Salon News Asia
Antoinette Beenders
為女性樹立典範,Aveda資深副總裁 Antoinette Beenders,美髮世界的女性奇蹟,馳騁業界的傳奇故事。

#Antoinette Beenders
為女性樹立典範,Aveda資深副總裁 Antoinette Beenders,美髮世界的女性奇蹟,馳騁業界的傳奇故事。
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>Antoinette Beenders,才剛被晉升的Aveda資深副總裁!為品牌效力超過20年,成就如今榮景一片,論到個人或是品牌功績,將她列入當代最偉大的美髮藝術工作者一點也不為過。</p>
<p>她擁有傲人戰績,Antoinette在英國美髮大獎中留下驚人紀錄,一次年度前衛造型、兩次年度髮型師、兩次年度合夥人大獎。90年代她更創下先例,成為歷史上首位被提名為年度髮型師的女設計師,如今,鮮少人能有她的成就,無論在任何碩大的產業裡以女性身分,擔任全球創意總監的職位十餘年,本是一件不容易的事。此外,她深受時尚聖經Vogue的親賴,彼此是時尚大片拍攝夥伴,舉凡高級時裝Miu Miu、Alexander McQueen、Stella McCartney、Dolce&amp;Gabanna等品牌也是Antoinette的伸展台合作對象。多年來Aveda如何瘋迷全球、影響世界潮流,Antoinette Beenders便是幕後的重要推手。</p>
<p>Antoinette Beenders, senior vice president of Aveda. She has worked for the brand for more than 20 years and achieved great success. Regarding her personal and brand achievements, it is no exaggeration to say she is the greatest contemporary hairdressing artist.</p>
<p>She has a dazzling CV and keep an amazing record in the British Hairdressing Awards. She has won one Avant Garde, twice British and twice Fellowship &ndash; Hairdresser of the Year. In the 90s, Antoinette was the first solo female to be nominated for British Hairdresser of the Year, whether it is a woman in various industries in a huge system, she has been a global creative director for more than ten years, which is not an easy task. Antoinette works for style bible Vogue and has dressed models&rsquo; hair for the catwalks of Miu Miu, Alexander McQueen, Stella McCartney and Dolce &amp; Gabanna, among a host of other legendary fashion labels. Over the years, how Aveda has been crazy the world and influencing world trends, Antoinette Beenders is an important driver behind the scenes.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/134/52/////00001.jpg?1612511857649" alt="00001" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">編髮的種子 開成前方花路</div>
<p>Antoinette和美髮的緣分,得從1979年的經典電影「十全十美」說起,女主人翁Bo Derek婀娜多姿,在海邊留下溫柔的身影,頂著一整頭秀麗的金色編髮!就是那一頭編髮深深吸引了當年只有12歲的Antoinette。從那之後,Antoinette迷上了幫朋友編髮,Antoinette的父親是一名攝影師,她很快的擁有生平第一張髮型攝影作品。</p>
<p>To talk about the hairdressing story of Antoinette, it must be mentioned the 1979 classic movie "10". The movie is set on a beach and the starring actress Bo Derek whose hair was fully braided. Antoinette was so blown away by that small braids and intricate details. Since then, she started practicing to braid her friends&rsquo; hair. Antoinette's father was a photographer, and she quickly owned the first hairstyle photography in her life.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/134/52//////00002.jpg?1612511888969" alt="00002" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">人生百味 試煉重重 終為Trevor Sorbie愛徒</div>
<p>Antoinette兒時就立志要成為髮型師,她在家鄉荷蘭參加Trevor Sorbie的研習課,當時荷蘭的美髮產業並不蓬勃,Antoinette清楚自己的心意,她不單是為謀生,她想要一份真正的「事業」。為了成為卓越的美髮工作者,18歲那年,她毅然決然飛往英國追夢、去到Trevor Sorbie的學院,一心想為他工作。但是Sorbie卻把她送回國,原因是Antoinette當時根本連幾句英文都說不好,但她並沒有因此放棄,反到花了一年時間學語言,隔年又飛到英國找Sorbie,這回Sorbie知道這女孩是來真的,於是把她留在團隊裡,不過Sorbie只給Antoinette一個月時間證明自己的能力,且不支付薪水!</p>
<p>Antoinette幫忙打掃、每天站在學院外面找模特兒,竭盡所能證明自己。Sorbie發現雖然Antoinette的英文沒那麼流利,可是卻可以用簡單明瞭的方式教別人剪髮,她不但通過一個月的考驗,甚至在六個月後被Sorbie帶上Salon International的舞台做技術示範!就這樣,Antoinette跟隨Sorbie的腳步,在全球超過40個國家工作,他們的合作情誼長達11年之久。</p>
<p>Antoinette determined to be hairstylist when she was young. She attended a Trevor Sorbie &lsquo;s workshop in Holland her hometown. Holland&rsquo;s hairdressing industry was not thriving at that time. Antoinette knew that what she wants was not just trying to make a living, but a real "Career". In order to be an outstanding hairdresser, she resolutely went to the UK to pursue the dreams at the age of 18. She found to Trevor Sorbie's Academy, and ready to work for him. However, Sorbie sent her back to Holland because Antoinette didn't even speak a few English words at that time! But she didn't give up. After a year English learning, Antoinette went back to Sorbie again. Sobie felt this girl was serious for learning at that time, thus he left her in the team. But Sorbie only gave Antoinette one month to prove her abilities without paying salary.</p>
<p>Antoinette helped with cleaning academy, standing outside the academy all day for find models, she did everything to prove herself. Sorbie found that although Antoinette was not fluent in English, but she could teach others cutting hair in simple and clear way. Antoinette not only passed the one month challenge, but even was brought to the stage of Salon International by Sorbie after six months to demonstrate haircutting! Antoinette has followed the Sorbie&rsquo;s footsteps, they worked together for 11 years and traveled over 40 countries for doing shows.</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2020/134/52///////00003.jpg?1612511953126" alt="00003" /></p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">成就璀璨女王的幕後推手</div>
<p>Antoinette的生涯中有三位影響她至深的人物,Trevor Sorbie無疑是第一人,是Sorbie磨練了Antoinette的剪髮功夫。1997年,Antoinette遇上Aveda創辦人Horst Rechelbacher,當時Aveda正要於倫敦Harvey Nichols高級百貨開設分店,Horst聘請Antoinette擔任該店的創意總監,並隨之加入全球藝術團隊,在世界各地做秀。兩年後,她被耀升為Aveda全球創意總監。Horst是她人生的另一個啟蒙、打開了她的思想,爾後Antoinette看許多事情的角度都不同了。此外,雅詩蘭黛前總裁Leonard Lauder也是Antoinette的貴人之一,關於產業的經商之道,Antoinette都是從Leonard身上學到的。</p>
<p>Antoinette has three mentors of her career. Trevor Sorbie was undoubtedly the first person. It was Sobie to teach her how to cut and manipulate hair. In 1997, she met</p>
<p>Horst Rechelbacher, Aveda&rsquo;s founder. At the time, Aveda was about to open a branch in Harvey Nichols in London. Horst hired Antoinette to be creative director for branch, and she joined the global art team as well to do shows around the world. Two years later, Antoinette was promoted to global creative director of Aveda. Horst was also a great inspiration to her when it came to opening mind and looking at things in a holistic way. Last but not least is Leonard Lauder who taught Antoinette all about the business side of the beauty industry.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">大集團資深副總的生活怎麼過?</div>
<p>二月她才剛從西班牙結束International Hairdressing Award的評審工作、一個月前她完成美國NAHA大秀表演、農曆年前她拍攝完最新的形象作品、並接受了我們的專訪,接下來她或許會待在工作室一整天與知名服裝師討論新工作,或者飛往下一個城市!Antoinette的生活多變、精彩而緊湊。</p>
<p>After became the Global Creative Director for Aveda, Antoinette had to learn a completely new trade that covered anything from designing campaigns to retail store design. That was a big moment to her to expand skillset and knowledge into the corporate world and loved being able to merge with it her love for hairdressing. So, how about now? What&rsquo; Antoinette have been doing after promoted to Senior Vice President ? Currently, She run 3 different teams; the global artistic team, the fashion week team and the corporate team which consists of graphic design, copy writing, packaging design, multimedia, store design and visual merchandising, as well as working with product development and being part of the Aveda leadership team.</p>
<p>Antoinette just finished judging the International Hairdressing Award from Spain in February, and completed the NAHA show in the US one month ago, she shot the latest collection before the Chinese lunar calendar, and just accepted our interview. How about the next? She may stay at studio all day to discuses new work with top clothing designers, or flies to the next city! Antoinette's day is drastically vary and always interesting.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">尼泊爾之旅 心中永情懷</div>
<p>There was the most eye-opening moment for Antoinette life, which was shooting Aveda&rsquo;s Christmas 2007 campaign in Nepal. The shooting environment was difficult. Gone were the things people take for granted like bathrooms, kitchens and a decent bed; instead of slept in tents high up in the Himalayas and used a bush for a bathroom. Antoinette also visited a small community which produced paper that they use for Aveda&rsquo;s Christmas packaging. She was glad that what they done can be transformed and help the lives of the locals. Nepal&rsquo;s journey made Antoinette had a lot of feelings, although the process was hard, but very satisfied in her heart.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">老派經驗談之必要 堅持為成功之母</div>
<p>For Antoinette, there is no secret to success but persistence! &ldquo;I have always worked to put out new collections, continuously enter awards, and I also think being consistent on social media has helped a lot in the recent years. But most importantly, putting my heart and soul into every project I work on! There will always be challenges. My approach is to face them head on and deal with them straight away so they can&rsquo;t become bigger. Also, believing in yourself and your vision is really important! There is only one of you, which is pretty cool to think about.&rdquo; Said by Antoinette.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">放膽追尋,最後勇敢拿下你該拿的</div>
<p>Antoinette Beenders 對世界的好奇心與驚人的創造力是與生俱來的,她在業界締造的傳奇無人能取代,她為女性在市場上立下榮譽榜樣,深根產業超過四十年,還是常能看到Antoinette活躍在大秀後台跑來跑去、對工作充滿激情!悠游於不同國度,擁有開懷心胸的她,永遠都在醞釀著下一個創作和表演。「你投入多少,將會得到多少。多多努力,將熱情和真心傾倒下來,最終的果實,肯定也不會讓你失望。」Antoinette真摯而溫暖的說道。</p>
<p>Antoinette Beenders is born with curiosity and her amazing creativity just by nature. The legend she created which no one can replace. She is the honored model for all women in this market. Based on the hairdressing industry for more than 40 years, we still usually see her actively running around the big show background with fully passion. Traveling in different countries, she has an open-minded, and is always brewing her next work and performance. &ldquo;Whatever you put in; it always comes back. The more effort, energy and love you put into something, the better the end result. &rdquo; Antoinette said sincerely and warmly.</p>


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