progression he&rsquo;s making.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">諸多美髮創舉 豎立美髮人典範</div>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2017/121//54/////////p11-1.jpg?1612346062362" alt="p11-1" /></p>
<p>過去18個月以來,Anthony Mascolo都在忙INFRINGE創刊號的事情,完成了他一直以來存放在腦海中的創意人文點子;目前,INFRINGE的官網已正式上線,好學的髮型師們可自由在網路上免費看到INFRINGE雜誌電子版內容,在未來,Anthony Mascolo希望能將INFRINGE雜誌製作得更好更棒,並透過INFRINGE鼓勵更多髮型師勇敢追夢。</p>
<p>Over the last 18 months, launching INFRINGE- An Anthropology of Hair, has fulfilled a real creative desire. I have lots of ideas to further develop the website and the magazine and I want to look at other ways I can involve and inspire hairdressers through INFRINGE.</p>
<p>Anthony Mascolo所打造的諸多美髮創舉,不僅豎立美髮人典範,美髮圈也因為有他,彷彿進入了一個「美麗境界」!</p>


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